HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Appendix E Command Summary

Appendix E Command Summary

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E0201 Edition 4
E0300 Edition 3 ♥
E0692 Edition 3

   Standard Commands
           Window Commands
   :                  access to the command interpreter
   =                  calculator, expression evaluation

   ABORT              terminate dat/debug session
   ALIAS              define a user alias
   ALIASD[EL]         delete a command alias
   ALIASINIT          restore the pre-defined aliases
   ALIASL[IST]        list current command alias

   B                  set breakpoint
   BA                 set breakpoint at an absolute CST address
   BAX                set breakpoint at an absolute CSTX address
   BD                 delete breakpoint(s)
   BG                 set breakpoint in group library
   BL                 list breakpoint(s)
   BLG                set breakpoint in logon group library
   BLP                set breakpoint in logon account library
   BP                 set breakpoint in account library
   BS                 set breakpoint in system library
   BU                 set breakpoint in any NM (user) library
   BV                 set breakpoint at a virtual (code) address

   C[ONTINUE]         continue program execution
   CLOSEDUMP          close a dump file set
   CM                 enter Compatibility Mode  (cmdat/cmdebug)
   CMDL[IST]        list commands

   CMG                display cmglobals for a process
           CMPB       scroll the CM program window backwards
           CMPD       disable the CM program window
           CMPE       enable the CM program window
           CMPF       scroll the CM program window forwards
           CMPH       home the CM program window
           CMPJ       jump the CM program window
           CMPJA      jump the CM program window to a CST segement
           CMPJAX     jump the CM program window to a CSTX segement
           CMPJG      jump the CM program window to the group library
           CMPJLG     jump the CM program window to the logon group library
           CMPJLP     jump the CM program window to the logon account library
           CMPJP      jump the CM program window to the account library
           CMPJS      jump the CM program window to the system library
           CMPK       kill the CM program window
           CMPL       change the size of the CM program window
           CMPR       change the radix of the CM program window

   DA                 display absolute memory relative
   DATAB              set a data breakpoint
   DATABD             delete a data breakpoint
   DATABL             list data breakpoints
   DC                 display code
   DCA                display code in a CST segement
   DCAX               display code in a CSTX segement
   DCG                display code in the group library
   DCLG               display code in the logon group library
   DCLP               display code in the logon account library
   DCP                display code in the account library
   DCS                display code in the system library
   DCU                display code in any (user) NM library
   DD                 display data segment
   DDB                display CM DB-relative
   DELETEALIAS        predefined alias for ALIASD
   DELETEB            predefined alias for BD
   DELETEERR          predefined alias for ERRD
   DELETEMAC          predefined alias for MACD
   DELETEVAR          predefined alias for VARD
   DEMO               select terminal ldevs for DAT/DEBUG demonstrations
   DIS                disassemble code
   DO                 redo a command from history
   DPIB               display a process's information block
   DPTREE             display the process tree
   DQ                 display CM Q-relative
   DR                 display registers
   DS                 display CM S-relative
   DSEC               display secondary storage relative
   DUMPINFO           display information about the open dump
   DV                 display virtual memory
   DZ                 display real memory

   E[XIT]             exit (predefined alias for C[ONTINUE])
   ENV                set an environmental variable value
   ENVL[IST]          display environmental variable values
   ERR                push an error string onto the error stack
   ERRD[EL]           reset the error stack
   ERRL[IST]          list the contents of the error stack

   FC                 freeze code
   FCA                freeze code in a CST segement
   FCAX               freeze code in a CSTX segement
   FCG                freeze code in the group library
   FCLG               freeze code in the logon group library
   FCLP               freeze code in the logon account library
   FCP                freeze code in the account library
   FCS                freeze code in the system library
   FCU                freeze code in any (user) NM library
   FDA                freeze a data segment into memory
   FINDPROC           dynamically load a procedure from a NM library
   FOREACH            execute a command(list) FOREACH value in a valuelist
   FPMAP              Re-initializes CM symbolic procedure names
   FT                 format a type declaration
   FUNCL[IST]         list all the DEBUG/DAT functions
   FV                 format virtual as a type
   FVA                freeze virtual address (range) in memory

           GB         scroll group window back
           GD         disable the group window
           GE         enable the group window
   GETDUMP            read a dump tape into disc files
           GF         scroll group window forward
           GH         home the group window
           GK         kill the group window
           GL         change the size of the group window
           GR         change the radix for the group window
           GRD        disable the NM general registers window
           GRE        enable the NM general registers window
           GRK        kill the NM general registers window
           GRL        change the size of the NM general registers window

   H[ELP]             print help
   HIST[ORY]          print history of command stack

   IF                 IF <condition> THEN {cmdlist} ELSE {cmdlist}
   IGNORE             ignore error test after the following command
   INITCM             initialize CM registers from any address
   INITNM             initialize NM registers from any address

   KILL               kill the indicated PIN

           LB         scroll the Ldev window back
           LD         disable the Ldev window
           LE         enable the Ldev window
   LEV                set environment to stack level
           LF         scroll the Ldev window forward
           LH         home the Ldev window
   LIST               controls the recording of input and output to a listfile
   LISTREDO           predefined alias for HIST[ORY]
           LJ         jump the Ldev window
           LK         kill the Ldev window
           LL         change the size of the window program
   LOADINFO           give info on loaded NM and CM program/libraries
   LOADPROC           dynamically load a procedure from a CM library
   LOC                declare a local variable
   LOCL[IST]          list the local variables
   LOG                controls the recording of input to a logfile
           LR         change the radix of the Ldev window
           LW         allocate a new virtual window

   MA                 modify absolute
   MAC[RO]            define a macro
   MACD[EL]           delete macro definition(s)
   MACECHO            enable echoing of each line of macro(s)
   MACL[IST]          list the macro definition(s)
   MACREF             reset macro reference counts
   MACTRACE           enable tracing for macro(s)
   MAP                open and map a file into virtual space
   MAPL[IST]          list files opened by the MAP command
   MC                 modify code
   MCA                modify code in a CST segement
   MCAX               modify code in a CSTX segement
   MCG                modify code in the group library
   MCLG               modify code in the logon group library
   MCLP               modify code in the logon account library
   MCP                modify code in the account library
   MCS                modify code in the system library
   MCU                modify code in any (user) NM library
   MD                 modify CM data segment
   MDB                modify CM DB-relative
   MODD               delete temporary dump modification(s) in DAT
   MODL               list temporary dump modification(s) in DAT
   MPEXL              display version info about MPEXL files in the OS SOM in NL
   MPSW               modify the PSW
   MQ                 modify CM Q-relative
   MR                 modify registers
   MS                 modify CM S-relative
   MSEC               modify secondary store
   MV                 modify virtual memory
   MZ                 modify real memory

   NM                 enter Native Mode  (nmdat/nmdebug)
           NMPB       scroll the NM program window backwards
           NMPD       disable the NM program window
           NMPE       enable the NM program window
           NMPF       scroll the NM program window forwards
           NMPH       home the NM program window
           NMPJ       jump the NM program window
           NMPJG      jump the NM program window to the group library
           NMPJP      jump the NM program window to the account library
           NMPJS      jump the NM program window to the system library
           NMPJU      jump the NM program window to any (user) NM library
           NMPK       kill the NM program window
           NMPL       change the size of the CM program window
           NMPR       change the radix of the CM program window

   OPENDUMP           open dump disc files for analysis

   PAUSE              pause (sleep) for <n> seconds
         PB         scroll the program window backwards
         PD         disable the program window
         PE         enable the program window
         PF         scroll the program window forwards
         PH         home the program window
   PIN                switch context to a specified process
         PJ         jump the current program window
         PJA        jump the current program window to a CST segement
         PJAX       jump the current program window to a CSTX segement
         PJG        jump the current program window to the group library
         PJLG       jump the current program window to the logon group library
         PJLP       jump the current program window to the logon account library
         PJP        jump the current program window to the account library
         PJS        jump the current program window to the system library
         PJU        jump the current program window to any (user) NM library
         PJV        jump the current program window to a virtual address
         PK         kill the program window
         PL         change the size of the program window
         PR         change the radix of the program window
   PROCLIST           list NM procedures/dat symbols in a NM executable file
   PSEUDOMAP          fill in virtual memory holes from mapped file
   PURGEDUMP          delete all disc files in a dump set

         QB         scroll CM frame window back
         QD         disable the CM frame window
         QE         enable the CM frame window
         QF         scroll CM frame window forward
         QH         home the CM frame window
         QJ         jump the CM frame window
         QK         kill the CM frame window
         QL         change the size of the CM frame window
         QR         change the radix of the CM frame window

         RD         disable the CM register window
         RE         enable the CM register window
         RED        redraw the screen
   REDO               redo a command after (optionally) editing it
   REGLIST            writes NM register values to a file in USE format
   RESTORE            restore macros or variables from a file
   RET[URN]           return an optional value from a macro
           RH         home the CM register window
           RK         kill the CM register window
           RL         change the size of the CM register window
           RR         change the radix of the CM register window

   S[S]               single step, same as SS
           SB         scroll CM stack window back
           SD         disable the CM stack window
           SE         enable the CM stack window
   SET                set user configurable options
   SETALIAS           predefined alias for ALIAS
   SETENV             predefined alias for ENV
   SETERR             predefined alias for ERR
   SETLOC             predefined alias for LOC
   SETMAC             predefined alias for MAC
   SETVAR             predefined alias for VAR
           SF         scroll stack window forward
           SH         home the stack window
   SHOWALIAS          predefined alias for ALIASL
   SHOWB              predefined alias for BL
   SHOWCMD            predefined alias for CMDL
   SHOWDATAB          predefined alias for DATABL
   SHOWENV            predefined alias for ENVL
   SHOWERR            predefined alias for ERRL
   SHOWFUNC           predefined alias for FUNCL
   SHOWLOC            predefined alias for LOCL
   SHOWMAC            predefined alias for MACL
   SHOWSET            predefined alias for SET (no parms)
   SHOWSYM            predefined alias for SYML
   SHOWVAR            predefined alias for VARL
           SJ         jump the CM stack window to a new location
           SK         kill the CM stack window
           SL         change the size of the CM stack window
   STORE              store macros or variables to a file
           SR         change the radix of the CM stack window
           SRE        enable the NM special registers window
           SRD        disable the NM special registers window
           SRH        home the NM special registers window
           SRK        kill the NM special registers window
           SRL        change the size of the NM special registers window
   SYMCLOSE           close a symbolic data file
   SYMF[ILES]         list the currently opened symbolic files
   SYMINFO            display info about opened symbolic files
   SYML[IST]          display symbolic file information
   SYMOPEN            open a symbolic file with data types in debug records
   SYMPREP            preprocesses a symbolic data file with SYMDEBUG information

   TA                 translate CM ABS-relative address to virtual
   TC                 translate CM program file code address to virtual
   TCA                translate CM CST code address to virtual
   TCAX               translate CM CSTX code address to virtual
   TCG                translate CM group library code address to virtual
   TCLG               translate CM logon group library code address to virtual
   TCLP               translate CM logon account library code address to virtual
   TCP                translate CM account library code address to virtual
   TCS                translate CM system library code address to virtual
   TD                 translate CM data segment to virtual
   TDB                translate CM DB-relative address to virtual
   TERM               control terminal semephore ownership
   TQ                 translate CM Q-relative address to virtual
   TR[ACE]            stack trace
   TRAP               arm/disarm/list various catchable traps
   TS                 translate CM S-relative address to virtual
           TXB        scroll text window backward
           TXC        mark the text window as current
           TXD        disable the text window
           TXE        enable the text window
           TXF        scroll text window forward
           TXH        home the text window
           TXI        information about the text window
           TXJ        jump the text window
           TXK        kill the text window
           TXL        change the size of the text window
           TXS        shift text window to left or right
           TXW        allocate a new text window

           UB         scroll user window backward
           UC         mark the user window as current
   UFC                un-freeze code in the program file
   UFCA               un-freeze code in a CST segement
   UFCAX              un-freeze code in a CSTX segement
   UFCG               un-freeze code in the group library
   UFCLG              un-freeze code in the logon group library
   UFCLP              un-freeze code in the logon account library
   UFCP               un-freeze code in the account library
   UFCS               un-freeze code in the system library
   UFCU               un-freeze code in any (user) NM library
   UFDA               un-freeze a data segment in memory
   UFVA               unfreeze a virtual address (range)
           UD         disable a user window
           UE         enable a user window
           UF         scroll user window forward
           UH         home the user window
           UK         kill a user window
           UL         change the size of a user window
           UN         rename a user window
   UNMAP              close file opened by MAP command
   UNWIND             restore processor to known state
   UPD                update windows
           UR         change the radix of a user window
   USE                execute commands from a file
   USENEXT            execute a specified number of lines from a command file
           UWA        define a user window absolute relative
           UWCA       define a user window CST segment relative
           UWCAX      define a user window CSTX segment relative
           UWD        define a user window data segment relative
           UWDB       define a user window CM DB-relative
           UWL        define a user window LDEV relative
           UWS        define a user window CM S-relative
           UWQ        define a user window CM Q-relative
           UWV        define a user window Precision Architecture virtual address
           UWZ        define a user window Precision Architecture real address

   VAR                define/list a user variable
   VARD[EL]           delete a user variable
   VARL[IST]          list user variables
           VB         scroll virtual window backward
           VC         mark virtual window as current
           VD         disable the virtual window
           VE         enable the virtual window
           VF         scroll virtual window forward
           VH         home the virtual window
           VJ         jump the virtual window to a new location
           VI         information about indicated or all windows
           VK         kill the virtual window
           VL         change the size of the virtual window
           VN         rename the virtual window
           VR         change the radix of the virtual window
           VW         allocate a new virtual window

   W                  write formatted value list
   WCOL               set output position to column
           WDEF       set default window sizes
           WGRP       select a group of windows
   WHELP              window help
   WHILE              WHILE <condition> DO
   WL                 write line formatted value list
           WOFF       turn windows off
           WON        turn windows on
   WP                 write prompt
   WPAGE              write page eject

   XL                 open a program/library file to access symbol information.
   XLD                close a file previously opened via the XL command
   XLL                list files opened via the XL command

           ZB         scroll real memory window backward
           ZD         disable real memory window
           ZE         enable real memory window
           ZF         scroll real memory window forward
           ZH         home the real memory window
           ZJ         jump the real memory window
           ZK         kill the real memory window
           ZL         change the size of the real memory window
           ZR         change the radix of the real memory window
           ZW         aim the real memory window

Appendix D Reserved Variables/Functions
