HPlogo DTC Device File Access Utilities and Telnet Port Identification: HP 9000 Computers



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accessing DTC or non-DTC ports programmatically, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
accessing MUX, Overview of DDFA And Telnet Port Identification
applications programmer, Intended Audience


close(), Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
ioctl(), Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
open(), Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
read(), Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
write(), Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
close, Intended Audience, Overview of DDFA And Telnet Port Identification, DDFA Master Files
close call, The Port Configuration File, pcf, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
close_timer, The Port Configuration File, pcf
HP-UX, Setting Up Printers with the HP-UX Spooler
tty, Setting Up Outgoing and Incoming Connections
what, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
commands, HP-UX
disable, Setting Up Printers with the HP-UX Spooler
enable, Setting Up Printers with the HP-UX Spooler
insf, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd
kill, Preparing to Use dpp
lpadmin, Setting Up Printers with the HP-UX Spooler
mknod, How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
ps, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd
commands, HP-UX , insf, How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
configuration examples, Application Examples
configure dedicated port files, DDFA File Directories and Setup
configuring board, DDFA File Directories and Setup
Configuring Incoming Connections for CSLIP/SLIP, Configuring Incoming Connections for CSLIP/SLIP
configuring ports, DDFA File Directories and Setup
connection retries, The Port Configuration File, pcf
incoming Telnet, Managing Incoming Connections by telnetd
outgoing, Setting Up Outgoing and Incoming Connections, Troubleshooting Outgoing Connections
CSLIP, Configuring Incoming Connections for CSLIP/SLIP
CSLIP connections over DTCs, Application Examples


daemon, DDFA Master Files
data transfer, The Port Configuration File, pcf
Datacommunications and Terminal Controller (DTC), Introduction
DDFA, DDFA Master Files
DDFA configuration tasks, DDFA Configuration Tasks
DDFA file directories, DDFA File Directories and Setup
DDFA filesets, DDFA File Directories and Setup
DDFA installation and migration, DDFA File Directories and Setup
ddfa manual reference page, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
DDFA migration, DDFA File Directories and Setup
DDFA Utilities, The Dedicated Port File, dp, Application Examples
dedicated port, How Telnet Port Identification Works
Dedicated Port configuration file, DDFA Master Files
dedicated port configuration file, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd
dedicated port file, The Dedicated Port File, dp
dedicated port file (dp), How Telnet Port Identification Works
dedicated port files
configuration, DDFA File Directories and Setup
Dedicated Port Parser, DDFA Master Files, Starting Up the ocd Daemons
dedicated port parser, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd
dedicated ptys, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
dedicated server port, The Dedicated Port File, dp
default port configuration file, The Port Configuration File, pcf
device file
removing, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd
device file names, How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
device files, Introduction
disable, Setting Up Printers with the HP-UX Spooler
dp, DDFA Master Files, Defining and Executing DDFA Parameters, The Dedicated Port File, dp
dp (dedicated port file), How Telnet Port Identification Works
dp file, The Port Configuration File, pcf, Managing Incoming Connections by telnetd, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
killing and restarting ocds, Using dpp to Kill and Restart ocds
removing existing ocds, Using dpp to Remove Existing ocds
starting the ocds, Preparing to Use dpp
starting up new ocds, Using dpp to Start Up New ocds
updating Telnet Port Identification Info, Using dpp to Update Telnet Port Identification Info
dpp, Defining and Executing DDFA Parameters
syntax, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd
dpp -k option, Using dpp to Kill and Restart ocds
dpp outgoing connections, Troubleshooting Outgoing Connections
dpp process binary file, Using dpp to Update Telnet Port Identification Info
dpp|, DDFA Master Files
DTC, Supported Configurations, How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
DTC 16, Supported Configurations
DTC 16MX, Supported Configurations
DTC 16RX, Supported Configurations
DTC 16TN, Supported Configurations
DTC 48, Supported Configurations
DTC 72MX, Supported Configurations
DTC board, The Dedicated Port File, dp
DTC board number, Configuring Outgoing Connections (Printers)
DTC input device, Configuring Incoming Connections (Terminals)
DTC Manager, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
version, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
DTC manager, DDFA File Directories and Setup
DTC Manager/UX, Prerequisites
DTC Node Name, Configuring Outgoing Connections (Printers), The Dedicated Port File, dp
DTC port, How DDFA Utilities Work, Configuring Outgoing Connections (Printers), The Dedicated Port File, dp
DTC port number, Configuring Outgoing Connections (Printers)


kill -17 command, The Port Configuration File, pcf
kill command, Preparing to Use dpp
kill ocd daemons, Preparing to Use dpp
killing ocd processes, Preparing to Use dpp


network administrator, Intended Audience
network operator, Intended Audience
Node Name of the DTC, Configuring Outgoing Connections (Printers)
non-HP terminal server support, Supported Configurations
npty parameter, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd


parity checking, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
pcf, DDFA Master Files, Defining and Executing DDFA Parameters
pid, DDFA Master Files, Preparing to Use dpp
plotters supported, Supported Configurations
pool of free ptys, Setting Up Outgoing and Incoming Connections
pool of ptys, How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
port configuration, The Dedicated Port File, dp
Port Configuration File, DDFA Master Files, DDFA Configuration Tasks
port configuration file, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
port identification, Managing Incoming Connections by telnetd
port information, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
port number, The Dedicated Port File, dp
port TCP address, The Dedicated Port File, dp
pre-defined pty names, How Telnet Port Identification Works
printer spooler attached to DTCs, Overview of DDFA And Telnet Port Identification
printer spooler attached to terminal servers, Overview of DDFA And Telnet Port Identification
printers supported, Supported Configurations
process identification number, DDFA Master Files, Preparing to Use dpp
programmatic access to DTC ports, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
programmers, Using Dedicated Ports
programs, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
ps command, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd
pseudonym, DDFA Master Files, The Dedicated Port File, dp
pseudoterminal, Introduction
pseudoterminal device driver (pty), How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
pseudoterminals, Prerequisites
pty, Introduction
pty assignments, How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
pty device file, How Telnet Port Identification Works
pty device file names, How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
pty names, Using Dedicated Ports
pty pool, DDFA Master Files


TCP timeouts, The Port Configuration File, pcf
tcp_nodelay, The Port Configuration File, pcf
Telnet, How Device Files Are Handled By MUXes and DTC Terminal Servers
Telnet connection, How DDFA Utilities Work, The Dedicated Port File, dp
Telnet daemon, How Telnet Port Identification Works, The Dedicated Port File, dp, Managing Incoming Connections by telnetd, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
Telnet daemon (, Setting Up Outgoing and Incoming Connections
Telnet extension, Supported Configurations
Telnet Port Identification, How Telnet Port Identification Works
Telnet protocol, The Port Configuration File, pcf
Telnet service, Supported Configurations
Telnet timing mark negotiation, The Port Configuration File, pcf
telnet_mode, The Port Configuration File, pcf
telnet_timer, The Port Configuration File, pcf
telnetd, Managing Incoming Connections by telnetd, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
terminal input/output, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
terminal server output device, Configuring Outgoing Connections (Printers)
terminal server port, How DDFA Utilities Work
terminal server ports, Defining and Executing DDFA Parameters
terminals supported, Supported Configurations
TERMIO data structure, The Port Configuration File, pcf
TERMIO limitations, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
termio manual reference page, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
TERMIO restrictions, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
TERMIO structure, Accessing DTC or non-DTC Ports Programmatically
timeout, The Port Configuration File, pcf
timing mark negotiation, The Port Configuration File, pcf
timing_mark, The Port Configuration File, pcf
troubleshooting incoming connections, Troubleshooting Incoming Connections
troubleshooting outgoing connections, Troubleshooting Outgoing Connections
tty command, Setting Up Outgoing and Incoming Connections
tty device file, Setting Up Outgoing and Incoming Connections
tty devices, How DDFA Utilities Work
tty name, Overview of DDFA And Telnet Port Identification


using dpp
removing existing ocds, Using dpp to Remove Existing ocds
updating Telnet Port Identification info, Using dpp to Update Telnet Port Identification Info
using dpp to kill and restart ocds, Using dpp to Kill and Restart ocds
using dpp to start the ocds, Preparing to Use dpp
using dpp to start up new ocds, Using dpp to Start Up New ocds
Using DTC ports with CSLIP or SLIP, Application Examples
usr/share/man/man1m/dpp.1m, DDFA File Directories and Setup
uxgen file, Managing Outgoing Dedicated Ports With dpp and ocd
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