HPlogo Using KSAM XL and KSAM 64 > Chapter 2 Creating a KSAM File

Using Related Commands

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Several MPE/iX commands can be used for KSAM files. KSAM files can be deleted and renamed using the same commands used with standard files. File attributes can be modified with a file equation.

Deleting a KSAM File

KSAM files can be deleted using the PURGE command. As with standard files, the file named in the PURGE command is deleted. The accounts receivable file can be deleted using the following command.


Renaming a KSAM File

The RENAME command can be used to change the name of an existing KSAM file. The file name specified in the command is deleted. The parameters for the RENAME command are the same as for standard files. The file name specified in the command is deleted. The first file name is the current name of the KSAM file. The second file name is the new name of the file.


Modifying File Attributes

The FILE command declares the file attributes to be used when an existing file is opened. It can be used with KSAM files as well as standard files. The FILE command's keywords (;KSAMXL, ;KSAM64, ;KEY, ;FIRSTREC, ;LANG, ;REUSE, ;NOREUSE, ;OPTMBLK and ;DEFBLK) perform the same functions as they do for the BUILD command.

The FILE command can be used to override system default file specifications or specifications supplied with the HPFOPEN or FOPEN intrinsic. The new specifications remain in effect for the entire job or session unless they are revoked by the RESET command or superseded by another FILE command.

Building a KSAM File Programmatically

Chapter 3 Obtaining File Information