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Configuring DNS/IP


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Figure 8-1 “DNS/IP Routing Configuration Screen” displays the DNS/IP Routing Configuration screen. You can reach this screen by pressing [F1], the [DNS/IP Routing] function key, at the DTC Configuration screen. See the beginning of this chapter to find out how to access the [DNS/IP Routing] function key.

Figure 8-1 DNS/IP Routing Configuration Screen

DNS/IP Routing Configuration Screen

Domain Name Services and IP routing are configured only if you wish to use DNS to resolve system names when switched DTC ports are connecting to ARPA (TCP/IP) nodes or when using back-to-back connections. IP routing is only needed when back-to-back connections and routers will be used on the network. Do not configure IP routing if no routers will be used.

Follow the steps listed here to enter data for this screen. Refer to the "Fields" subsection for detailed information about each field on the screen.

  1. "DTC name" is a display-only field.

  2. (Optional) Enter the address of the DNS server on the network. If this field is configured, then default local domain must also be configured.

  3. (Optional) Enter the address of the Backup DNS server on the network.

  4. (Optional) Enter the ARPA default local domain name. If this field is configured then the Default Server Address must also be configured.

  5. (Optional) Complete the "Default IP router address" field.

  6. (Optional) Complete the "Backup IP router address" field.

  7. Complete the "Subnet mask" field. The default is

  8. After you have entered the desired values, press the [Save Data] key.

  9. Press the [Prior Screen] key to return to the DTC Configuration screen. Or, press [Validate Link/DTS] to validate your configuration if you have completed configuration for your DTCs.


DTC name

A display-only field. The configuration applies to the DTC whose name is shown.

Default Server address

Optional field which is the address of a Domain Name Server that will be used to resolve ARPA domain names into an IP address. If this field is configured, then default local domain must also be configured.

Backup Server address

Optional field which is the address of a Domain Name Server that will be used to resolve ARPA domain names if the Default Server is not available.

Default Local Domain

Optional field whose value is concatenated with a name the user provides to generate a fully qualified domain name. If this field is configured then the Default Server Address must also be configured.

This field consists of alphanumeric characters separated by periods. There can be any number of fields, but the total length can not exceed 50 characters. This field is used by the DTC to generate a fully qualified Domain Name when a user connects to a ARPA node from a switched DTC port. Refer to the DTC Technical Reference manual for further information on how the DTC uses this field.

NOTE: When choosing a domain name, ensure that the same name is not already in use as an NS nodename.

When a user connected to the DTC user interface types c[onnect] <nodename>, The DTC attempts to generate a fully qualified domain name. If the <nodename> contains at least one period. The DTC assumes it is already a domain name and doesn't use this field. Otherwise it concatenates the <nodename> with the contents of this field. The DTC then sends a request to the Default Server to resolve the domain name into an IP address.

Default IP router address

Optional field which specifies the IP address of the default router. The router routes outbound packets for destinations outside the local subnet. The address of the IP router is used for back-to-back connections or extended switching configurations.

Backup IP router address

Optional field which specifies the IP address of the backup router. The backup router is used if the default router is not available.

Subnet mask

Subnet masks are used by IP to check if the packets should be sent to the destination without routing, or if it should be routed to a destination network different from the current network or subnet. The first field must be 255. If no subnetting is required, use the default

Subnet masks specify how many bits of the IP address to reserve for subdividing the network into subnets. The initial calculation is done in binary, with bits reserved for the network and subnet set to "l"s, and the bits reserved for the host set to "0"s. The decimal value is then displayed.

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