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HP Will Retire Support of HP 3000 9x7 Servers

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Introduced almost a decade ago, the HP 3000 9x7 Servers were once the workhorse of the HP 3000 family. In recent years, however, the 9x7's have been replaced by more powerful, affordable, smaller and efficient HP e3000 platforms.

With the increasing scarcity of repair parts, HP announced in December 2000 that support for all HP 3000 9x7 Servers will be ending on April 30, 2002. Support for some versions of the MPE/iX operating system used by 9x7 Servers also will be ending soon. Support for MPE/iX Release 5.5 ended on December 31, 2000, and support for MPE/iX Release 6.0 ends on April 30, 2002. No date has been set for the end of support for MPE/iX Release 6.5. MPE/iX Release 7.0 will not support any HP 3000 9x7 Servers. (This is similar to MPE/iX Release 6.5, which did not have the ability to support the 925/935/949, 920/922/932/948/958 or 950/955/960/980 families).

Protect your investment

As the end of support for the HP 3000 9x7 Servers approaches, parts will be in shorter supply and support prices are likely to rise. If you have an HP 3000 9x7 Server, you should begin planning to replace it with current HP e3000 Servers. Because of the complete backward compatibility of MPE/iX, most applications will run unaltered on newer HP e3000 machines. HP e3000 'box upgrades' typically are quick and seamless.

New replacement HP e3000 Servers currently include the HP e3000 9x8, 9x9KS, 997, A-Class and N-Class platforms. Sales of new HP e3000 9x8, 9x9KS and 997 servers are expected to be discontinued in the second half of 2001.

New options and opportunities

Upgrading to a current HP e3000 platform is an ideal opportunity to revisit how your business utilizes the HP e3000. HP and its resellers provide many attractive, seamless options for helping you move forward into newer, affordable HP e3000 technologies. Recent MPE/iX capabilities such as Internet server support, Java programming, high-availability tools, graphical user interfaces and hardware consolidation options can improve the efficiency of your HP e3000 Servers, increase productivity and provide you with greater user satisfaction.

HP and its resellers can help you move your HP 3000 9x7 applications to newer HP e3000 Servers with longer support lives. By acting now, you can minimize the challenges of such a move, reduce your ongoing operational costs, and improve the overall productivity of your HP e3000 solutions.

Please call your HP representative or local reseller for additional information on excellent replacement servers for your HP 3000 9x7 Servers, or visit us at http://mpeixservers.hp.com/news_events/discontinuances.html.

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