HPlogo DTC Device File Access Utilities and Telnet Port Identification: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 2 Overview of DDFA And Telnet Port Identification

How Telnet Port Identification Works


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Telnet Port Identification is made possible by a set of enhancements to the Telnet daemon (telnetd) , which is part of Internet Services. In earlier versions of Telnet, incoming connections, including those coming from a DTC server, were always assigned pty device files on a random basis.

Internet Services Telnet allows the system administrator to set up pre-defined pty names defined in the DDFA dedicated port file, dp. In addition, the DTC download code was enhanced so that it will deliver board and port information to the host (via Telnet) at connection establishment time. The host will map the incoming connection to its pre-defined pty device file, thereby providing a "dedicated port" by which the identity of the caller can be determined. The Telnet Port Identification feature is available with HP-UX and DTCs, but may not be compatible on other servers.

© 1995 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.