HPlogo Sendmail 8.13.3 Programmer's Guide: HP-UX 11i v1 and HP-UX 11i v2 > Chapter 3 Control Flow of Milter APIs

Call Order Sequence


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Figure 3-1 “Milter Call Order Sequence” illustrates the sequence in which the filter applications are called in a Milter program.

Figure 3-1 Milter Call Order Sequence

Milter Call Order Sequence

A filter application cannot process any message untill it registers its callbacks with Sendmail.

A filter application initiates a filter session using the smfi_setconn() API. The filter application initiates the session once and before calling the smfi_main() API.

The smfi_setconn() API sets the socket through which the filter application communicates with Sendmail. The filter application can optionally call the smfi_opensocket() API, which attempts to open the specified socket and ensures that the interface works properly. The filter application can also make optional calls to smfi_settimeout(), smfi_setbacklog(), and smfi_setdbg() before passing control to the smfi_main() API. After initiating the session and calling the optional APIs, the filter application must register with Sendmail, using the smfi_register() API, which informs Sendmail about the filter callbacks and the actual information the filter application requires. The filter application then passes control to the smfi_main() API.

The smfi_main() API starts the listener for the filter application and seeks for messages from Sendmail. The smfi_main() API makes respective calls to the callback functions before validating the message. For example, during a HELO message, smfi_main() invokes the filter callback xxfi_helo().