HPlogo High Availability FailOver/iX Manual > Chapter 6 Recovering From a Failover

Rerouting to the Primary Path After Failover

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E0803 Edition 2
E1100 Edition 1 ♥

If a repair does not require re-booting, such as after a "hot swap" replacement of the array controller, the goback command should be invoked. Goback reroutes I/O to the primary path.

If a repair requires the system be shut down and re-booted, I/O will be routed to all available configured primary paths. Goback does not need to be invoked in this scenario.

The six-step validation process documented in the DOHA section of Chapter 4 "Configuration" occurs when goback is invoked or when the system is re-booted.


To execute goback:
  1. Start SYSGEN.

  2. At the sysgen> prompt, type io.

  3. At the io> prompt, type ha.

  4. Execute the goback (go) command using the syntax.

  go <LDEV>

For example,

  ha> go 8

In this example, all I/Os for LDEV 8 will be rerouted to the primary path configured. Should this attempt fail, you will be notified and the I/Os will continue on the alternate data path.

Appendix A "Sample Failover and Recovery" provides a sample failover scenario and documents how to recover.


Special Considerations for Failed Paths