HPlogo DTC Device File Access Utilities and Telnet Port Identification: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 1 Introduction

Intended Audience


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This manual is intended for at least three types of users:

  • The HP 9000 system administrator or network administrator who defines and configures the device files associated with DTC and other terminal server devices on the system.

  • The HP 9000 system operator or network operator who may implement the actual tasks set up by the system or network administrator.

  • The applications programmer who needs programmatic control of devices on the DTC or other terminal server using standard HP-UX input/output calls such as open, close, ioctl, read, and write. This programmer may also have applications using devices connected to MUX ports and wishes to extend the application to use DTC devices.

© 1995 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.