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Apache for MPE/iX Release Plan Changes

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This is a clarification of the current release plans for Apache for MPE/iX. The release information in this article replaces the Apache product information previously published in the Release 6.5 Express 2 documentation. The new plan, summarized here, reflects changes in both the Apache base version strategy as well as changes in the strategy for the Apache add-on Java Servlets functionality. The documentation errata below indicates where the Release 6.5 Express 2 documentation is no longer valid.For Release 6.0, Apache 1.3.4 will remain as the only Apache version. No upgrades are planned for this release.For Release 6.5, Apache 1.3.9 is now available as an individual patch. It is not part of Release 6.5 Express 2 but will be included in any follow-on express releases. Upgrades may be available in the future.For Release 7.0, Apache 1.3.4 comes pre-installed in the operating system. Customers should upgrade to Apache 1.3.14, available in Release 7.0 Express 1. Java Servlets for MPE/iX will not be released as a HP product. Instead, it is available as unsupported HP freeware from the Jazz web server. Supported Java servlet functionality is available as part of Lutris' Enhydra product. This change in MPE/iX servlet strategy is due to a change in servlet technology in the marketplace. The Java Servlets for MPE/iX implementation is based on Apache JServ, which is no longer attractive as a long-term servlet solution. Tomcat is the latest servlet technology and is a replacement for Apache JServ. Tomcat is a supported servlet engine for MPE/iX as part of the Enhydra product purchased from Lutris, http://www.lutris.com/. Tomcat is also available unsupported in Enhydra open source code at http://www.enhydra.org/ and through the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta project at http://jakarta.apache.org/.

Apache for MPE/iX Documentation Errata

The following are corrections to the Communicator HP e3000 MPE/iX Express 2 Based on Release 6.5 (HP Part Number: 30216-90322).
  • Under Technical Articles, Apache 1.3.9 for MPE/iX, the Release Information reads: "Apache 1.3.9 for MPE/iX is available as an individual patch for 6.0 or 6.5 from the HP Response Center. It is not part of the Express 2 release." This should state that Apache 1.3.9 is available as a patch for MPE/iX Release 6.5 only. It is not part of the MPE/iX 6.5 Express 2 Release but will be included in any follow-on express releases for MPE/iX 6.5.

  • Under Technical Articles, Java Servlets for MPE/iX, the Release Information reads: "Java Servlets for MPE/iX is currently available as an individual patch from the HP Response Center. It is not part of the MPE/iX Express 2 release. Java Servlets can be installed on either MPE/iX Release 6.0 or 6.5 and runs with either Apache 1.3.9 or WebWise Secure Web Server for MPE/iX. The HPRC can provide you with the correct patch version for your release and web server." This should state that Java servlets is unsupported HP freeware that is available from the Jazz web server. This freeware comes with documentation and installation scripts for use on MPE/iX but is not a HP product. This freeware functionality is based on the Apache JServ implementation of servlets and is delivered as a DSO, runnable with Apache 1.3.9 or later and with HP WebWise MPE/iX Secure Web Server. Further information about HP's Java servlets freeware is available on the Java servlets web site on Jazz.

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