STM: Support Tools for HP-UX Computers (logo)

Logtool Reference: Command reference

The Logtool Utility offers the following commands and buttons.

(Commands are given in their xstm format, but the descriptions hold true for the equivalent commands in mstm and cstm.)

Select Raw. The Select Raw command displays the names of the raw log files in the default log directory and allows you to select one or more for viewing, filtering or formatting. If multiple files are selected, all of the entries are combined together and treated as one file. Once the file(s) is selected, the summary information is automatically displayed.

The current raw log file has the extension ".cur" and is the default selected file. Each time a new log file is generated, its file name is incremented by one. For example, the initial file will be "log1.raw.cur". When a new file is generated, "log1.raw.cur" will become log1.raw, and the current raw log file will be "log2.raw.cur".

If the current raw log file is selected, the output of subsequent commands such as Raw Log or Format Raw may reflect additional records/and or counts that weren't displayed initially. This is because more errors may have been logged to the currently active file since it was last read.

NOTE: Users can optionally specify a file of their own choosing but are cautioned that only log files generated on the host system should be formatted on that system. Attempts to format log files from other systems may result in formatting problems or incorrect formatted output. Once a formatted log is generated, it can be moved to other systems and displayed without any problems.

Format Raw. The Format Raw command formats entries from the currently selected raw log file or files chosen via the Select Raw command under the File menu. If a file has not been selected, the current raw log file, if there is one, is used as the default. Formatting makes the log entries much easier for humans to understand.

NOTE: You should format log files on the same system as they were generated, or on a system with the same release level as the system that generated the logs. Formatting log files on systems with other release levels may result in incomplete decoding of data. Once a formatted log is generated, it can be moved to other systems and displayed without any problems.

The entries in the raw log can be filtered according to the Format filter settings (Format command). Entries which do not match the filter are not formatted. If you wish to format entries which were previously filtered out, change the filter and reformat the log. If no filters have been selected, all entries will be formatted.

The data portion of each entry is formatted into text by the appropriate log decoding routine. If an appropriate log decoding program cannot be located for a particular entry, the data portion of the entry is displayed in hex.

Formatted log file names have the form "logN.fmtN" where the first number (N) matches that of the raw log file from which it was generated and the second number (N) starts at 1 and is incremented for each new formatted file that is generated from the same raw log file. For example, "log1.raw" becomes "log1.fmt1" the first time it is formatted. If you then format the same raw log a second time; the newly formatted file is named "log1.fmt2." This happens whether or not different filtering criteria were used.

After a raw file is formatted, the formatted file becomes the selected formatted file to be displayed or summarized by the Formatted Summary and Formatted Log commands under the View menu.

Select Formatted. The Select Formatted command displays the names of the formatted log files that are currently in the default log directory on the system and allows you to select one or more for viewing or filtering. Once the file(s) is selected, the summary information is automatically displayed.

Switch Log. The Switch Log command moves the existing current raw log file "logN.raw.cur" to "logN.raw." The next time the logger process needs to write an error it opens a new "logN.raw.cur" file, incrementing the "N" by one.

For example, the Switch Log command moves "log5.raw.cur" to "log5.raw," causing the logger process to open a new raw log file called "log6.raw.cur" the next time there is an error to be logged.

Individual log files can be kept from becoming too large by issuing this command occasionally. Alternatively, a size threshold can be set in the diaglogd.cfg file.

Save As. Use the Save As command to save the contents of Logtool's main window. (Only the most recent 200 lines can be saved.)

Print. Use the Print command to print the contents of Logtool's main window. (Only the most recent 200 lines can be printed.)

Exit. Use the Exit command to leave the Logtool Utility and return to the main STM window.

Raw Summary. The Raw Summary command from the View menu can be selected independently but is also run automatically when file(s) are selected. It displays a summary of the entries in the currently selected raw log file(s). If no files were selected, the current raw log file, if there is one, is used as the default. The summary reports the total number of each type of error entry that occurs in the file(s); for example, "Number of LPMC entries: 6." If multiple files are selected, the data is summarized together as if they are one file.

The summary reports additional information on I/O error entries, listing the specific device paths, products, product qualifiers, and logger events that occur in the file, and the number of times they occur.

For more information, see Log Entry Types.

Raw Log. The Raw Log command from the View menu displays the entries from the currently selected raw log file(s). The header portion is displayed in text and the data portion is displayed in hex.

The raw log file(s) could have been selected via the Select Raw command from the File menu. If a raw log file was not selected, then the current raw log file, if there is one, is used as the default. Filters may have been selected and applied via the Raw command under the Filters->Display Menu. Entries which do not match the filter are not be displayed. If you wish to display entries which were previously filtered out, change the filter and redisplay the log using the Raw command in the Filters->Display Menu. If multiple files are selected the data is presented as if they are one file.

The top of the display in the "Display Filters: area" lists the filter criteria specified at the time the raw log was filtered.

Formatted Summary. The Formatted Summary command from the View menu displays a summary of the currently selected formatted log file(s). It can be selected independently but is also run automatically when file(s) are selected. If no files were selected via the Select Formatted command under the File menu, then the current raw log file, if there is one, is automatically formatted and becomes the selected formatted file. If multiple files have been selected the entries are combined together and treated as one file.

The summary reports the number of each type of error entry that occurs in the file(s) (for example, "Number of LPMC entries: 6").

The summary reports additional information on I/O error entries, listing the specific device paths, products, product qualifiers, loggers, device types and device qualifiers that occur in the file, and the number of times they occur.

For more information, see Log Entry Types

Formatted Log. The Formatted Log command from the View menu displays the formatted log data that was generated by the Format Raw command under the File menu.

The formatted log file(s) could have been selected via the Select Formatted command from the File Menu. If a file was not selected, the current raw log file, if there is one, is automatically formatted and becomes the selected formatted file. Filters may have been selected and applied via the Formatted command under the Filters->Display Menu.

Entries which do not match the filter are not displayed. If you wish to display entries which were previously filtered out, change the filter and redisplay the log.

The top of the display in the "Display Filters: area" lists the filter criteria specified at the time the raw log was filtered.

Format. The Format command from the Filters menu allows you to select filtering criteria to be applied to the entries in the raw log file before formatting.

In order to set the filter, you must have first selected a raw log file(s) via the Select Raw command under the File menu. If a file was not selected, then the current raw log file, if there is one, is used as the default.

Items which occur in the raw log are displayed as candidates for filtering. These items are displayed in a dialog screen and you can select as many items as desired.

To select more than one item in a box, hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the item with the left mouse button.

Once one or more items have been selected, subsequent Format Raw commands (under the File menu) only format entries which match the filter criteria. An entry is considered to be a match for a particular filter field if it matches any of the selected items that were set in that field. If a field has no items selected, any entry matches that field. In order for an entry to pass through the filter, it must match the criteria for all of the filter fields.

For example, if you select a Device Type of "Disk" and a Device Qualifier of "Hard," only entries for Hard disks are formatted/displayed. If you select a Device Path of "1/0/0" and a Device Type of "Disk," no entries are formatted/displayed unless a disk drive is associated with that path.

The lines labeled "All entry types" and "Select entry types from choices below" are controlled by radio buttons. Select "All entry types" to see all of the entries. The selection "Select entry types from choices below" allows you to make choices from the checkboxes below it.

If there is only one entry in a box, it appears as highlighted, and therefore selected. To clear all selected items you can press the Defaults button. To clear a specific highlighted item, hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the item with the left mouse button

To select more than one item in a box, hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the item with the left mouse button.

The starting and ending date/time fields initially contain the date/time of the first and last log entry.

Pressing the Defaults button unselects all items and selects the default of "All entry types".

Raw. The Raw command from the Filters->Display menu is used to select which entries in the raw log file to display.

In order to set the filter, you must have first selected a raw log file via the Select Raw command under the File menu. Otherwise, the current raw log file, if there is one, is used as the default. Items which occur in the raw log are displayed as candidates for filtering. These items are displayed in a dialog screen and you can select as many items as desired.

To select more than one item in a box,

hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the item with the left mouse button.

Once one or more items have been selected, subsequent Raw Log commands (under the View menu) only display entries which match the filter criteria. An entry is considered to be a match for a particular filter field if it matches any of the selected items that were set in that field. If a field has no items selected, any entry matches that field. In order for an entry to pass through the filter, it must match the criteria for all of the filter fields.

For example, if you select a Device Type of "Disk" and a Device Qualifier of "Hard," only entries for Hard disks are formatted/displayed. If you select a Device Path of "1/0/0" and a Device Type of "Disk," no entries are formatted/displayed unless a disk drive is associated with that path.

The lines labeled "All entry types" and "Select entry types from choices below" are controlled by radio buttons. Select "All entry types" to see all of the entries. The selection "Select entry types from choices below" allows you to make choices from the checkboxes below it.

If there is only one entry in a box, it appears as highlighted, and therefore selected. To clear all selected items you can press the Defaults button. To clear a specific highlighted item, press the control key (CTRL) on the keyboard and the left mouse button simultaneously.

To select more than one item in a box, hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the item with the left mouse button.

The starting and ending date/time fields initially contain the date/time of the first and last log entry.

In addition to specifying criteria for each of the header fields, you can enter a hex pattern to search for in the data for each entry. If a search pattern is specified, it is applied in addition to any other fields already specified.

NOTE: Specifying a search pattern may result in a noticeable delay because each entry's data must be searched. When a search pattern is not used, only header contents are examined. Pressing the Defaults button unselects all items and selects the default of "All entry types".

Formatted. The Formatted command from the Filters->Display menu is used to select which entries in the formatted log file to display.

In order to set the filter, you must first select one or more formatted log file(s) via the Select Formatted command under the File menu. If a file was not selected in this way, then the current raw log file, if there is one, is automatically formatted and becomes the selected formatted file.

Items which occur in the log are displayed as candidates for filtering. These items are displayed in a dialog screen and you can select as many items as desired.

To select more than one item in a box, hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the item with the left mouse button.

Once one or more items have been selected, subsequent Formatted Log commands (under the View menu) only display entries which match the filter criteria. An entry is considered to be a match for a particular filter field if it matches any of the selected items that were set in that field. If a field has no items selected, any entry matches that field. In order for an entry to pass through the filter, it must match the criteria for all of the filter fields.

For example, if you select a Device Type of "Disk" and a Device Qualifier of "Hard," only entries for Hard disks are formatted/displayed. If you select a Device Path of "1/0/0" and a Device Type of "Disk," no entries are formatted/displayed unless a disk drive is associated with that path.

The lines labeled "All entry types" and "Select entry types from choices below" are controlled by radio buttons. Select "All entry types" to see all of the entries. The selection "Select entry types from choices below" allows you to make choices from the checkboxes below it.

If there is only one entry in a box, it appears as highlighted, and therefore selected. To clear all selected items, press the Defaults button. To clear a specific highlighted item, press the control key (CTRL) on the keyboard and the left mouse button simultaneously.

To select more than one item in a box, hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the item with the left mouse button.

The starting and ending date/time fields initially contain the date/time of the first and last log entry.

Pressing the Defaults button unselects all items and selects the default of "All entry types".

Clear Log. The Clear Log command will notify the memory logging daemon to create a new memory log file. Since this command DELETES the existing memory log file, you may want to view it first:

xstm: Memory | Report Log | View Detail
mstm: Memory | Report Log | View Detail
cstm: vd (viewdetail)

If desired, use an HP-UX command to save the memory log file (/var/stm/logs/os/memlog) to a different name.

Set Timer. The Set Timer command allows you to change the interval at which the memory logging daemon polls the memory for errors.

View Dealloc. The View Dealloc command allows you to display the deallocated page information from the memory log file.

View Detail. The View Detail command allows you to display the entire contents of the memory log file.

Chassis View Boot Log.

The Chassis View Boot Log command allows you to display the contents of the chassis code boot log file (ccbootlog).

The boot log contains mostly informational log entries output by the system as it boots. If the system is experiencing problems booting, this log may contain useful information about the problem.

The boot log is created by the logging daemon (diaglogd). Log entries can come from various system hardware, software and firmware modules.

Chassis logging was implemented beginning with the introduction of N-class systems on HP-UX 11.00, and will be featured on some newer systems as they are released.

Chassis View Error Log.

The Chassis View Error Log command allows you to display the contents of the chassis code error log file (ccerrlog).

The chassis code error log contains entries for chassis codes reported with an alert level indicating that an error has occurred.

For instance, chassis codes are logged if problems occur with the power supplies. By examining the error log, you could see a record of these power supply problems.

The error log is created by the logging daemon (diaglogd). Log entries can come from various system hardware, software and firmware modules.

Chassis logging was implemented beginning with the introduction of N-class systems on HP-UX 11.00, and will be featured on some newer systems as they are released.

General Help. The General Help command displays online help for the Logtool Utility (the help system currently being viewed).

For information on using the help system, select the "Using Help..." command in the Help menu in this Help window.

For online help on STM as a whole, use the Help menu in the STM main window.

Version. The Version command displays version and copyright information for the Logtool Utility.

Abort Button (xstm only). The Abort button allows you to abort the Logtool Utility, halting its execution and returning to the STM main window.

Interrupt Button (xstm only). The Interrupt button allows you to interrupt the tool.

When the tool receives the interrupt, it stops whatever it is doing and prompts you to respond if you want to continue with the operation. If the reply is "Continue", the tool resumes what it was doing at the time of the interrupt. If the reply is "Abort", it terminates the operation and returns to the Logtool Utility main window.

The tool may not immediately receive the interrupt as it could be in the middle of an operation that should not or could not be interrupted. The interrupt is received as soon as the tool completes the operation.

The tool will receive and ignore user interrupts when it is already in the process of returning to the main window of the tool.

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Last updated: Thu Oct 26 15:45:11 PDT 2000