HPlogo Sendmail 8.13.3 Programmer's Guide: HP-UX 11i v1 and HP-UX 11i v2 > Chapter 3 Control Flow of Milter APIs

Sample Filter Pseudocode


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The following pseudocode describes the filtering process from the perspective of a set of N MTAs, each corresponding to an SMTP connection.

For each of N connections
    For each filter
        process connection/helo (xxfi_connect, xxfi_helo)
MESSAGE:For each message in this connection (sequentially)
        For each filter
                 process sender (xxfi_envfrom)
        For each recipient
                 For each filter
                          process recipient (xxfi_envrcpt)
        For each filter
           For each header
                    process header (xxfi_header)
           process end of headers (xxfi_eoh)
           For each body block
                    process this body block (xxfi_body)
           process end of message (xxfi_eom)
    For each filter
               process end of connection (xxfi_close)

The callbacks within parenthesis are placed beside the processing stages in which they are called. If a callbacks is not defined for a particular stage, the filter application can bypass that stage. The filter application can abort processing at any time during a message, in which case the xxfi_abort() callback is invoked and the control returns to MESSAGE.

Sendmail contacts the filter applications in the order defined in the Sendmail configuration file.

To write a filter application, you must invoke different callbacks to process relevant parts of a message transaction. The Milter library then controls all sequencing, threading, and protocol exchange with Sendmail.

Table 3-1 “Milter Callbacks Related to an SMTP Transaction” outlines the control flow for a filter process and denotes different callbacks invoked during an SMTP transaction.

Table 3-1 Milter Callbacks Related to an SMTP Transaction

SMTP CommandsMilter Callbacks
(open SMTP connection)xxfi_connect()
HELO ...xxfi_helo()
MAIL From: ...xxfi_envfrom()
RCPT To: ...xxfi_envrcpt()
[more RCPTs][xxfi_envrcpt()]
Header: ...xxfi_header()
[more headers][xxfi_header()]
[more body...][xxfi_body()]



(close SMTP connection)


Although Table 3-1 “Milter Callbacks Related to an SMTP Transaction” denotes only a single message, multiple messages can be sent in a single connection. The remote host or Sendmail can abort a message and connection anytime during the SMTP transaction. If the abort occurs during a message processing (that is, between the MAIL command and the final . command), the filter application calls the xxfi_abort() API. The filter application calls xxfi_close() any time when the connection closes.