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Threads Architecture

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This section describes the architecture of threads on MPE/iX.

The following terminology is adopted throughout the remainder of this document. The term process refers to the MPE/iX operating system notion of process. The term task is defined as a multi-threaded application (depending on the implementation, a task can consist of a single process or multiple processes).

Threads on MPE/iX

A multi-threaded task on MPE/iX is implemented with multiple processes (one per thread). A task's threads are a cooperative processes in that they share some resources that are normally private to a process. All threads within a task share the same SR 5 space as the initial thread (a process created using run or createprocess). The heap and global variables are shared by all threads, along with loader information and system information regarding open files and sockets.

All other process resources are private to the thread. Each thread has its own NM stack, CM stack, pin number, PIB, PIBX, TCB, PCB, PCBX, process port, and so on. Fields within these data structures that are shared among threads (such as, file system information) are kept in a common location.

Process Management and Threads

An initial thread is a process created using run or createprocess (or fork and exec for POSIX). The threads of a task cannot exist independently of the initial thread. If the initial thread terminates or is killed, all of the task's threads are terminated. A secondary thread cannot be adopted by another task.

Each thread begins execution at an entry point specified at creation time. The entry point is an MPE/iX procedure with one parameter. This procedure resides in either the program file or the linked libraries of the task.

When a thread is created, the following attributes can be specified:
Stack size:

NM stack size for the thread

Inherit scheduling:

inherit the scheduling policies of the creating thread


priority of the thread

Scheduling policy:

round robin, FIFO,...

Scheduling scope:

priority is global/local

These attributes are required in order to be POSIX compliant. POSIX also permits each implementation to add its own thread creation attributes. The following attribute was added for MPE/iX:

Enter debug before starting the thread

NOTE: PH capability is required to create a thread.

From a process management point of view, thread creation is just an abbreviated form of process creation.

All threads are created as siblings. The threads of a task all have the same father task; namely, the father of the initial thread. If a thread creates a child using creatprocess, that child is the child of the task, not of the thread. From the tasks child-point-of-view, its father is the initial thread. When a thread exits, the children and the threads it created are not terminated.

Threads do not "own" the child processes they create. However, threads may find it necessary to wait for the termination of the offspring that they created. Therefore, a thread is permitted to wait for a specific child to terminate and is permitted to wait on the termination of any child. Refer to the suspend and activate intrinsics for more explanation.

While threads are implemented with multiple processes, to the end user threads should appear to coexist within a single process. Process management hides the MPE/iX implementation of threads from the programmer. The process handling intrinsics work on a task basis.

Development, Debugging, and Application Execution of Threads

This section discusses the development, debugging, and execution of applications that use threads on MPE/iX. It should be read before attempting to create or run an application that uses threads.

Debug has the following features to facilitate debugging in a threaded environment:
  • Breakpoints

  • Commands

  • Environmental Variable


There are three types of breakpoints available when debugging a threaded program:
Breakpoint Type



Breakpoints that are recognized by any thread within a task.


Breakpoints that are identical to pin-specific breakpoints, but are thread-private, and are specified using an enhanced syntax.


Breakpoints with this option, when encountered by a thread within a threaded task suspend all other threads within the task until a CONTINUE command is issued.

The syntax for the address and pin parameters to breakpoint commands includes the specification:

logaddr [:pin|:@]

and the following for threads:

logaddr [:[[init_thread_pin].tin |.@][:@]]

where tin is the thread number returned by pthread_create. The pin number of the initial thread can be obtained using SHOWPROC. The syntax [init_thread_pin].tin specifies a thread, [init_thread_pin].@ specifies a task-wide breakpoint, and :@ following a [init_thread_pin].tin specification specifies a stop-all-threads breakpoint option.

For example:
Example Breakpoint


B thd_mtx:2e.2

Sets a breakpoint at thd_mtx to be recognized by tin 2 of the task with initial thread 2e.

B thd_mtx:.2

Sets a breakpoint at thd_mtx to be recognized by tin 2 of the current task.

B start_thread:2c.@

Sets a task-wide breakpoint at start_thread to be recognized by all threads within the task with initial thread 2c.

B start_thread:.@

Sets a task-wide breakpoint at start_thread to be recognized by all threads within the current task.


Sets a breakpoint at HPFOPEN for the current pin (tin) with the stop-all-threads option that is honored if the pin belongs to a threaded task.


Sets a breakpoint at HPFOPEN for tin 3 of the current task, and the breakpoint has the stop-all-threads option.


Sets a task-wide breakpoint at HPFOPEN for the current task, and the breakpoint has the stop-all-threads option.


The following commands aid in debugging threaded applications.


TIN [init_thread_pin.]tin

This command causes debug to switch to the environment of the specified tin. The default init_thread_pin is that of the current task. Privilege mode is required to switch to any tin in another task.


This command suspends all other threads within the task of the tin being debugged. The suspended threads are not resumed automatically with the continue command.


This command resumes the threads that were suspended by the SUSPEND command. It should be issued from the same tin that issued the SUSPEND command.

Environmental Variables

There are two environment variables that simplify debugging applications:
Environment Variable



When set to TRUE, a pin (tin) being debugged retains the terminal semaphore while single-stepping. This prevents any other pin (tin), that is waiting to enter debug, from obtaining the terminal semaphore and interfering with the debug session.


Allows a process to retain the terminal semaphore under all conditions until the process terminates or the variable is reset to FALSE. However, this variable has the potential to create a deadlock. For example, a deadlock occurs if the process owning the terminal semaphore waits for another process that in turn is waiting for the debug terminal semaphore.


The following are know limitations for the debug thread commands:
  • The break command followed by an abort command hangs the task if the initial thread is waiting to enter debug (such as, another thread is currently in debug).

  • The SUSPEND command has the potential to hang a task if the user does not issue an ACTIVATE command before doing the CONTINUE command.

  • Each thread has its own debug environment. For example, loaded macros and environmental variables are not shared by threads within a task, and must be dealt with on an individual basis for each thread.

Chapter 3 Threads Architecture on MPE/iX

Building DCE Programs