HPlogo Sendmail 8.13.3 Programmer's Guide: HP-UX 11i v1 and HP-UX 11i v2 > Chapter 1 Introduction

Communication Between an MTA and Milter


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Filter applications run as separate processes outside the Sendmail address space. The benefits of filter applications running as separate processes are as follows:

  • Filter applications do not need to run with "root" permissions, thereby, avoiding a large family of potential security problems.

  • Failures in a particular filter do not affect Sendmail or other filters.

  • Filter applications can have high performance because of the parallelism inherent in multiple processes.

Each filter can communicate with multiple MTAs at the same time over local or remote connections, using multiple threads of execution. Figure 1-1 “Communication Channel Between MTAs and Filters” illustrates a network of communication channels between the filters, its MTAs, and other MTAs on the network.

Figure 1-1 Communication Channel Between MTAs and Filters

Communication Channel Between MTAs and Filters

The Milter library (libmilter.a) implements the communication protocol. It accepts connections from various MTAs and passes the relevant data to the filter through callbacks.