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To invoke DISCFREE enter:



  RUN DISCFREE.PUB.SYS;INFO="[format][,ldev]"


  DISCFREE  "[format][,ldev]"


is the specified display type. The format default is A.


specifies a particular system volume. The ldev default is no ldev, causing all volumes to be displayed.

If you do not specify either of the parameters, DISCFREE prompts for them. If you enter format but not ldev, DISCFREE reports on all logical disk devices. To report on a particular volume, enter the name of the volume set. For example, to display information about the volume USER_VOL_SET, you would enter:


The format values you can specify are:

AA histogram showing numbers of blocks by size categories.
BShows transient and free space allocations in sectors.
CShows transient and free space allocations in percentage of total device capacity.
DShows disk allocation summary in sectors.
EShows disk allocation summary in percentage of total space.

Displaying the histogram

To display a histogram for ldev 1 only enter:


To display the histogram for all disk devices enter:


Or, you may enter the DISCFREE command (without any options) and, at the prompt, enter only the format and ldev or only the format. For example:

  Enter [<format>][,<ldev>] : "A,1"
  Enter [<format>][,<ldev>] : "A"

Displaying the allocation summary

To display the allocation summary as a percent of total space on all logical disk devices, enter:


If you omit quotation marks, the default is the specified format for all devices.

DISCFREE displays the following information:

DEVICE SIZEThe capacity, in sectors, of the device.
TRANS SPACEThe number of sectors currently allocated for transient space. Transient space is used for objects which are not permanent files, such as stacks, heaps and system tables.
MAX TRANS SPACEAn upper limit on the number of sectors that may be allocated for transient space. TRANS SPACE should not exceed this number although it may if the percentage of MAX TRANS SPACE space is lowered using VOLUTIL.
FREE SPACEThe amount of space on a device currently not used for transient or permanent space. Space available for use.
AVAIL TO TRANS SPACEThe amount of space on the device currently available for use as transient space. The difference between MAX TRANS SPACE and TRANS SPACE. If this difference exceeds the amount of FREE SPACE, DISCFREE displays the amount of FREE SPACE.
PERM SPACEThe number of sectors currently allocated for permanent space. User and system files use permanent space.
MAX PERM SPACEAn upper limit on the number of sectors that may be allocated for permanent space. PERM SPACE should not exceed this number although it may if the percentage of MAX PERM SPACE space is lowered using VOLUTIL, or if enough space is consumed by files brought in during an UPDATE.
AVAIL TO PERM SPACEThe amount of space on the device currently available for use as permanent space. The difference between MAX PERM SPACE and PERM SPACE.

AVAIL TO TRANS SPACE and AVAIL TO PERM SPACE may be negative values. For example, if TRANS SPACE exceeded MAX TRANS SPACE, AVAIL TO TRANS SPACE would be negative. This could occur if VOLUTIL were used to change the maximum percentage of MAX TRANS SPACE to a level lower than currently used for TRANS SPACE. Also, if enough permanent space is used by files brought in during an UPDATE, PERM SPACE may exceed MAX PERM SPACE, which would make AVAIL TO PERM SPACE a negative number.

Additional Discussion

For more information on the general topic of disk volumes refer to Volume Management Reference Manual. For more information on the DSTAT command refer to MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual.

Chapter 5 DISCFREE

Chapter 6 DISCUTIL