HPlogo Communicator e3000 MPE/iX Release 7.0 (Software Release C.70.00) > Appendix E CD-ROM Resources

Selecting an Output Device

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HPINSTAL sets the output device where the CSLT is created to device class TAPE. If you use the default, HPINSTAL will write to any device of class TAPE. You can change the default when HPINSTAL requests the information. You need to know the LDEV number of the tape device where you want to create the CSLT.

If you are unfamiliar with the system on which you are working, you can use SYSGEN to look at the configuration of the system to determine the LDEV number of the appropriate tape device. Refer to Performing System Management Tasks for specific information on using SYSGEN to determine your system configuration.

Using the Default Output Device

If you use the default output device, HPINSTAL automatically writes to any device of class TAPE. If you have only one tape device, using the default will produce the desired results. If you have additional tape devices, using the default may not create the tape at the desired tape device.

Setting Tapes to Reply Automatically

If the tape device is not set up to automatically reply to tape requests, you need to reply manually to all tape requests at the system console.

To set up tapes to reply automatically:
  1. Run SYSGEN:

  2. Use the IO configurator:

      sysgen> IO
  3. Look at the state of the device you want to reply to tape requests automatically. In place of 8 in the following example, use the number of the logical device you want to check.

      io> LDEV 8
        LDEV: 8 DEVNAME:        OUTDEV:   0    MODE:
          ID: HPC1501A           RSIZE: 128    DEVTYPE: TAPE
        PATH: 4.3.5            MPETYPE:  24    MPESUBTYPE: 6
       CLASS:  TAPE
    If there is no mode type of R after MODE, AUTOREPLY is not set for this device. You can exit SYSGEN without continuing to modify the file.

    To set AUTOREPLY to on, type the following. Replace the number 8 with the LDEV number of the tape device you want to automatically reply to tape requests.

    Check that AUTOREPLY is now on:
      io> LDEV 8
        LDEV: 8 DEVNAME:        OUTDEV:   0    MODE: R
          ID: HPC1501A           RSIZE: 128    DEVTYPE: TAPE
        PATH: 4.3.5            MPETYPE:  24    MPESUBTYPE: 6
       CLASS:  TAPE
    The R after MODE signifies that AUTOREPLY is on.
      io> HOLD
      io> EXIT
      sysgen> KEEP
      sysgen> EXIT

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