HPlogo Communicator e3000 MPE/iX Release 7.0 (Software Release C.70.00) > Appendix C Managing Disk Space

Determining Available Disk Space

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If you do not have enough disk space, determine how much disk space you do have available before you proceed with clearing more space.
  1. Determine available contiguous disk space on your system.

      :run discfree.pub.sys;info="B,ldev,volume_set_name"
    Use option C to see each drive separately.


    ldev is the device number assigned to LDEV 1.

    volume_set_name is the name assigned to the MPE system volume set.

      DISCFREE A.50.01 Copyright (C) Hewlett-Packard 1992.
      All rights reserved.
      FRI, APR 21, 1995, 3:55 AM
              DEVICE SIZE : 10479136
              TRANS SPACE :  30336            PERM SPACE : 7788944
          MAX TRANS SPACE : 9169232       MAX PERM SPACE : 9169232
               FREE SPACE : 2359856
     AVAIL TO TRANS SPACE : 2359856  AVAIL TO PERM SPACE : 1210624
    Verify that the amount following avail to perm space is greater than or at least equal to the axldev1 value.

  2. Make additional space on the system by storing files to tape using the PURGE option to purge the stored files from the system.

    Some files are scheduled to be stored and purged as part of the preparation process. These files include USL, UNL, UXL, spool files, and log files. Estimate the size of these files and determine if you will have enough disk space after they are purged.

Appendix C Managing Disk Space

Recovery from "Out of Disk Space" during Update