HPlogo Troubleshooting Terminal, Printer, and Serial Device Connections: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Introduction to TermDSM

TermDSM Requirements


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The following hardware is required when using TermDSM:

  • The minimal mainframe configuration of a HP 3000 Series 900 computer.

  • The system and each DTC connected and configured as nodes on the LAN.

  • At least one pair of serial interface/connector cards installed in each DTC, with at least one port of each connector card connected to an asynchronous device.

  • The following loopback connectors supplied with each DTC (for DTC 16 and DTC 48 only):

    • 25-pin connectors for SNP cards (24400-60216)

    • 25-pin connectors for modem cards (02345-60010)

    • 3-pin connectors for RS-232-C direct-connect cards (30148-60002)

    • 5-pin connectors for RS-422 direct-connect cards (30147-60002)

The software required to use TermDSM is included with the MPE/iX operating system. The MPE/iX operating system must be functioning properly for TermDSM to work.

User Capabilities and Security Levels

The functions of TermDSM commands are restricted by three different security levels. Each security level is associated with the capabilities necessary to use commands of that level. The security levels correspond to the Online Diagnostic Subsystem.

Table 3-1 “Security Levels for TermDSM” lists the security levels and the corresponding capabilities. When a user issues a command, TermDSM checks the user's capability list to verify that the user is authorized to use commands of that security level. If the capabilities of the user are insufficient, the command is not executed and an error message is displayed on the terminal.

Table 3-1 Security Levels for TermDSM

Necessary User CapabilitiesTermDSM and SYSDIAG Security Levels
SM or DI1
SM or DI or OP2


NOTE: Users without any of the above capabilities cannot use TermDSM.

A Word of Caution

Some TermDSM commands abort sessions and can cause a loss of data. If used incorrectly, the commands can unnecessarily disrupt or abort user sessions.

If more than one user is running TermDSM, it is not advisable for one user of TermDSM to reset another user of TermDSM. (The user's port, ldev, SIC, or DTC should not be reset.)

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