HPlogo Accessing Files Programmer's Guide > Appendix A Pascal/XL Program Examples

Program Example A-2

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E0300 Edition 6 ♥
E0692 Edition 5

This Pascal/XL program example illustrates how you can use the HPFOPEN intrinsic to open a labeled magnetic tape file, then open a new disk file with a user-supplied name. After records are sequentially copied from the tape file to the disk file, both files are closed, the disk file is closed as a Permanent file. If the file system determines that another file of the same name exists in the permanent file directory, the user is allowed to specify alternate file names until the file close operation is successful.

Program Algorithm

The task specified above is accomplished using six steps. Also indicated are the intrinsics used to accomplish file access tasks and the name of the procedure where the task is accomplished:
  1. Open (HPFOPEN) labeled magnetic tape file (see procedure open_tape_file).

  2. Read from $STDIN (READ) a user-supplied file name, then open (HPFOPEN) a new disk file using the given name (see procedure open_disk_file).

  3. Read (FREADLABEL) the user label from the tape file and then print (PRINT) the label to $STDLIST (see procedure print_user_label).

  4. In a loop, use sequential access method to read (FREAD) records from tape file and write (FWRITE) them to the disk file (see procedure copy_file_from_tape_to_disc).

  5. Close (FCLOSE) the tape file (see procedure close_tape_file).

  6. Close (FCLOSE) the new disk file as a permanent file (see procedure close_disk_file). If an error occurs during the FCLOSE call, the user is given the opportunity (CAUSEBREAK) to interactively fix the problem (see procedure handle_fclose_error) before the program again attempts to close the disk file as a permanent file.

This program makes extensive use of error handling routines to:
  • return to the user a file system error number (FCHECK) associated with a file system intrinsic error (refer to procedure print_fserr).

  • interpret and return to the user error information returned by the status parameter of a failed HPFOPEN call (see procedure print_hpfopen_error).

  • allow the user to specify an alternative file name if, during an FCLOSE call, the file system determines that a duplicate permanent disk file exists (see procedure handle_fclose_error).

  • print file information (PRINTFILEINFO) before aborting (QUIT) the program (see procedure handle_file_error).

Using these four error procedures, the program individually tailors error-handling routines to meet different intrinsic needs.

Source code listing

Example A-2. Accessing a Magnetic Tape File

 $standard_level 'os_features'$
 $os 'mpe xl'$
 $code_offsets on$
 $tables on$
 $list_code on$

 program open_and_read_a_labeled_tape (input, output);

 {*                         DECLARATION PART                       *}

    ccg               = 0;         {* condition code "greater than *}
    ccl               = 1;         {* condition code "less than"   *}
    cce               = 2;         {* condition code "equal"       *}

    pac80             = packed array [1..80] of char;
    status_type       = record
                           case integer of
                              0 : (info    : shortint;
                                   subsys  : shortint);
                              1 : (all     : integer);

    tape_file         : integer;      {* file number for tape file *}
    disk_file         : integer;      {* file number for disk file *}

 function  FREAD : shortint;  intrinsic;
 function  READ  : shortint;  intrinsic;
 procedure HPFOPEN;           intrinsic;
 procedure FCHECK;            intrinsic;
 procedure FCLOSE;            intrinsic;
 procedure FWRITE;            intrinsic;
 procedure PRINT;             intrinsic;
 procedure PRINTFILEINFO;     intrinsic;
 procedure QUIT;              intrinsic;
 procedure CAUSEBREAK;        intrinsic;
 procedure FREADLABEL;        intrinsic;
 procedure print_hpfopen_error
                error    : status_type
 option inline;

 {*  PURPOSE:                                                      *}
 {*    This routine prints the status returned by HPFOPEN.         *}
 {*  PARAMETERS:                                                   *}
 {*    error (input)                                               *}
 {*      - status returned by HPFOPEN                              *}

 begin                                      {* print_hpfopen_error *}
   writeln ('HPFOPEN status = (info: ', error.info:1,
                               '; subys: ', error.subsys:1,')');
 end;                                       {* print_hpfopen_error *}

 procedure print_fserr
               file_num  : integer
 option inline;

 {*  PURPOSE:                                                      *}
 {*    This routine prints a File System error which occurred in a *}
 {*    File System intrinsic.                                      *}
 {*  PARAMETERS:                                                   *}
 {*    file_num (input)                                            *}
 {*      - file number of file which the intrinsic failed          *}

    error             : shortint;      {* File System error number *}

 begin                                              {* print_fserr *}
   FCHECK (file_num, error);  {* call FCHECK to get the errornumber*}
   writeln ('FSERR = ', error:1);
                                                    {* print_fserr *}

 procedure handle_file_error
                file_num : shortint;
                quit_num : shortint

 {*  PURPOSE:                                                      *}
 {*    This routine displays File System information about a file  *}
 {*    and then calls QUIT to terminate the program.               *}
 {*  PARAMETERS:                                                   *}
 {*    file_num (input)                                            *}
 {*      - file number.  The routine will print info about this    *}
 {*        file.                                                   *}
 {*    quit_num (input)                                            *}
 {*      - quit number.  This number will be displayed by QUIT when*}
 {*        the program is terminated.                              *}

 begin                                        {* handle_file_error *}
   PRINTFILEINFO (file_num);
   QUIT (quit_num);
 end;                                         {* handle_file_error *}

 procedure handle_fclose_error;
 {*  PURPOSE:                                                      *}
 {*    This routine informs the user that the disk file could not  *}
 {*    closed.  Then CAUSEBREAK is called to break the program;    *}
 {*    this is done to give the user a chance to purge or rename   *}
 {*    an existing disk file which has the same name as the one the*}
 {*    program is trying to save.  When the user enters 'resume'   *}
 {*    this routine will return to the caller.                     *}

    msgbuf            : pac80;

 begin                                      {* handle_fclose_error *}
                                           {* print error messages *}
   msgbuf := 'Can''t close disk file';
   PRINT (msgbuf, -21, 0);
   msgbuf := 'Check for duplicate name';
   PRINT (msgbuf, -24, 0);
   msgbuf := 'Fix, then type "resume"';
   PRINT (msgbuf, -23, 0);
                                              {* break the program *}
 end;                                       {* handle_fclose_error *}

 procedure open_tape_file
            var file_num : integer

 {*  PURPOSE:                                                      *}
 {*    This routine opens a labeled tape file.                     *}
 {*  PARAMETERS:                                                   *}
 {*    file_num (output)                                           *}
 {*      - file number of open tape file                           *}

                                    {* define HPFOPEN item numbers *}
    formal_designator_option =  2;
    domain_option            =  3;
    tape_label_option        =  8;
    access_type_option       = 11;
    tape_type_option         = 30;
    tape_expiration_option   = 31;
    device_class_option      = 42;

                                           {* define HPFOPEN items *}
    read_only         : integer;
    device_class      : pac80;
    old               : integer;
    file_name         : pac80;
    tape_label        : pac80;
    ansi_tape         : integer;
    tape_expiration   : pac80;

    {* define scratch varibles *}
    msgbuf            : pac80;
    status            : status_type;

 begin                                           {* open_tape_file *}
               {* set up the item values for the HPFOPEN intrinsic *}
   file_name       := '&tapefile&';
   old             := 3;

   read_only       := 0;
   tape_label      := '&tape01&';
   ansi_tape       := 0;
   tape_expiration := '&05/20/87&';
   device_class    := '&tape&';
   HPFOPEN (file_num, status, formal_designator_option, file_name,
                            device_class_option, device_class,
                            domain_option, old,
                            tape_label_option, tape_label,
                            tape_type_option, ansi_tape,
                            access_type_option, read_only,
                            tape_expiration_option, tape_expiration);

   if status.all <> 0 then            {* check for error condition *}
      print_hpfopen_error (status);
      handle_file_error (file_num, 1);
 end;                                            {* open_tape_file *}

 procedure open_disk_file
            var file_num : integer

 {*  PURPOSE:                                                      *}
 {*    This routine prompts the user for a file name and opens a   *}
 {*    NEW disk file using the given name.                         *}
 {*  PARAMETERS:                                                   *}
 {*    file_num (output)                                           *}
 {*      - file number of the open disk file                       *}

                                    {* define HPFOPEN item numbers *}
    formal_designator_option =  2;
    access_type_option       = 11;
    ascii_binary_option      = 53;

                                           {* define HPFOPEN items *}
    update            : integer;
    ascii             : integer;
    file_name         : pac80;
                                       {* define scratch variables *}
    index             : integer;
    msgbuf            : pac80;
    read_length       : integer;
    status            : status_type;

 begin                                        {* open_disk_file    *}
       {*prompt user for a file name a read the user-specified name*}

   msgbuf := 'Name of new disk file to be created?';
   PRINT (msgbuf, -36, 0);

   read_length := READ (file_name, -8);

 {* shift file name one character to the right to make room for the*}
 {* delimiters                                                     *}

   for index := read_length downto 1 do
      file_name[index + 1] := file_name[index];

                                    {* add delimiters to file name *}

   file_name[1] := '&';
   file_name[read_length + 2] := '&';
     {* set up the remaining item values for the HPFOPEN intrinsic *}

   ascii  := 1;            {* the disk file is to be an ASCII file *}
   update := 5; 
             {*update access will be used to write to the disk file*}

   HPFOPEN (file_num, status, formal_designator_option, file_name,
                            ascii_binary_option, ascii,
                            access_type_option, update);

   if status.all <> 0 then      {* check for error condition *}
        print_hpfopen_error (status);
        handle_file_error (file_num, 2);
 end;                                      {* open_disk_file  *     }

 procedure print_user_label
                file_num : integer

 {*  PURPOSE:                                                      *}
 {*    This routine reads the user label from the tape file and    *}
 {*    then prints the user label to $STDLIST.                     *}
 {*  PARAMETERS:                                                   *}
 {*    file_num (input)                                            *}
 {*      - file number of open tape file                           *}

    inbuf             : pac80;        {* buffer for the user label *}

 begin   {* print_user_label *}
   FREADLABEL (file_num, inbuf, 40); {*read the user label from tape*}

   if ccode <> CCE then        {* check for error condition *}
       print_fserr (file_num);
       handle_file_error (file_num, 3);

   PRINT (inbuf, 40, 0);       {* print the user label to $stdlist *}
 end;                                          {* print_user_label *}

 procedure copy_file_from_tape_to_disk
                tape_file : integer;
                disk_file : integer
 {*  PURPOSE:                                                      *}
 {*   This routine copies a tape file to a disk file one record at *}
 {*   a time (sequential access).                                  *}
 {*  PARAMETERS:                                                   *}
 {*    tape_file (input)                                           *}
 {*      - file number of an open tape file                        *}
 {*    disk_file (input)                                           *}
 {*      - file number of an open disk file                        *}

    inbuf             : pac80;
    msgbuf            : pac80;
    end_of_file       : boolean;
    read_length       : integer;

 begin                              {* copy_file_from_tape_to_disk *}
   end_of_file := false;

    {* copy a buffer from the tape file to the disk file until the *}
    {* end of the tape file is reached                             *}

     read_length := FREAD (tape_file, inbuf, 40);
                                         {* read buffer from tape  *}

     if ccode = ccl then              {* check for error condition *}

         msgbuf := 'Can''t read tape file';
         PRINT (msgbuf, -20, 0);
         print_fserr (tape_file);
         handle_file_error (tape_file, 4);
     if ccode = ccg then      {* check for end of file condition *}
       end_of_file := true
         FWRITE (disk_file, inbuf, read_length, 0);
{* write buffer to disk *} if ccode <> cce then {* check for error condition *} begin msgbuf := 'Can''t write to disk file'; PRINT (msgbuf, -24, 0); print_fserr (disk_file); handle_file_error (disk_file, 5); end; end; until end_of_file; end; {* copy_file_from_tape_to_disk *} procedure close_tape_file ( file_num : integer ); {******************************************************************} {* PURPOSE: *} {* This routine closes the tape file. *} {* PARAMETERS: *} {* file_num (input) *} {* - file number of open tape file *} {******************************************************************} var msgbuf : pac80; begin {* close_tape_file *} FCLOSE (file_num, 1, 0); {* close file, rewind and unload tape*} if ccode = ccl then {* check for error condition *} begin msgbuf := 'Can''t close tape file'; PRINT (msgbuf, -21, 0); print_fserr (file_num); handle_file_error (file_num, 6); end; end; { close_tape_file } procedure close_disk_file ( file_num : integer ); {******************************************************************} {* PURPOSE: } {* This routine closes the NEW disk file as PERMANENT disk } {* file. If an error occurs on the FCLOSE then the user is } {* given the opportunity to fix the problem and the FCLOSE is } {* retried. } {* PARAMETERS: } {* file_num (input) } {* - file number of the open disk file } {******************************************************************} var file_closed : boolean; begin { close_disk_file } file_closed := false; repeat FCLOSE (file_num, 1, 0); {close disk file as a permanent file} if ccode = ccl then { check for error condition} handle_fclose_error else file_closed := true; until file_closed; end; { close_disk_file } {******************************************************************} { MAIN PROGRAM } {******************************************************************} begin open_tape_file (tape_file); { STEP 1 } open_disk_file (disk_file); { STEP 2 } print_user_label (tape_file); { STEP 3 } copy_file_from_tape_to_disk (tape_file, disk_file); { STEP 4 } close_tape_file (tape_file); { STEP 5 } close_disk_file (disk_file); { STEP 6 } end. { main }

Appendix A Pascal/XL Program Examples

Program Example A-3