HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 7 Symbolic Formatting Symbolic Access

Chapter 7 Symbolic Formatting Symbolic Access

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E0201 Edition 4
E0300 Edition 3 ♥
E0692 Edition 3

Table of Contents
Creating and Accessing Symbol Definitions
Generate Symbolic Type Information
Convert The Relocatable Library into a Program File
Preprocess the Program File with PXDB
Prepare the Program File with SYMPREP
Open the Symbolic Data Type File with SYMOPEN
The Path Specification
Variable Substitution
Case Sensitivity
Using the Symbolic Formatter
Formatting Types
Formatting Data
Using Symbolic Access
Most of the time spent in the debugging of programs and the analysis of system dumps is in the interpretation of data found in memory images. The symbolic formatter provides a powerful and efficient way of referencing this data symbolically and displaying it using its declared type(s). Regardless of the source language, all data are formatted using a Pascal-style syntax.

Most examples used in this section are based upon the following types:

 CONST        MINGRADES   = 1;      MAXGRADES   = 10;
              MINSTUDENTS = 1;      MAXSTUDENTS = 5;

    GradeRange    = MINGRADES .. MAXGRADES;
    GradesArray   = ARRAY [ GradeRange ] OF integer;

    Class         = ( SENIOR, JUNIOR, SOPHOMORE, FRESHMAN );
    NameStr       = string[8];

    StudentRecord = RECORD
                       Name      : NameStr;
                       Id        : integer;
                       Year      : Class;
                       NumGrades : GradeRange;
                       Grades    : GradesArray;

       SubjectSet = SET of subjects;


       PersonPtr = ^Person;
Person = RECORD Next : PersonPtr; Name : string[16]; Sex : (MALE, FEMALE); CASE ms : MStype OF MARRIED : (NumKids : integer); DIVORCED : (HowLong : integer); SINGLE : (Looking : boolean); WIDOWED : (); END;
The following examples assume the System Debug variable addr1 contains the virtual address of a data structure corresponding to the type StudentArray.

A hexadecimal display of that area of memory would be produced by the following:

   $nmdebug > dv addr1,10
   $ VIRT 7b8.40200010 $ 00000004 42696c6c 00000000 00000000
   $ VIRT 7b8.40200020 $ 00000001 00040000 0000002d 00000041
   $ VIRT 7b8.40200030 $ 0000004e 00000042 00000000 00000000
   $ VIRT 7b8.40200040 $ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

   $nmdebug > dv addr1,6,a
   $ VIRT 7b8.40200010 A .... Bill .... .... .... ....

This leaves to the user the task of matching the displayed data to the declared types. When more complicated data structures are involved, it is easy to see that the process of matching the raw data to the corresponding high-level declarations could become exceedingly cumbersome.

The symbolic formatting facility allows users to display data in terms of the declared structures. In the case of the record StudentRecord in the above example, the symbolic formatter produces the following output:

   $nmdebug > fv addr1 "StudentRecord"

      NAME      : 'Bill'
      ID        : 1
      YEAR      : SENIOR
      NUMGRADES : 4
      GRADES    :
         [ 1 ]: 2d
         [ 2 ]: 41
         [ 3 ]: 4e
         [ 4 ]: 42
         [ 5 ]: 0
         [ 6 ]: 0
         [ 7 ]: 0
         [ 8 ]: 0
         [ 9 ]: 0
         [ a ]: 0

Just as you can display data symbolically, you can also use symbolic addressing to locate and restrict the data to be displayed. The symbolic access facility allows users to extract simple values from a data structure by name for use in expressions and macros. For example, to test if year (year in school) is SENIOR, one could write:

   $nmdebug > VAR year = SYMVAL(addr1, "StudentRecord.Year")
   $nmdebug > IF year = "SENIOR" THEN WL "He is a SENIOR!!"

This is obviously more lucid than the corresponding bit-extraction sequence:

   $nmdebug > VAR year = BITX( [addr1+$14], 0, #8 )
   $nmdebug > IF ( year = 0 ) THEN WL "He is a SENIOR!!"

In summary, the symbolic formatting and access facility allows the user to display and reference data in a more natural way, namely through the use of the symbolic data type names declared at the source level. Furthermore, it frees authors of macros and simple formatted displays from worrying about the allocation of data within a data structure and from tracking changes to these structures as they evolve.

The remaining subsections describe the symbolic formatting and access facility in more detail.


Creating and Accessing Symbol Definitions