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To invoke FCOPY enter:

   FCOPY FROM=input file;TO=output file;functions

For example, to create a new disk file (in exactly the same format as another file) use the NEW parameter:


To copy a subset of one file to another enter:


In this example FCOPY copies the 30th through 34th records. You specify ;SUBSET=29:33 because FCOPY sees the first record in a file as record number 0.

To copy a tape created in EBCDIC format in an IBM environment with a label of VOL 000001,IBM you would enter the following:




Be sure the parameters in the file equations (blocking factor, record size, etc.) are correct.

To copy a file to your terminal screen in hexadecimal format enter:


If you specify ;TO= without anything after it the default is the $STDLIST device.

"From" and "To" Files

A from file is the input file for an FCOPY command; it contains the data you want to copy. A to file is the output file to which you want to copy the data.

Identify a from file for an FCOPY command with the FROM parameter. FROM has the following format:

   FROM [={ *      }]

The value you assign to FROM can be either an input file name (fromfile), an asterisk (*), or nothing at all (<empty>). An asterisk backreferences the fromfile named in a file equation. Leaving FROM empty lets you use your terminal (or a spoolfile during a job) as the input file.

In the example below, the FROM parameter describes an input file named input for an FCOPY command.


Specify a to file with the TO parameter. TO has the following format:

       [={tofile       }]
   ;TO [={*            }]
       [={<empty      >}]

The value that you assign to TO can be either the name of the output file (tofile), an asterisk (*), or nothing at all (<empty >). An asterisk backreferences a file named in a file equation. Leaving TO empty lets you copy files to the $STDLIST device.

The example below describes an output file name outfile for an FCOPY command.


FCOPY Functions

In addition to specifying input and output files in an FCOPY command, you also describe the FCOPY functions that you want to perform. Each function has its own syntax and guidelines for its use. The NEW function, for example, lets you create a new disk file. An example of an FCOPY command using the NEW function is:


The table below lists FCOPY functions and their descriptions in alphabetical order.

Table 8-1 FCOPY Functions

Function Description
BCDICINTranslates from BCDIC to ASCII.
BCDICOUTTranslates from ASCII to BCDIC.
CCTLDesignates the first character of each record as a carriage control character in the "to" file.
CHARDisplays the contents of a file as ASCII characters.
CLEARDisplays the contents of a file as character codes.
COMPARECompares two files.
DEBLOCKDeblocks blocked records.
EBCDICINTranslates from EBCDIC to ASCII.
EBCDIKINTranslates from ECDIC to JIS.
EBCDIKOUTTranslates from JIS to EBCDIK.
FILESCopies multiple file from tape.
HEXDisplays the contents of a file in hexadecimal form.
HEXODisplays the contents of a file in hexadecimal form, and the sequential record number in octal form.
IGNERRBypasses and reports magnetic tape errors.
KANADisplays the contents of a file as JIS character symbols.
KEYSpecifies a key sequence in which to copy a KSAM file.
NEWCreates a new permanent disk file.
NOCCTLSpecifies that the first character of each record in the "from" file will not be a carriage control character.
NOKSAMCopies a compatibility mode KSAM data file to a non-KSAM file.
NOUSERLABELSOmits user labels when copying between disk and tape.
OCTALDisplays the contents of a file in octal form.
SKIPEOFPositions a serial storage device at a desired file.
SUBSETCopies a subset of a file.
UPSHIFTConverts lowercase characters to uppercase.
VERIFYCompares files after copying.

Defining Files

If you are copying files from or to devices other than disk, you must define the files and their associated devices with the FILE command before issuing an FCOPY command. For example, to copy a file from magnetic tape to a line printer, define two device files as follows:


TAPEFILE and PRINTER are the formal file designators you use in the FCOPY command. TAPE and LP are device class names for a magnetic tape unit and a line printer respectively. Device class names are defined when the system is configured and may vary from one installation to another.

You may use the two formal file designators as the "from" and "to" files in an FCOPY command. Type an asterisk (*) before each file name to tell FCOPY to refer to the previous FILE command for the file's description. The FROM and TO parameters below reference the two files defined above:


FCOPY assumes files to have default characteristics unless you define the files with other characteristics. For more information on the FILE command, refer to the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual.

General Guidelines for FCOPY Commands

An FCOPY command must follow these general guidelines:
  • Semicolons always separate the different components of a command. You can leave spaces between components. However, there can be no more than 70 characters between two semicolons. For example, all three FCOPY commands below are valid.

       FROM=A;   TO=B; NEW
       FROM=E; TO=F; NEW
  • To continue an FCOPY command onto more than one line, use an ampersand (&) at the end of each line except the last. An FCOPY command has no maximum length. However, a single line of an FCOPY command cannot be more than 72 characters long. For example:

       FROM=A; &
       TO=B; &

Using FCOPY with KSAM Files

To FCOPY from an old compatibility mode KSAM file to a new compatibilty mode KSAM file enter:


OLDFILE is the old compatibility mode KSAM data file. DATAFILE is the new compatibility mode data file and KEYFILE is the new compatibilty mode key file. The new key and data files are constructed for you with exactly the same structure as the old key and data files. The ;NEW option need not be used.

To FCOPY from an MPE/iX file (a flat file) to an old KSAM file (compatibility or native mode) enter:


To FCOPY from a KSAM file to an old flat file enter:


KSAMFILE is either a native mode KSAM file or compatibility mode KSAM data file. ANYFILE is an old MPE/iX file.

To FCOPY from a compatibility mode KSAM file, but to treat the file as if it were an MPE/iX flat file, enter:


You may use the NOKSAM parameter with only compatibility mode KSAM files.

To FCOPY from any old KSAM file (compatibility or native mode) to a new native mode KSAM file enter:


OLDFILE is the old KSAM file. NEWFILE is the new native mode KSAM file.

Additional Discussion

For more information refer to the FCOPY Reference Manual.

Chapter 8 FCOPY

Chapter 9 FSCHECK