HPlogo MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Command List I

Commands ABORT to BYE

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Aborts the current program or operation suspended by BREAK. (Native Mode)





Operation Notes

The ABORT command terminates a process that has been suspended by pressing the Break key. Programs do not terminate while critical system code is executing on their behalf, but terminate immediately following execution of that code.

The ABORT command is available only from a session and only during BREAK, but it does not disrupt the session. Some operations abort immediately upon entering BREAK without requiring the ABORT command. An ABORT command results in the job control word (JCW) being set to the SYSTEM 0 state. For a discussion of job control words, refer to the SETJCW command.


This command may be issued from a session (in BREAK only). It is not available from a job or a program. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


To abort the current program or operation, press Break. When the colon prompt (:) appears, enter:


The system then displays the message PROGRAM ABORTED PER USER REQUEST and redisplays the colon prompt (:).

Related Information






Aborts a single pending I/O request for a device.


  ABORTIO ldev

  =ABORTIO ldev



The logical device number of the device for which you intend to abort one pending I/O request.

Operation Notes

This command aborts a single pending I/O request for the specified ldev. To delete all queued I/O requests for a device, repeat the ABORTIO command until the following message appears on the $STDLIST device:


Devices that are job-accepting or data-accepting always have outstanding READ requests pending, due to the auto-recognition feature of MPE/iX. Use the ABORTIO command to clear these pending input requests.

Sometimes, you may need to clear all outstanding I/O requests to allow proper execution of other console commands including ABORTJOB, TAKE, DOWN, and REFUSE.

NOTE: If the ABORTIO command is not effective from the system console, use the =ABORTIO command. (You can only issue the CTRL-A =ABORTIO command from the physical console.) Use the =ABORTIO command only when you cannot execute the ABORTIO command.


You may issue the ABORTIO command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It is executable only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.

The =ABORTIO console command cannot be issued from a job.


To abort a pending I/O request for logical device 53, enter:


It is necessary to issue several ABORTIO commands to abort all pending I/O operations on a spooled device, as shown below:

  11:20/31/LDEV#5 NOT READY

Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Aborts a job or session.


  ABORTJOB { #Jnnn | #Snnn | [jobname>,]user.acct }

  =ABORTJOB { #Jnnn | #Snnn | [jobname,]user.acct }



A job number.


A session number.


The name of the job, as identified by the SHOWJOB command.


A user name.


An account name.

Operation Notes

The ABORTJOB command terminates the designated job or session, and displays the following message on the job/session list device:


If you use the [jobname,]user.acct form of the command when there is more than one job or session executing under that name, MPE/iX selects which job/session to abort. Therefore, to exercise more precise control when aborting jobs or sessions, use the #Jnnn or #Snnn form of the ABORTJOB command. Although the job/session is abnormally terminated, log records are issued, and CPU-times and connect-times are updated. Any I/O activity, such as printing or file storage, is terminated.

The ABORTJOB command can be applied to waiting and scheduled jobs, as well as to executing jobs. If the spooler input file ($STDIN) for a batch job has been created and not yet opened (in other words, the job is in the WAIT state), the entire file is deleted. If the ABORTJOB command is issued before the output spoolfile is complete, only that portion of the file already spooled is printed, along with an error message indicating that the job was aborted. If a request is pending at the system console, it is automatically terminated by the ABORTJOB/=ABORTJOB command and the following message appears on the system console:


When the ABORTJOB command is successful, a logoff message is displayed on the console, indicating that the job has been aborted, as shown in the example below:

  11:20/#S9/34/LOGOFF ON LDEV #77

The standard error message that appears when a request is manually terminated by entering Y in response to =REPLY (or REPLY) is displayed on the user's terminal:


The =ABORTJOB command may be used at the physical console if ABORTJOB is ineffective. Refer to the "Use" section of this command.


You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It is executable only from the console unless it is distributed to users with the ALLOW command, or the JOBSECURITY command is set to LOW with AM or SM capability.

=ABORTJOB may be issued only from the console.

NOTE: Users with AM capability may only abort jobs and sessions within their own account. Users with SM capability may abort jobs and sessions across accounts.


To terminate session number 139, enter:

  17:10/#S139/34/LOGOFF ON LDEV #62

To terminate job number 9, enter:

  20:18/#J9/26/LOGOFF ON LDEV #10

In both of the preceding examples, the LOGOFF ON LDEV # messages indicates that ABORTJOB command was successfully executed.

To terminate session 6, which has a pending device allocation message, enter:

  ?17:00/#S6/23/LDEV# FOR "SCRTAPE" ON TAPE (NUM)?
  17:10/#S6/120/LOGOFF ON LDEV #58

Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


The ABORTPROC command aborts the specified process(es). This command requires OP or SM capability.


  ABORTPROC [ [PIN=]{ pinspec }]
            {(pinspec [,pinspec ]...)}



The process(es) to abort. This is a required parameter. The syntax for pinspec is:


where PIN is the Process ID number and TID is an optional thread ID number. A leading "#P" is optional.

To abort more than one process, a list of PINSPECs can be specified. The list is enclosed in parenthesis and individual PINSPECs are separated by commas. If a list is specified it is processed in order, from left to right. ABORTPROC stops processing the list if an error is detected. Duplicate PINs are not detected.

Although a PIN value of zero has meaning in the SHOWPROC and ALTPROC commands, it is invalid in ABORTPROC. To kill yourself use the HPPIN variable, e.g., ABORTPROC !hppin.

Aborting detached system processes requires SM capability as well as specifying the SYSTEM option.


The SYSTEM option is necessary if the target process is a detached system process. SM capability is required to use the SYSTEM option.

MPE/iX supports 8 process types (shown below). Every process has a process type. Processes with a process type greater than or equal to four (4) are considered system processes. System processes are not abortable unless they have a process type of six (6), indicating they are "detached".

       Type       Abortable     Restrictions
      0 User          Y         SM or OP capability.
      1 Son           Y         SM or OP capability.
      2 Usermain      Y         SM or OP capability.
      3 reserved     n/a        n/a
      4 System        N         Not Abortable!
      5 Detached      Y         Must specify ;SYSTEM.
                                SM capability is required.
      6 JSMAIN        N         Not Abortable!
      7 reserved     n/a        n/a

Processes with a process type of 0, 1 or 2 are considered user processes, and are abortable by any user with SM or OP capabilities.

The Command Interpreter (CI) process for all jobs and sessions has a process type of two. Any process that is an immediate child of a CI process has a process type of one. Processes which are descendants of processes with process type 1 or 0, have a process type of 0.

If a user specifies the SYSTEM option, and the process is not a system process (process type < 4), the SYSTEM option is silently ignored.

Operation Notes

The ABORTPROC command attempts to abort the specified process(es) and all of their children processes. MPE/iX currently does not support a means for children processes to survive the death of their parent process. If one or more child processes cannot be aborted, their parent process cannot be terminated either. There are specific circumstance where a process is not abortable. Examples discussed below involve "critical" processes and session processes in break mode.

The MPE/iX Operating System uses a mechanism known as SETCRITICAL to prevent a process from being aborted. The SETCRICIAL method is used to protect the integrity of system data structures. A process that is SETCRITICAL cannot be aborted. It is normal for all processes to periodically be SETCRICIAL (e.g., when executing system code), and they will RESETCRITICAL when it is safe for them to be aborted. The ABORTPROC command works in conjunction with the SETCRITICAL mechanism. It is designed so that it will never abort a process which is SETCRICIAL. If a process is critical, ABORTPROC will notify the process that it should abort as soon as it is possible to terminate safely.

If the target process, or any of its children processes, are in break mode they cannot be aborted, and an error is reported. This is due to the MPE implementation of break, and because all processes in the same session process tree share the same terminal LDEV. The target process needs to be resumed before it can be aborted by the ABORTPROC command. The one exception is when the target process is the usermain process, typically the CI. In this case it is abortable by ABORTPROC, even when it is in break mode.

When ABORTPROC fails to fully terminate the process the target process is marked as having an "abort pending". Processes with aborts pending are terminated when the condition that prevented the successful abort is resolved. When ABORTPROC is used on a process that is already marked as dying, a CI warning is reported.


System supervisor (OP) or System Manager (SM) capability is required to execute the ABORTPROC command. SM capability is necessary to abort detached system processes.

The ABORTPROC command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [Break] aborts the execution of this command.

NOTE: Users with AM capability may only abort jobs and sessions within their own account. Users with SM capability may abort jobs and sessions across accounts.


To abort process 133 and its current descendants, enter:


To abort processes 122, 133 and 175, enter:

ABORTPROC (122, 133, 175)

NOTE: To specify a list of processes, enclose the list inparenthesis and separate the pinspecs with commas.

To abort process 85 (assuming PIN 85 is a detached system process), enter:


NOTE: SM capability is required to abort system processes.

Related Information




MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual


Permits a designated device to accept jobs/sessions and/or data.


  ACCEPT [ JOBS | DATA ] ,ldev



The designated device recognizes the JOB and HELLO commands. The device must be interactive to support sessions.


The designated device recognizes the DATA command. Data-accepting devices are not supported.

NOTE: If you omit both the JOBS and the DATA parameters, then both the JOB and HELLO commands, and the DATA command are allowed.


The logical device number of the device for which the JOB, HELLO, and/or DATA commands are being enabled.

Operation Notes

The operator or system supervisor uses this command to designate which devices may be used to initiate jobs or sessions and/or data. When a device is configured as an accepting device, MPE/iX automatically scans the first input record for a valid JOB, HELLO, or DATA command. This feature, called auto-recognition, allows users to access the device without specifically requesting use of the device with a message to the system console.

If you explicitly specify the JOBS parameter, the ACCEPT command is not executed unless the device is configured as a default output device.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It is executable only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.


To permit logical device 19 to accept jobs and data, enter:

   19 AVAIL

To permit logical device 19 to accept jobs and data, and to allow the device to be spooled, enter:

  11:12/31/SP#/SPOOLED IN
  11:12/6/LDEV#19 NOT READY

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Introduction to MPE XL for MPE V System Administrators
System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual


Loads a compatibility mode program or procedure into virtual memory.





The procedure in SL.PUB.SYS to be allocated. The default is PROGRAM.


The program file to be allocated. Default.


The name of the program file or procedure to be allocated.

Operation Notes

A program or procedure is allocated by resolving external references and assigning code segment table (CST) or extended code segment table (XCST) entries to the program's code segments. Table entries are also allocated for any procedures called by the allocated program or procedure. Allocating a program or procedure does not increase execution speed but it does reduce the time it takes to load the program for execution.

CAUTION: Use care in deciding which programs or procedures to load with the ALLOCATE command. The number of CST table entries is limited and, if the limit is exceeded, data may be lost.

Segments remain loaded until they are deallocated with the DEALLOCATE command, or until the system is shut down or a system failure occurs. Programs or procedures must be reallocated with the ALLOCATE command following any start up.

To issue the ALLOCATE command a user must have EXECUTE access for any file referenced in the name parameter of this command.

Any external procedures referenced by a program being allocated by this command must reside in SL.PUB.SYS.

NOTE: Native mode (NM) and Compatibility Mode (CM) loader error messages are reported differently, allowing you to determine the system in which the error occurred.

NM Loader Error: ErrMessage (LDRERRnnnn)

CM Loader Error: ErrMessage (LOAD ERRnnnn)


This command may be issued from a session or program. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. System supervisor (OP) capability is required to use this command.

In addition to comma (,) a semicolon (;) and equal sign (=) may be used as a delimiter.


To allocate a procedure identified as PROC1, that resides in SL.PUB.SYS, enter:


Program files residing in the nonsystem domain (a volume set) are not allocated. Attempts to do so result in a LOAD ERR 92 message.

Related Information




Introduction to MPE XL for MPE V Programmers


Grants a user access to a specific operator command.


  ALLOW FILE=formaldesignator[ ;SHOW]

  ALLOW[ @.@ | user.@ | @.acct | user.acct

    ;COMMANDS=command [ ,command,...]


formal- designator

An ASCII file name, which may consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. It may be fully or partially qualified and may be back-referenced in a file equation.


Lists input lines on $STDLIST.


Grants access to all users whether logged on or not.


Grants access to a specific user in all accounts.


Grants access to all users in a specific account.


Grants access to a specific user in a specific account.


The names of those commands to which the user is granted access.

Operation Notes

The operator uses the ALLOW command to distribute specific operator commands to system users. ALLOW specifies which users may execute operator commands, and which commands they may execute.

You may specify an indirect file with the ALLOW command, or you may execute ALLOW in subsystem mode. Each of these is explained below.

Using an indirect file to allow commands

To allow commands via an indirect file, you create a file that contains records identifying the users and accounts to whom you are allowing operator commands, followed by the list of commands allowed.

Using an indirect file with the ALLOW command is particularly convenient for system administrators since, once you make the file, you can reuse it to disallow the set of commands (via the DISALLOW command) or to allow the same set of commands again.

Here is an example of an indirect file:

  HP32201A.07.17 EDIT/3000 TUES, MAY 29, 1994, 5:08 PM
  3  //

Once you create an indirect file, you then issue the ALLOW command, using the ;SHOW parameter to display each command line as it is executed from the file. For example:


You may backreference the file with a file equation as follows:


If the file has a lockword, enter it in the command line after the filename. For example, "ALLOWTMP/password".

Using ALLOW in subsystem mode

To use the ALLOW command in subsystem mode, following these steps:
  1. Enter ALLOW, followed by Return.

  2. At the prompt (>), enter all of the commands you want to allow.

  3. When you finish, press Return and enter a colon : as the first character of the new line. (You may also type EXIT.)

You cannot use the FILE= parameter in subsystem mode. The ALLOW subsystem will terminate if it encounters an error.

You may allow commands only to users who are currently logged on unless you specify the @.@ option, which allows commands to all users. (Since this option has obvious disadvantages, you can remedy the situation by then issuing a DISALLOW command to disallow command use to selected users.)

Additional capabilities granted to a user are valid only for the duration of their current session. Once the user logs off, any special capabilities previously assigned are no longer applicable.

To determine which operator commands have been allowed globally (that is, using the @.@ construct), or to a specific user, use the SHOWALLOW command.

NOTE: Do not confuse console commands which are NOT allowable with operator commands. Operator commands are used in the day-to-day operation of your system and are generally allowable. A console command must be executed on the actual system console and must be preceded by cntl-A. Some console commands have the same name as non-console commands, an example is RECALL, which may be executed on any device.

The following is a list of commands that may be allowed.

  ALTJOB           LIMIT        STREAMS
  ALTSPOOLFILE     LOG          UP
  DOWN             REPLY        VSRESERVESYS


You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break will terminate subsystem mode and produce an error message but has no effect on commands already entered in subsystem mode. This command is executable only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.


To give the user USER.TECH the ability to execute the REPLY and ABORTIO commands, you would enter the following at the system console:


In subsystem mode, to give the user MGR.MANUALS the ability to execute the BREAKJOB command, you would enter the following at the system console:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Changes the attributes of an existing account.


  ALTACCT acctname [ ;PASS=[ password] ] [ ;FILES=[ filespace]]
    [ ;CPU=[ cpu]]
    [ ;CONNECT=[ connect]] [ ;CAP=[ capabilitylist]]
    [ ;ACCESS=[ (fileaccess)]]
    [ ;MAXPRI=[ subqueuename] ] [ ;LOCATTR=[ localattribute] ]
    [ ;ONVS=volumesetname] [ ;USERPASS=[ {REQ | OPT } ] ] (1)

(1) The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.



The name of the account to be altered.


The password to be assigned to the account. If you omit password, any existing password is removed. If you omit PASS=, any existing password is unchanged.


Disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files in the account. The filespace limit cannot be less than the number of sectors currently in use for the account.


The limit on cumulative CPU-time, in seconds, for the account. This limit is checked only when a job or session is initiated, and, therefore, never causes the job or session to abort. The maximum value allowed is 2,147,483,647 seconds. You may set the counter to zero with the RESETACCT command.


The limit on total cumulative session connect-time, in minutes, allowed the account. This limit is checked at logon. Every time the process terminates the counter is updated. The maximum value allowed is 2,147,483,647 minutes. You may reset the counter to zero with the RESETACCT command.


Either 1) a list of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted the account, or 2) a list of additions and/or deletions to be applied to the account's existing set of capabilities. Additions and deletions are specified by a "+" or "-" immediately followed by the capability to add or delete, separated by commas.

If "+"/"-" is to be specified in the list, then the list must begin with "+" or "-". For example, CAP=+MR,-PH is legal, but CAP=MR,-PH is not. It is not necessary to prefix each capability to be added or deleted with "+" / "-", as the occurrence of "+" / "-" indicates an action that remains in effect until the indicator changes. For example, CAP=+MR,PH,-PM,DS is equivalent to CAP=+MR,+PH,-PM,-DS

If a capability is removed at the account level, users within the account are also denied that capability. No explicit change to the user's capabilities is necessary. Similarly, if a capability is returned to the account, any users with that capability regain it automatically.

Each capability is denoted by a two letter mnemonic, as follows:

  System Manager     =  SM
  Account Manager     =  AM
  Account Librarian    =  AL
  Group Librarian     =  GL
  Diagnostician      =  DI
  System Supervisor    =  OP
  Network Administrator  =  NA
  Node Manager      =  NM
  Save Files       =  SF
  Access to Nonshareable
  I/O Devices      =  ND
  Use Volumes       =  UV
  Use Communication
  Subsystem       =  CS
  Programmatic Sessions  =  PS
  User Logging      =  LG
  Process Handling    =  PH
  Extra Data Segments   =  DS
  Multiple RINs      =  MR
  Privileged Mode     =  PM
  Interactive Access   =  IA
  Batch Access      =  BA

Default is AM, AL, GL, SF, ND, IA, BA, except for the SYS account. The SYS account has no true default. It is assigned the maximum account capabilities when the system is delivered and, under normal circumstances, should not be altered.

If a capability is taken away from an account, it is unavailable to users in that account. However, users are not affected by this change until they log off and then log back on.


The restrictions on file access pertinent to this account. Default is R,L,A,W,X:AC, entered as follows:

  ([{ R | L | A | W | X } [ ,...] : { ANY | AC } ] [ ;...] )

The R, L, A, W, and/or X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY and/or AC ) as follows:

  R = READ
  L = LOCK

LOCK allows exclusive access to the file. APPEND implicitly specifies LOCK. WRITE implicitly specifies APPEND and LOCK.

The user types are specified as follows.

  ANY = Any user
  AC = Member of this account only


Name of the highest priority subqueue that can be requested by any process of any job/session in the account, specified as AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES. When you specify ;MAXPRI= without a value, subqueuename defaults to CS.

CAUTION: User processes executing in the AS or BS subqueues can deadlock the system. If you assign these subqueues to nonpriority processes, other critical system processes may be prevented from executing. Exercise extreme caution when choosing subqueues.


Local attribute of the account, as defined at the installation site. This is a double-word bit map, of arbitrary meaning, that might be used to further classify accounts. While it is not involved in standard MPE/iX security provisions, it is available to processes through the WHO intrinsic. Programmers may use localattribute in their own programs to provide security. Default is double word 0 (null).


The MPE/iX volume set in which the account is to be altered. This volume set must be already defined and recognized by the system. When ONVS=volumesetname is specified, the volume set directory is assumed. When ONVS= is specified without volumesetname, the system directory is assumed.

MPE/iX volume set names consist of from 1 to 32 characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The remaining characters may be alphabetic, numeric, the underscore, or periods.

This parameter only works with the FILES parameter (all other parameters are ignored).


USERPASS=REQ specifies that all users in the account must have a non-blank password. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.


USERPASS=OPT specifies that users in this account may or may not have passwords. If you do not use the USERPASS parameter, the old value remains. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.

Operation Notes

The system manager uses the ALTACCT command to change the attributes of an existing account. You may enter multiple keywords on a single command line as shown in "Examples." When you change one capability in a capabilitylist that contains several nondefault values, you must specify the entire new %capabilitylist. When you omit an entire keyword parameter group from the ALTACCT command, that parameter remains unchanged for the account. When you include a keyword, but omit the corresponding parameter (for example, PASS= Return), the default value is assigned. Table 2-2 lists the default values for the ALTACCT command.

Table 3-1 "Default Parameters for the ALTACCT Command" shows the defalut parameters for the ALTACCT Command.

Table 3-1 Default Parameters for the ALTACCT Command

Parameter Default Values
passwordNo password
capabilitylist AM, AL, GL, SF, ND, IA, BA (All accounts except SYS)
SM, AM, AL, GL, DI, OP, SF, ND, PH, DS, MR, PM (SYS account only)
fileaccess(R,A,W,L,X:AC) (All accounts except SYS)
(R,X:ANY;A,W,L:AC) (SYS account only)
subqueuenameCS subqueue
localattribute0 (null)

Any value changed with the ALTACCT command takes effect the next time MPE/iX is requested to check the value. If an attribute is removed from an account while users are logged on, they are not affected until they log off their current job or session and log on again. MPE/iX does not automatically generate a message informing users of the change; it is your responsibility to warn account members in advance of any changes. If you take a capability away from an account, all account members and groups within the account are denied the capability the next time that they log onto the account.

You cannot remove system manager (SM) capability from the SYS account or account manager (AM) capability from any account. From within any account, you can remove AM capability from all but one (the last) of the users assigned it. It is possible, however, to remove AM capability from all users in an account, but only if you do so from another account that has SM capability.

NOTE: If you specify volume-related commands or parameters for a volume set that is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX returns an error message.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. System manager (SM) capability is required to use this command.


To change an account named AC2 so that its password is GLOBALX, and its filespace is limited to 50,000 sectors, enter:


To change the password and the file space of an account called MALCHIOR in the volume set TIME_LORD, you need to issue two commands:


You must specify the changes for the system volume set (the first command) and for the volume set itself (the second command). Specifying a volumesetname limits the user to changing only FILES in the second command.

Related Information




Performing System Management Tasks


Changes the attributes of an existing file or directory. (Native Mode)


  ALTFILE[ FILE=] filename [ ] ;OWNER=ownername] ]
    [ [ ;GROUPID=] POSIXgroupname]



The filename of the object to be altered, specified in either MPE or HFS syntax. The filename may name a file, hierarchical directory, root, MPE group or account. Note that MPE groups or accounts can ONLY be named via HFS (Hierarchical File System) syntax. Temporary files are not recognized.

This is a required parameter. You may not use wildcards, back-reference a file equation, or name a system-defined file such as $NULL.

If the filename is in MPE syntax and it has a lockword, do NOT include the lockword on the command line, or you will get an error.


The name of the user who will become the owner (UID) of filename. This ownername must already exist on the system. Default is for the UID of the file to remain unchanged. Note that no qualification is done on this name; it must be fully specified. To have the ownername upshifted, enclose it in quotes.


The name of the POSIX group (GID) that this file will belong to. This POSIXgroupname must already exist on the system. You cannot use this parameter to change the GID of an MPE group or account. Default is for the file to retain its previous GID. To have POSIXgroupname upshifted, enclose it in quotes.

Operation Notes

You use the ALTFILE command to alter a file's characteristics. Currently the attributes that you may modify are the owner (UID) and POSIX group (GID) for a file, hierarchical directory, MPE group or account, with the restriction that you may not alter the GID for MPE groups or accounts.

You must have the appropriate privilege to change the requested attribute(s). In order to change the UID of a file, you must be one of the following:
  • The file's account manager (your logon account matches the GID of the file and you have MPE/iX account manager (AM) capability). In this case, ownername must specify a user belonging to the account manager's logon account.

  • A system manager (a user who has the MPE/iX system manager (SM) user capability). In this case, ownername may specify any user existing in the user database.

In order to change the GID of a file, you must be one of the following:
  • The file owner (your logon name matches the UID of the file). In this case, POSIXgroupname must specify your logon account.

  • The file's account manager (your logon account matches the GID of the file and you have the MPE/iX account manager (AM) capability). In this case, POSIXgroupname must specify the account manager's logon account.

  • A system manager (you have MPE/iX system manager (SM) capability). In this case, POSIXgroupname may specify any GID existing in the group database.

You may issue the command once to modify multiple attributes. If you specify multiple attributes, all modifications must succeed for any to take effect. If you enter no attributes, the command has no effect on the specified file.

Related Information




Performing System Management Tasks


Changes one or more attributes of a group.


  ALTGROUP groupname [ .acctname]
    [ ;PASS=[ password]] [ ;CAP=[ capabilitylist] ]
    [ ;FILES=[ filespace] ] [ ;CPU=[ cpu] ]
    [ ;CONNECT=[ connect] ] [ ;ACCESS=[ (fileaccess)] ]
    [ ;ONVS=volumesetname] [ ;HOMEVS=volumesetname]



The name of the group whose attributes are to be changed.


The name of the account in which the group is to reside. System manager (SM) capability is required to use this parameter.


The password to be assigned to the group, which is used to verify logon and access only. If the PASS parameter is omitted, no change is made. If PASS is used and password is omitted, the existing password is removed. If PASS is used and password is specified the existing password is changed; if there is no existing password for the group a password is created.


Either 1) a list of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted this group, or 2) a list of additions and/or deletions to be applied to the group's existing set of capabilities. Additions and deletions are specified by a "+" or "-" immediately followed by the capability to add or delete, separated by commas.

If "+"/"-" is to be specified in the list, then the list must begin with "+" or "-". For example, CAP=+MR,-PH is legal, but CAP=MR,-PH is not.

It is not necessary to prefix each capability to be added / deleted with "+" / "-", as the occurrence of "+" / "-" indicates an action that remains in effect until the indicator changes. For example, CAP=+MR,PH,-PM,DS is equivalent to CAP=+MR,+PH,-PM,-DS.

Each capability is denoted by a two letter mnemonic, as follows:

  Process Handling   =    PH
  Extra Data Segments =    DS
  Multiple RINs    =    MR
  Privileged Mode   =    PM
  Interactive Access  =    IA
  Batch Access     =    BA

Default is IA, BA except for the PUB group of the SYS account which has no true default. It is assigned the maximum group capabilities when the system is delivered and should not normally be changed.


Disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files of the group. A group's filespace cannot be set to a value greater than the corresponding limits currently defined for the group's account. Nor can a group's filespace be set to a value less than the actual number of sectors in use in that group. Default is unlimited file space.


The limit on the total cumulative CPU-time, in seconds, for the group. This limit is checked only when a job or session is initiated; the limit never causes a job/session to abort. The maximum value allowed is 2,147,483,647 seconds. If the limit is exceeded, users with account manager capability are warned when logging on; other users are denied access.

The CPU limit for a group cannot be set to a value greater than the corresponding limit currently defined for the group's account. Default is unlimited CPU-time. The counter may be set to zero with the RESETACCT command.


The limit on the total cumulative session connect-time, in minutes, that the group is allowed. This limit is checked at logon, and whenever the session initiates a new process. The maximum value allowed is 2,147,483,647 minutes. If the limit is exceeded, users with account manager capability are warned when logging on; other users are denied access.

A group's connect limit cannot be set to a value greater than the corresponding limit currently defined for the group's account. Default is unlimited connect-time. The counter may be set to zero with the RESETACCT command.


The restriction on file access pertinent to this group. Default is R,X:ANY;A,W,L,S:AL,GU for the public group (PUB); and R,A,W,L,X,S:GU for all other groups, where R, L, A, W, and X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY, AC, GU, AL, GL) as follows:

  R =  READ
  L =  LOCK
  W =  WRITE
  S =  SAVE

LOCK allows exclusive access. APPEND implicitly specifies LOCK. WRITE implicitly specifies APPEND and LOCK.

The user types are specified as follows:

  ANY =  Any user
  AC =  Member of this account only
  GU =  Member of this group only
  AL =  Account librarian user only
  GL =  Group librarian user only

To specify two or more user or access types, separate them by commas.


A particular volume set for which the group attributes are to be changed. The volume set must be already defined and recognized by the system. If you specify ONVS, the only other parameter that works with it is the FILES parameter. If volumesetname is omitted from the ONVS= parameter, or you omit ONVS, the operation is performed on the system volume set.


Changes the home volume set from the current set to the set specified by volumesetname. You may do this only if the group on the current home system volume set is empty and not in use; no one is logged onto that group.

volume setname

The full name of the MPE/iX volume set, consisting of from 1 to 32 characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The remaining characters may be alphabetic, numeric, the underscore, or periods.

You cannot change the home volume set if the home volume set is the system volume set, and it contains files. If it contains no file, you can change the home volume set.

Consider the following when changing the home volume set:

  • If the home volume set is the system volume set, no files may exist in the group and the group may not be in use (no users may be logged onto the group). Otherwise, the command fails.

  • If the current home volume set is not the system volume set but the volume set is mounted, no files may exist in the group on that volume set, and the group may not be in use. Otherwise, the command fails.

  • If the current home volume set is not the system volume set and it is not mounted, it may be changed.

It is permissible to reassign a group to a different volume set despite the presence of files belonging to groupname. This is possible provided that the old volume set is not the system volume set and the groupname is not currently bound to its home volume set. This binding occurs automatically when the volume set is mounted; it occurs explicitly when the MOUNT or VSOPEN commands are invoked; it occurs implicitly when the FOPEN intrinsic is invoked.

Operation Notes

This command changes one or more attributes of a group. Multiple parameters may be specified on a single command line as shown in "Examples." When an entire parameter is omitted from an ALTGROUP command, the corresponding value for the group remains unchanged. When a keyword is included but the corresponding parameter is omitted (as in PASS = Return), the default value is assigned. Table 2-3 lists the default values for the ALTGROUP command. Table 3-2 "Default Values for the ALTGROUP Command" shows the default values for the ALTGROUP Command.

Table 3-2 Default Values for the ALTGROUP Command

Parameter Default Values
passwordNull (No password)
IA, BA (except PUB.SYS)
capabilitylistPH, DS, MR, PM, IA, BA (PUB.SYS only)
connectR,A,W,L,X,S:GU (All groups except PUB)
fileaccessR,X:ANY;A,W,L,S:AL,GU (PUB group only)

When a parameter is modified with the ALTGROUP command, it immediately takes effect in the directory. It does not affect any active users with open files in the group, until they log off their current session and log on to that username and group again. For this reason, notify all group users of any planned changes in advance.

NOTE: If you specify volume created commands or parameters for a volume set that is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX returns an error message.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Account manager (AM) or system manager (SM) capability is required to use this command.


To assign a new password, PASS2, to a group named GROUPX, enter:


To alter the group LEILA that resides on the volume set TIME_LORD:


If the group LEILA contains no files, and no one is logged onto the group, you may also alter the home volume set to DICHONDRITE, provided DICHONDRITE exists and is recognized by the system:


However, if LEILA does contain files, you cannot change the home volume set for this group without creating a new group and transferring those files to it.

Related Information




Volume Management Reference Manual


Alters the attributes of waiting or scheduled jobs. (Native Mode)


  ALTJOB[ JOB=] { #Jnnn  #Snnn }
    [ ;INPRI=inputpriority] [ ;OUTDEV={ ldev devclass } ]



A job number.


A session number. (Although syntactically correct, this parameter is rarely used: sessions do not wait.)


The new input priority (0 = lowest; 14 = highest).

ldev or devclass

The logical device number or device class name of the destination device job's $STDLIST.


Allows the OP or SM to bypass the joblimit, see the JOB command for more detail.


The name of the job queue whose limit is being changed.

Operation Notes

The ALTJOB command, in conjunction with the JOBFENCE command, allows you to control the flow of all jobs on the system with the exception of HIPRI jobs. It can be used to alter only jobs in the INTRO, WAIT, or SCHED state. Jobs with an input priority less than or equal to the current JOBFENCE, a numerical value from 0 to 14, are deferred.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing BREAK has no effect on this command. If issued from the console or by a user with SM capability, or allowed via the ALLOW command, the ALTJOB command can be used to alter any job. A user who is not at the console, does not have SM or has not been allowed the command may issue ALTJOB only if jobsecurity is set to low. If jobsecurity is set to low then all users can issue ALTJOB against their own jobs and account managers (AM capability) can issue it against any job in that account.


In the following example, three jobs are submitted by users, each with an INPRI value of 8. To change the INPRI values to ensure that JOB1 runs first, JOB2 runs last, and JOB3 runs second with LP allocated as the OUTDEV for JOB3, enter the following commands:

  #S23   EXEC     20  20   THU 2:15P OPERATOR.SYS
  #J1   WAIT  D 8  10S 12   THU 3:11P JOB2,OP.SYS
  #J2   WAIT  D 8  10S 12   THU 3:11P JOB3,SUE.PAYROLL
  #J3   WAIT  D 8  10S 12   THU 3:13P JOB1,JIM.ACCTG
  4 JOBS:
   0 INTRO
   0 SUSP
  #S23   EXEC     20  20   THU 2:15P OPERATOR.SYS
  #J1   EXEC   10  10S 12   THU 3:13P JOB2, OP.SYS
  #J3   EXEC   9  10S LP   THU 3:11P JOB1,JIM.ACCTG
  #J2   EXEC   8  10S 12   THU 3:11P JOB3,SUE.PAYROLL
  4 JOBS:
   0 INTRO
   0 SUSP

Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Alters the attributes of an existing user logging identifier.


  ALTLOG logid [ ;LOG=logfile { ,DISC ,TAPE } ]
    [ ;PASS=password[ { ;AUTO ;NOAUTO } ]



The logging identifier whose attributes are to be changed. This identifier must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.


The name of the file to receive data from the logging procedure. This name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. You must specify the device class on which log file resides, either DISC or TAPE.


The new password for the logging identifier. This password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.


Initiates an automatic CHANGELOG if the current log file becomes full. This option is ignored is TAPE is specified. Refer to the CHANGELOG command.


Prevents the initiation of an automatic CHANGELOG. A CHANGELOG is not performed if the current log file becomes full. Default.

Operation Notes

This command changes the attributes of an existing user logging identifier to those specified in the parameter list. Parameters not included in the ALTLOG command retain their current values. System supervisor (OP) or user logging (LG) capability is required to use this command. Only the creator of the logging identifier can alter its attributes.

To use the AUTO parameter, the log process for logid must be enabled for changing. You may do this by ending the log file name with the numeric characters 001 (for example, fname001). This naming convention works in conjunction with the file set number to generate sequential file names automatically.

If a log file is restricted to a single volume or volume class when it is created with the BUILD command, then successive log files created by User Logging will have the same restriction.

If a new log file name is specified with the ALTLOG command, the links with any previous log file are broken.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. User logging (LG) capability is required to use this command.


To change the destination log file of the logging identifier KIM to log file C and specify that C resides on disk, enter:


Since the keyword parameter, PASS=, was omitted, KIM retains any password previously specified.

Related Information




User Logging Programmer's Guide
System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual


Changes characteristics of the specified processes. Currently, a process' priority, queue attribute, and workgroup may be changed. (Native Mode)


  ALTPROC[ [ PIN=] { pinspec (pinspec [ ,pinspec ] ...) }
    [ ;JOB=] { jobspec (jobspec [ ,jobspec ] ...) } ]
    [ [ ;PRI=] pri [ ;WG= ] { workgrp NATURAL_WG } ]
    [ { ;TREE ;NOTREE }]
    [{ ;USER ;ANYUSER } ]
    [ ;SYSTEM]



The process(es) you want to alter. This is a required parameter, unless you specify jobspec. If you omit both, you will get an error.

The pinspec, expressed [#p ]pin, is a Process Identification Number (PIN). If pinspec is 0, then the caller's pin is used. To alter system processes, you must have SM capability and specify the SYSTEM option.

NOTREE is the default for all pinspec target processes, and can be overridden with the TREE option.

The USER and ANYUSER options do not apply to pinspec.


The name of the job or session whose processes are to be altered. A jobspec can be any of the following, jobnumber, username, @S, @J, or @.

  • The jobnumber must be in the form of either #Jnnn or #Snnn.

  • The username must be in the form user[.account]. If there is more than one job/session matching the same username, they will all be altered.

  • Wildcards have the following meanings:

    • @S - all sessions,

    • @J - all jobs,

    • @ - all sessions and jobs

The USER and ANYUSER options apply only to jobspec and only if jobspec is wildcarded. The USER option, which is the default, alters only processes matching the user's name, while the ANYUSER option alters all processes matching the wildcarded jobspec. For example, if the user's name is STEVE.UI and you enter the command shown below, then only job processes logged on as STEVE.UI are altered.

  :ALTPROC job=@j;pri=cs

However, if you add anyuser to the same command as shown below, then all job processes are altered.

  :ALTPROC job=@j;pri=cs;anyuser

TREE is the default for all jobspec target processes, and can be overridden with the NOTREE option.

The SYSTEM option is ignored for all jobspec target processes.

The jobspec is optional as long as a pinspec is supplied. If both are omitted, an error is reported.


The queue or absolute priority for the process. If omitted, the priority is unchanged.

CAUTION: Exercise extreme caution when altering a process's priority, scheduling queue attribute, or workgroup membership. Such a change can significantly impact system performance.

NOTE: For Workload Manager Users

Avoid using the ;PRI= option to explicitly change a process. If you have created user-defined workgroups that have ;MEMB_QUEUE as membership criteria, use of the ;PRI= option may change the workgroup. Instead, use either the ;WG=workgrp or ;WG=NATURAL_WG option, explained below, to move target processes into existing workgroups.

Using ;WG= to explicitly change a workgroup should be a temporary measure, and used rarely. Instead, adjust workgroup membership criteria to ensure that desired processes become natural members of the workgroup.

If you specify both the ;WG= and ;PRI= in the ALTPROC command line, you will get an error.

The pri value may be one of the following:

  • A scheduling queue value {BS,CS,DS,ES} sets the queue attribute of the target process(es). If a user-defined workgroup does not capture the process, then the process will fall into to the corresponding system-defined default workgroup at the base priority (subject to decay as it consumes CPU). To assign a scheduling queue value, you must have OP capability.

  • A queue manager value {BM,CM,DM,EM} sets the queue attribute of the target process(es). If a user-defined workgroup does not capture the process, then the process will fall into the corresponding system-defined default workgroup at the base priority (non-decayable). To assign a queue manager value, you must have SM capability.

  • An absolute priority {nnn} sets the priority of the process to the specified value that will not decay. The workgroup of the process will not be changed (the process will have the same timeslice value). Note that the priority specified need not fall between the base and limit priorities of the workgroup. To assign an absolute priority value, you must have SM capability.

If you do not have SM capability, then your MAXPRI value represents the highest priority that you can assign a process. A warning appears when the specified priority exceeds MAXPRI. MAXPRI is ignored for System Manager (SM) capability.


A workgroup value {workgrp} moves the target process(es) to the specified workgroup. A process moved in this manner is considered an artificial member of the workgroup (the process was placed in workgroup explicitly, rather than naturally by meeting the membership criteria specified for the workgroup).

A process remains an artificial member of its assigned workgroup until either the workgroup is purged or the process' explicit assignment is changed (via ALTPROC or an AIF call). An artificial member is not affected by a system-wide scan or by the changing of its process attributes used to determine workgroup membership. A workgroup specification requires SM capability and can only be used to modify the workgroup assignment of user processes.

You cannot specify both the ;WG= and ;PRI= in the ALTPROC command line. Workload Manager users should use ;WG= instead of ;PRI=.


The natural workgroup specification {NATURAL_WG} releases one or more process(es) from their explicit workgroup assignment, allowing them to migrate to their natural workgroup. A natural workgroup specification requires SM capability.


This option alters each process specified as well as all of its descendants. TREE is the default for all jobspec target processes. If you specify both TREE and SYSTEM, you will see a warning that TREE will be ignored.


This option alters only the processes specified. Descendant processes will not be altered. NOTREE is the default for all pinspec target processes.


The USER option applies only when jobspec is wildcarded. It alters only processes matching the user's name. USER is the default.


The ANYUSER option applies only when jobspec is wildcarded. It alters all jobspec target processes, regardless of their owners.


Use the SYSTEM option if the target process specified in pinspec is a system process. SM capability is required for the SYSTEM option. SYSTEM is ignored for all jobspec processes and when you specify a workgroup or natural workgroup. If you specify both SYSTEM and TREE, you see a warning that TREE will be ignored.

CAUTION: Exercise extreme care when altering system processes since doing so can significantly degrade system efficiency.

Operation Notes

To execute the ALTPROC command, you must have System Supervisor (OP) or System Manager (SM) capability. SM capability is necessary to alter system processes, for the WG= option, for certain specifications to the PRI option, and to increase a process' priority above MAXPRI. You may issue the ALTPROC command from a session, job, program, or while in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.


To alter process 605, and its current descendants, so that their priorities execute within the DS_Default workgroup, enter:

  :ALTPROC #p605; tree; wg=DS_Default

To alter process 605, and its current descendants, so that their scheduling queue attribute is DS, enter:

  :ALTPROC #p605; tree; pri=DS

The outcome of this command is not necessarily identical to the outcome achieved with the previous command. If the system was configured with a user-defined workgroup that captured the processes (MEMB_QUEUE=DS and a match on other membership attributes, if specified), then the processes would be a member of the user-defined workgroup rather than the DS_Default workgroup.

To alter all job processes to the CS_Default workgroup, enter:

  :ALTPROC job=@j; wg=CS_Default; anyuser

To return the processes modified by the previous example to their natural workgroup(s), enter:

  :ALTPROC job=@j; wg=NATURAL_WG; anyuser

To alter all job processes matching the user's name to the CS_Default workgroup, enter:

  :ALTPROC job=@j; wg=CS_Default; user

To alter the current process' priority so that it behaves like a CS queue manager (SM capability required), enter:

  :ALTPROC 0;pri=CM

To alter all processes logged on as mgr.payroll to linear 155 (SM capability required), enter:

  :ALTPROC job=mgr.payroll; pri=155

To alter the queue attribute of pins 150, 247, 211 to be ES, enter:

  :ALTPROC (150,#p247,211); pri=ES

Related Information




MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual
Using the HP 3000 Workload Manager


Changes the access permissions of an object by altering the access control definition (ACD).

ACDs are the main method of controlling access to files, hierarchical directories, and devices. ACDs are automatically assigned to hierarchical directories and to files existing in hierarchical directories.

You can change access permissions for any of the following:
  • files

  • hierarchical directories

  • devices

  • device classes

You can also use ALTSEC to change the access masks of files. The file status change time stamp is updated by ALTSEC. You cannot use the ALTSEC command to change access permissions for MPE groups, accounts, or the root directory.


    [ ;[ ACCESS=] (fileaccess[ ;[ fileaccess] [ ;...] ] )]
    [{;NEWACD=|;ADDPAIR=|;REPPAIR=}{(acdpair [;...])^filereference }]
    [ ;DELPAIR= { (userspec [ ;userspec] [ ;...] ) ^filereference }]
    [{;REPACD=} {(acdpair [ ;...] ) ^filereference objectname }]
    [ ;COPYACD= objectname { ,FILENAME ,LDEV } ] [ ;DELACD] [ ;MASK]



Specifies the actual file designator, directory name, logical device number, or device class whose security provisions you want to alter.

Either MPE or hierarchical file system (HFS) file name Syntax may be used for the actual file designator of the file or directory whose access permissions are to be altered.

You can only use wildcard characters with MPE Syntax files that reside in a group.

A logical device number must be a numeric value configured on the system, or an @ sign, that indicates all devices on the system. A device class name must be configured on the system.

File equations are ignored during resolution of the object name to avoid having accidental file equation references cause unintentional changes to an object's access permissions.

MPE Syntax

You can include MPE file name Syntax but not RFA information. If the object is an MPE Syntax file, its format is:


You may specify file lockwords for files protected by active lockwords unless the objects are also protected by a current ACD. In a batch job, if a lockword exists on a file, you must specify it. In a session, if a lockword exists and is omitted, MPE/iX will prompt you for it.

HFS Syntax

You must begin file designators using HFS file name Syntax with either a dot (.) or a slash (/). The maximum length is 255 characters (including the "./" or "/").

The objectname parameter is followed by one of the three type
listed below.


Indicates that objectname refers to either a file or directory. This is the default if a type identifier is not specified.


Indicates that objectname refers to a logical device number.


Indicates that objectname refers to a device class.


Optional keyword that indicates a fileaccess specification follows. This option affects security at the file level only. If the file is protected by an ACD, the ACD overrides the file access mask.


File access mask specifications, entered as follows:

  { R L A W X } [,...] : { ANY AC GU AL GL CR } [,...]

The R, L, A, W, and X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY, AC, GU, AL, GL, CR) as follows:

  R  =  READ
  L  =  LOCK
  A  =  APPEND
  W  =  WRITE

LOCK allows opening the file with dynamic locking option. APPEND implicitly specifies LOCK. WRITE implicitly specifies APPEND and LOCK. You may specify two or more modes if you separate them by commas.

The user types are specified as follows:

  ANY = Any user
  AC = Member of this account only
  GU = Member of this group only
  AL = Account librarian user only
  GL = Group librarian user only
  CR = Creator

You may specify two or more user types if you separate them by commas. The default is R,L,W,A,X:ANY. The colon (:) separating one or more modes from one or more user types is required punctuation in the specification of fileaccess.


Creates a new ACD for the specified object. NEWACD is used when an ACD does not currently exist. It must be followed by valid ACD pair(s) as described below.


Indicates "replace ACD". Use REPACD to replace an entire existing ACD for the specified object, or to copy an ACD from an existing objectname to the specified objectname where objectname refers to a file. (You cannot use REPACD to copy ACDs between devices.) The REPACD parameter must be followed by valid ACD pair(s) as described below.


Adds a new ACD pair to an existing ACD. It must be followed by valid ACD pair(s) as described below.


Replaces an existing ACD pair in an existing ACD. You must follow this with a valid ACD pair(s) as described below. A new ACD pair will replace an existing ACD pair if it has the same user and account name.


An access control definition pair. Like the fileaccess parameter this consists of a modes part and a userspec part. The modes part is separated from the userspec part by a colon (:). Acceptable modes for files are:

  R : read file access
  W : write file access
  L : lock file access
  A : append file access
  X : execute file access
  NONE : no access
  RACD : copy or read the ACD permission

Acceptable modes for directories are:

  CD : create directory entries access
  DD : delete directory entries access
  RD : read directory entries access
  TD : traverse directory entries access
  NONE : no access
  RACD : copy or read the ACD permission

File ACD pairs may contain R, W, L, A, X, NONE, and RACD. Directory ACD pairs may contain CD, DD, RD, TD, NONE, and RACD.

The userspec part consists of

  • a fully qualified user name (username.accountname)

  • the file owner represented as $OWNER

  • the file group represented as $GROUP

  • the file group mask represented as $GROUP_MASK

  • @.accountname, which represents all users in the account accountname

  • @.@, which represents all users in the system

    You cannot use wildcards in any other manner within a user specification.

A typical ACD consisting of three ACD pairs might look like this:


This ACD would allow Read and Write access to the ENGR user of the MFG account; Read and Write access to any user of the MRKT account along with the ability to read or copy the ACD; and Read access to any user in any account.


A file containing one or more ACD pairs. ACD pairs must be separated by semi-colons and may be placed on separate lines. A single ACD pair may not span more than one line. The file name must be preceded by the ^ sign (caret symbol) to indicate that the designated file contains the ACD definition. This is known as an indirect file.

The ALTSEC command fails if the indirect file does not contain a syntactically correct ACD. ACD pairs may be on separate lines, but a pair may not span lines. Parentheses are optional when defining an acdpair within an indirect file.

The file reference may be specified using MPE or HFS file name Syntax. For example:

filename [/lockword] [.group [.account]]

If the file has an active lockword, you must be specify it. ACDs override lockwords. Lockwords can only be specified in file references using MPE name Syntax. Unqualified file names are relative to the current working directory.


(Indicates "delete pair"). Use to delete one or more ACD pairs in an existing ACD). DELPAIR must be followed by a valid userspec.


Username and accountname, the same as the userspec described above in acdpair. A wildcard (@) may be used for the username or both the username and accountname together. A wildcard may not be specified for the accountname unless it is also specified for the username.


(Indicates "copy ACD"). Use COPYACD to copy an ACD from an existing objectname to the specified objectname. ACDs can be copied only between like objects. You must specify FILENAME or LDEV. FILENAME is the default. You cannot copy an ACD from a device class (DEVCLASS), although you may copy to all devices on the system by specifying the @ sign as the target device.


(Indicates "delete ACD"). Use DELACD to delete all ACD pairs from the specified objectname. ACDs may be removed only from devices and files in MPE groups. The file access matrix controls access to a file when an ACD is deleted.


(Indicates "recalculate MASK"). Use MASK to recalculate the ACD file group class mask ($GROUP_MASK) access permissions.

Operation Notes

You use the ALTSEC command to alter security provisions for files, hierarchical directories, devices, and device classes by manipulating an object's access control definition (ACD) or its access mask. All of these objects may have ACDs, but only files have access masks which can be changed using this command. An object's ACD may be altered using this command with the ACD keywords NEWACD, REPACD, COPYACD, ADDPAIR, REPPAIR, DELPAIR, DELACD, and MASK.

A file's access mask may be altered using either the ACCESS keyword or an access specification without a keyword. Using the ACCESS keyword is a recommended practice to help distinguish between file access mask and ACD operations. Only the owner of a file can use the ALTSEC command to change a file's access mask. Object owners and users with appropriate privilege can use this command to manipulate an object's ACD. Files and hierarchical directories have their owner's identity and a file group ID (GID) stored in their file labels. System managers have the appropriate privilege to manipulate the ACDs for all objects. Account managers for the account matching an object's GID have appropriate privilege. Devices are owned by system managers. The ability to manipulate an ACD or file mask is not affected by the object access currently granted to a user.

File ACDs override file lockwords and the file access matrix. ACDs permit more precise access control than the file access matrix by allowing access permissions to specific users. MPE/iX allows you to specify a maximum of 40 ACD pairs for a particular object. Since a large number of ACD pair specifications overflows the command line buffer, you must enter large numbers of ACD specifications may be entered through an indirect file.

The ALTSEC command fails if you attempt to alter the access permissions for a permanent disk file whose group's home volume set is not mounted.

Release 5.0 requires ACDs on the following files:
  • All hierarchical directories

  • All files under hierarchical directories

  • All files directly under MPE/iX groups where the file GID does not match the GID of the accound and group in which the file is located. One way this occurs would be if you rename a file from an MPE group outside the account to another MPE group.

Required ACDs cannot be removed with the ALTSEC command even by users with SM or AM capability.

File Access Matrix Examples

To view the file access matrix, use LISTFILE,4.

You have created a file named FDATA, and want to change its file access matrix access permissions to grant write access to only yourself. Enter:


To change file access permissions for the FPROG program file to allow all group users to execute programs, but only account and group librarian users to read or write to the file, enter:


ACD Examples

To view ACD information, use the LISTFILE,-2 command. This form of the LISTFILE command displays only ACD information.

You have created a file named FDATA, and want to assign a new ACD to FDATA, granting write access to a user named FRIEND.ACCT. Enter:


As the creator of a file, you can access the file by default, so you don't need to grant yourself access through an ACD. Users with appropriate privileges are always permitted to access files protected by ACDs.

To extend the ACD for the FDATA file so that all users on the system can read it, and all users within your account ACCT can also write to it, enter:


If you decide that users outside your account ACCT should not have read access to the file FDATA any longer, enter:


This does not delete all ACD pairs, only the ACD pair matching @.@. To delete the entire ACD, enter:


To replace the entire ACD, enter:


You want to copy the ACD associated with LDEV 5 to all devices in device class TERM:


ACDs may be copied only between objects of the same type.

You want to grant users in account ACCT all access to directory Mydir1:


You want to grant read and write access to yourself and read access for other members of your group to an HFS Syntax file named a_file_of_Mine:

  ALTSEC ./a_file_of_Mine;REPPAIR=(RACD,R,W:$OWNER;

To add a new ACD to file PROGNAME allowing all users on the system to execute it, but only users in account ACCT to write to it enter:


To add a new ACD pair to an ACD which already exists for file PROGNAME which will allow the user ENGR of the LAB account to read, write, lock, append, execute and read the ACD information enter:


Note that L and A (lock and append) need not be specified because they are implied with W (write).

To add an ACD that prevents any user except OPERATOR.SYS (and any user with SM capability) from accessing LDEV 7 (a tape drive), enter:


Note in the last example that X is not used because it makes no sense to execute a tape drive. It also makes no sense to lock or append a tape drive but W tacitly provides L and A anyway.

To eliminate any ACD that may be in effect for device class LP, and to prevent any user except MGR.FINANCE from writing to a printer in device class LP, enter:


Related Information


LISTF, LISTFILE, RELEASE, SECURE, SHOWDEV, and the fileaccess parameter for the ALTACCT, ALTGROUP, NEWACCT and NEWGROUP commands.




Alters the characteristics of an output spoolfile.


  ALTSPOOLFILE { #Onnn | ldev1 }
    { ;PRI=outputpriority |
      ;COPIES=numcopies   |
      ;DEV={ ldev2  devclass }
    [ ;DEFER ] [ ;...]



The output device file identification of a spoolfile.


The logical device number of the device where an ACTIVE spoolfile currently resides.


The output priority of the designated device file (0 = lowest; 14 = highest).


The number of copies to be produced from the designated device file. Range is 1 through 127; default is 1.

ldev2 or devclass

The logical device number or device class name of the spoolfile's destination device. If ACTIVE, the file is returned to the READY state. It may immediately become ACTIVE on ldev2 if all requirements are met.


Immediately changes the output priority of an ACTIVE or READY spoolfile to 0. If ACTIVE, the file is returned to the READY state.

Operation Notes

The operator uses the ALTSPOOLFILE command to change the printing priority of a spoolfile, to increase or decrease the number of copies produced, and/or to change the destination device or class.

When altering an ACTIVE spoolfile, first take the output device offline. This gives you time to enter the command and determine that the ACTIVE spoolfile is the file being printed. When the ALTSPOOLFILE command has been sent to the spooler process, MPE/iX returns the colon prompt (:). No change to the spoolfile is made, however, until the output device is returned online.

NOTE: If you are altering the PRI or COPIES parameter for an ACTIVE spoolfile there is no need to take the output device offline. These two parameters can be altered while the device is online.

You may alter the outputpriority or the numcopies of an ACTIVE spoolfile without interrupting the printing process. If you alter the device or defer the ACTIVE spoolfile with the DEFER parameter, the printer stops immediately. In both cases, the entire file is printed when printing resumes. Deferring a spoolfile lowers its output priority to zero, the lowest priority possible. To print a deferred spoolfile, you must raise its priority above the current outfence using the ALTSPOOLFILE command.

If you intend to print a spoolfile on an HP 2680A Laser Page Printer, you may add an environment file to it before printing.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It is executable from the console by users with system supervisor (OP) or system manager (SM) capability. It may be distributed to other users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.


To defer the ACTIVE spoolfile (#O86) on LDEV 6 take device 6 offline, then enter:




To change the priority of deferred spoolfile #O123 from 0 to 3 enter:


Related Information




Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual


Changes the attributes currently defined for a user.


  ALTUSER username[ .acctname]
    [ ;PASS=[ password] ] [ ;CAP=[ capabilitylist] ]
    [ ; MAXPRI=[ subsueuename] ] [ ;LOCATTR=[ localattribut] ]
    [ ;HOME=[ homegroupname] ] [ ;UID=[ uid]
    [ ;USERPASS=[ req  opt ] [ Expired] ]

The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.



The name assigned to the user within a logon account.


The account in which the user is to reside. System manager (SM) capability is required to use this parameter.


The password to be assigned to the user. If password is omitted, any existing password is removed. If PASS= is omitted, any existing password is unchanged.


Either 1) a list of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted to this user, or 2) a list of additions and/or deletions to be applied to the user's existing set of capabilities. Additions and deletions are specified by a "+" or "-" immediately followed by the capability to add or delete, separated by commas.

If "+"/"-" is to be specified in the list, then the list must begin with "+" or "-". For example, CAP=+MR,-PH is legal, but CAP=MR,-PH is not. It is not necessary to prefix each capability to be added or deleted with "+" / "-", as the occurrence of "+" / "-" indicates an action that remains in effect until the indicator changes. For example, CAP=+MR,PH,-PM,DS is equivalent to CAP=+MR,+PH,-PM,-DS.

The capabilities allowed to users are restricted by the capabilities assigned to the user's account. If a capability is absent at the account level, users within the account are also denied that capability, whether or not it is explicitly assigned to them.

Each capability is denoted by a two-letter mnemonic as follows:

  System Manager    =  SM
  Account Manager    =  AM
  Account Librarian   =  AL
  Group Librarian    =  GL
  Diagnostician     =  DI
  System Supervisor   =  OP
  Network Administrator =  NA
  Node Manager     =  NM
  Save Files      =  SF
  Access to Nonshareable
  I/O Devices     =  ND
  Use Volumes      =  UV
  Create Volumes    =  CV
  Use Communication
  Subsystem        CS
  Programmatic Sessions =  PS
  User Logging     =  LG
  Process Handling   =  PH
  Extra Data Segments  =  DS
  Multiple RINs     =  MR
  Privileged Mode    =  PM
  Interactive Access  =  IA
  Batch Access     =  BA
  Programmatic Sessions =  PS

Default is SF, ND, IA, and BA. Note that CV automatically gives the user UV capability, and removal of UV results in automatic removal of CV.


The name of the highest priority subqueue that may be requested by any process of any job/session initiated by the user. This parameter is specified as AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES, but cannot be greater than that specified with the NEWACCT or ALTACCT commands. The subqueuename defined for the user is checked against the subqueuename defined for the account at logon, and the lower priority of the two is used as the maximum priority restricting all processes of the job/session. Also, the priority requested by the user at logon is checked against the subqueuename defined for the user, and the user is granted the lower of these two values. Default is CS.

CAUTION: Processes capable of executing in the AS or BS subqueues can deadlock the system. By assigning nonpriority processes to these subqueues, you may prevent critical system processes from executing. Exercise extreme care when assigning processes to the AS or BS subqueue.


Defined at the installation site, this arbitrary double word bit map is used to further classify users. While it is not part of standard MPE/iX security provisions, programmers may define it (through the WHO intrinsic) to enhance the security of their own programs. The bit map for the user local attributes must be a subset of the bit map for the account local attributes. The ALTUSER command checks the local attributes of the user with those of the account. Default is double word 0 (null).


The name of an existing group assigned as the home group for this user. The first user established when an account is created, by default, has PUB assigned as the home group. Subsequent new users, by default, have no home group assigned. If no home group is assigned, the user must always specify an existing group when logging on.


User ID to be altered for the account manager in the user database. The uid parameter must be a unique positive (non-zero) 32-bit integer.


USERPASS=REQ specifies that all users in the account must have a non-blank password. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.


USERPASS=OPT specifies that users in this account may or may not have passwords. If you do not use the USERPASS parameter, the old value remains. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.


The password expires immediately. The user cannot logon without selecting a new password. It is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.

Operation Notes

The ALTUSER command allows the account manager to change the password, capabilities, processing subqueue, security checking, and home group currently defined for a user. More than one of these attributes may be changed at a time, by entering multiple keyword parameters on a single command line, using the semicolon (;) delimiter.

To change an attribute, enter the keyword and its new value. When an entire keyword parameter group is omitted from the ALTUSER command, the corresponding value for the user remains unchanged. When a keyword is included, but the corresponding parameter is omitted (as in PASS=Return), a default value is assigned as shown in Table 3-3 "Default Values for the ALTUSER Command".

Table 3-3 Default Values for the ALTUSER Command

Parameter Default Values
passwordNULL password
capabilitylist SF, ND, IA, and BA (provided these capabilities have been specified for the account)
localattribute0 (null)
homegroupname The first user established when the account is created has PUB assigned as home group. Subsequent users have no group assigned as home. If a user has no home group assigned, an existing group must be specified when initiating a job or a session.

When a parameter is modified with the ALTUSER command, it is immediately registered in the directory. However, it does not affect users who are currently logged on to the system. They are affected the next time they log on to the same user name and account. For this reason, warn users in advance of any intended changes.

Avoid changing the capabilitylist or homegroupname of the user MANAGER.SYS. SM capability cannot be taken away from MANAGER.SYS.

ALTUSER will not allow a user with AM capability to remove AM from their own capability list. However, a user with AM can remove AM from the capability list of another AM user inside the same account.


This command may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in break mode. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Account manager (AM) capability is required to use this command. System manager (SM) capability is required to specify a user in an account other than your own.


Suppose an account's capabilities are AM, AL, GL, SF, ND, PH, DS, MR, IA, and BA. To change the capabilitylist of the user JONES from IA, BA, SF, PH, DS to include multiple RIN (MR) capability, enter:


To alter two attributes, password and subqueuename, for user JONES enter:


Related Information




Performing System Management Tasks


Gives a user operator control of a device class.


  ASSOCIATE devclass



The name of a logical device class configured with SYSGEN.

Operation Notes

This command links a device class, such as LP, to an individual user on the system. The user may then execute any valid operator command for a device in the device class and receive the status messages for the devices in that device class on $STDLIST. For example, a remote printer may be associated with a terminal, so that messages concerning the printer go to the terminal, not the system console.

Before a user can be associated, the system manager must run a utility program (the version of ASOCTBL.PUB.SYS that matches your operating system) in order to create a device class/user association table. This table defines which users may be associated with which device classes. At any given time, only one user may be associated with a given device class. If the device belongs in several device classes, only one of those device classes may be associated.

The operator commands, which may be made available to users through the ASSOCIATE command, are:

  ACCEPT            REFUSE
  DISCRPS           SHUTQ
  DOWN              SPOOLER
  HEADON            UP

Both the system supervisor and the user may DISASSOCIATE a user from a device. In addition, a user implicitly disassociates a device when logging off.


This command may be issued from a session, program, or in BREAK. It may not be used from a job. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


To be the controller of the device class TAPE, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Interprets a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  BASIC [commandfile] [,[inputfile] [,listfile] ]



Actual file designator of the source file or device from which BASIC/V commands and statements are input. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is BASCOM. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the file containing data input for a BASIC/V program. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is BASIN. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the destination file for the program listing and output. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BASLIST. Default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BASCOM, BASIN, and BASLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BASIC command is generally used for online programming in BASIC/V, but it can also be used to interpret BASIC/V programs submitted in batch mode. In batch mode, the BASIC/V >EOD command is required after any data following the BASIC/V >RUN command, or after the >RUN command itself if there is no data.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To enter commands and data from your standard input device, with program listing and output transmitted to the standard output device, enter:


You may also submit commands and data to the BASIC/V interpreter through input files that you have stored on disk. Files created using the editor must be kept with the UNN (unnumbered) option of the editor KEEP command. In this example, BASIC/V interpreter commands and statements are submitted from the command file MYCOMDS. The data that the program uses is stored in the input file MYDATA. The program listing and output are written to the file MYLIST.


Related Information




BASIC/V Compiler Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual


Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  BASICGO [commandfile] [,listfile]



Actual file designator of the input file from which the BASIC/V compiler commands are read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is BSCTEXT. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BSCLIST. Default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BSCTEXT and BSCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

This command compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode program from a "fastsave" file created by the BASIC/V interpreter. This enables the program to run faster than it would if it were executed by the interpreter.

To save the program after it is written, use the BASIC/V interpreter command SAVE filename,FAST. The program then can be compiled, prepared, and executed with the BASICGO command. You must specify the FAST option to compile the program.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile, prepare, and execute the BASIC/V program MYPROG, enter:


The above example begins execution of the BASIC/V compiler, initializes the USL, compiles the program MYPROG, and then exits from the compiler.

Related Information




BASIC/V Compiler Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual


Compiles a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  BASICOMP [commandfile] [,[uslfile] [,listfile] ]



Actual file designator of the input file from which the BASIC/V compiler commands are read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is BSCTEXT. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the user subprogram library (USL) file to which the object code is written, which can be any binary output file with a file code of USL or 1024. Its formal file designator is BSCUSL. If the uslfile parameter is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file $OLDPASS. If entered, this parameter specifies that the file was created in one of four ways:

  • By using the SAVE command to save the default USL file $OLDPASS, created by a previous compilation.

  • By building the USL with the MPE segmenter command BUILDUSL. Refer to the MPE Segmenter Reference Manual (30000-90011).

  • By creating a new USL file with the MPE/iX BUILD command and a file code of USL or 1024.

  • By specifying a nonexistent uslfile parameter, thereby creating a permanent file of the correct size and type.


Actual file designator of the file on which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal designator is BSCLIST. Default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BSCTEXT, BSCUSL, and BSCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BASICOMP command compiles a program from a "fastsave" file generated by the BASIC/V interpreter. If a USL file is not specified, the BASIC/V compiler stores the object code in the default systemcdefined temporary file $OLDPASS, as shown in the second example, below. You may, however, build a USL file in the permanent file domain, then direct the BASIC/V compiler to store the object code in this file by naming the USL file in the BASICOMP command line. Refer to "Examples."


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile the BASIC/V program MYPROG onto the USL named OBJECT, enter:


The above example builds the USL file, begins execution of the BASIC/V compiler and specifies the USL named OBJECT, initializes the USL, compiles the fastsave program named MYPROG, and then exits from the compiler.

If you do not choose to build a USL file, the BASICOMP command compiles your program and stores the object code in the default USL file $OLDPASS.


The above example begins execution of the BASIC/V compiler, accepts commands from $STDINX, and specifies $OLDPASS the USL output and $STDLIST for listing output. It compiles from the fastsave file named MYRUN into a USL named $OLDPASS, and then exits from the BASIC/V compiler.

To run your program, enter:


Related Information




BASIC/V Compiler Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual


Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  BASICPREP [commandfile] [,[progfile] [,listfile] ]



Actual file designator of the input file from which the BASIC/V compiler commands are read. This can be any ASCII file. Formal file designator is BSCTEXT. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the program file on which the prepared program segments are written. When progfile is omitted, the MPE segmenter creates the program file, which resides in the temporary file domain as $OLDPASS. To create your own program file, do so in one of two ways:

  • By using the BUILD command and specifying a file code of 1029 or PROG and a numextents value of 1. This file is then used by the PREP command.

  • By specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile parameter, in which case a temporary job file of the correct size and type is created.


Actual file designator of the file to which the listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BSCLIST. Default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BSCTEXT and BSCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BASICPREP command compiles and prepares a program for execution from a " fastsave" file generated by the BASIC/V interpreter. If the progfile parameter is omitted, the prepared program segments are stored in the systemcdefined temporary file $OLDPASS. To save the prepared program in a file other than $OLDPASS, either create a file and specify its file name on the BASICPREP command line, or specify a nonexistent progfile.

A program compiled and prepared with the BASICPREP command may be executed with the MPE/iX RUN command.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile and prepare a program named MYPROG from the BASIC/V fastsave file named MYCOMDS, with the listing directed to the standard list device, enter:


The file MYPROG is an ASCII file that contains the following BASIC/V compiler commands:


The above example initializes the USL and lists the program, compiles the fastsave program MYPROG, and then exits from the compiler.

Related Information




BASIC/V Compiler Reference Manual


Starts execution of the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter in compatibility mode. HP Business BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  BBASIC [commandfile] [,[inputfile] [,listfile] ]



Actual file designator of the source file or device from which HP Business BASIC/V commands and statements are input. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is BASCOM. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the file containing data input for a HP Business BASIC/V program. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is BASIN. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the destination file for the program listing and output. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BASOUT. Default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BASCOM, BASIN, and BASOUT) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BBASIC command is generally used for online programming in HP Business BASIC/V, but it can also be used to interpret HP Business BASIC/V programs submitted in batch mode. In batch mode, the HP Business BASIC/V >EXIT or >:: command is required as the last statement in the command file. HP Business BASIC/V has its own online help facility.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To enter commands and data from your standard input device, with program listing and output transmitted to the standard output device, use:


You may also submit commands and data to the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter through input files that you have stored on disk. Files created using the editor must be kept with the UNN (unnumbered) option of the editor's KEEP command. In this example, HP Business BASIC/V interpreter commands and statements are submitted from the command file MYCOMDS. The data that the program uses is stored in the input file MYDATA. The program listing and output are written to the file MYLIST:


Related Information




HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual


Compiles, prepares, and executes an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode. HP Business BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  BBASICGO infile [,listfile]



Actual file designator of the BSAVE file containing the HP Business BASIC/V program to be compiled. Formal file designator is BBCIN.


Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BBCLIST. Default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BBCIN and BBCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. Refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

This command compiles, prepares, and executes a program from a BSAVE file created by the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter. This enables the program to run faster than it would if it were executed by the interpreter.

You may create a BSAVE program file within the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter after it is saved by using the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter >SAVE filename command. The program then can be compiled, prepared, and executed with the BBASICGO command.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile, prepare, and execute the HP Business BASIC/V program MYPROG and send the listing to the disk file LISTFL, enter:


Related Information




HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual


Compiles an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode. HP Business BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  BBASICOMP infile [,[uslfile] [,listfile] ]



Actual file designator of the BSAVE file containing the HP Business BASIC/V program to be compiled. Formal file designator is BBCIN.


Actual file designator of the user subprogram library (USL) file on which the object program is written, which can be any binary output file with file code of USL or 1024. Its formal file designator is BBCUSL. If the uslfile parameter is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file $OLDPASS. If entered, this parameter specifies that the file was created in one of four ways:

  • By using the SAVE command to save the default USL file $OLDPASS created by a previous compilation.

  • By building the USL with the MPE segmenter command BUILDUSL. Refer to the MPE Segmenter Reference Manual (30000-90011).

  • By creating a new USL file with the BUILD command and specifying a file code of USL or 1024.

  • By specifying a nonexistent uslfile parameter, thereby creating a permanent file of the correct size and type.


Actual file designator of the file on which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal designator is BBCLIST. Default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BBCIN, BBCUSL, and BBCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BBASICOMP command compiles a source program stored in a BASIC SAVE file generated by the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter. The compiled program executes significantly faster than the corresponding interpreted version.

A BSAVE program file can be created from within the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter after it is written, by using the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter >SAVE filename command. The program may be compiled with the BBASICOMP command, then prepared with the PREP command, and executed with the RUN command.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile the HP Business BASIC/V program MYPROG into the USL named OBJECT, enter:


If you do not choose to build a USL file, the BBASICOMP command compiles your program, storing the object code in the default USL file $OLDPASS.


If you now want to run your program, use the PREPRUN command:


Related Information




HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual


Compiles and prepares an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode. HP Business BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  BBASICPREP infile [,[progfile] [,listfile] ]



Actual file designator of the BSAVE file containing the HP Business BASIC/V program to be compiled. Formal file designator is BBCIN.


Actual file designator of the program file to which the prepared program segments are written. When progfile is omitted, the MPE segmenter creates the program file, which resides in the temporary file domain as $OLDPASS. If you do create your own program file, you must do so in one of two ways:

  • By using the BUILD command and specifying a file code of 1029 or PROG and a numextents value of 1. This file is then used by the PREP command.

  • By specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile parameter, in which case a temporary job file of the correct size and type is created.


Actual file designator of the file on which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BBCLIST. Default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BBCIN and BBCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BBASICPREP command compiles and prepares a program from a BSAVE file generated by the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter. If you omit the progfile parameter, the prepared program segments are stored in the systemcdefined temporary file $OLDPASS. If you want to save the prepared program in a file other than $OLDPASS, you may either create a file and specify its file name on the BBASICPREP command line, or specify a nonexistent progfile.

A BSAVE program file can be created from within the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter after it is written, by using the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter >SAVE filename command. The program may be compiled with the BBASICOMP command, then prepared with the PREP command, and executed with the RUN command.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile and prepare a program named MYPROG from the HP Business BASIC/V BSAVE file named MYCOMDS, and send the listing to the standard list device, enter:


Related Information




HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual


Initiates execution of the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter. HP Business BASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. (Native Mode)


  BBXL [commandfile] [,[inputfile] [,[listfile] ]] [;XL=xllist]

NOTE: This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line Syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.



The name of an ASCII file that contains a set of HP Business BASIC/XL commands and/or statements. The formal file designator is BASCOM. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the file containing data input for a HP Business BASIC/XL program. Formal file designator is BASIN. Default is $STDINX.


Actual file designator of the destination file for the program listing and output. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BASOUT. Default is $STDLIST.


A quoted list of the executable libraries which is searched when resolving external procedure references during execution of a user's program.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BASCOM, BASIN, and BASOUT) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BBXL command is generally used for online programming in HP Business BASIC/XL, but it can also be used to interpret HP Business BASIC/XL programs in batch mode. In batch mode, the HP Business BASIC/XL >EXIT or >:: command is required as the last statement in the command file. HP Business BASIC/XL has its own online help facility.

NOTE: This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the HPPATH variable to null (SETVAR ""), the command file is not executed and the command fails.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It is not available in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To enter commands and data from your standard input device, with the program listing and output transmitted to the standard output device (both of these are usually the terminal in interactive mode), use:


You may also enter commands and statements to the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter by using input files that you have stored on disk. Files created using the editor must be kept with the UNN (unnumbered) option of the editor's KEEP command. In this example, HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter commands and statements are entered from the command file MYCOMDS. The data that the program uses is stored in the input file MYDATA. The program listing and output are written to the file MYLIST.


If you have compiled a number of library procedures into an executable library named MYXL.MYGRP.MYACCT and wish to reference these in a program in the interpreter, use:


Appropriate EXTERNAL and/or INTRINSIC statements in your program are used to define the formal parameters, and an alias, if required, for the external procedure in the executable library.

Related Information




HP Business BASIC/XL Migration Guide
HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual


Compiles an HP Business BASIC/XL program. HP Business BASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. (Native Mode)


  BBXLCOMP textfile [,[objectfile] [,listfile] ]

NOTE: This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line Syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.



Actual file designator of the BASIC SAVE file (file code 1247 or BSVXL) containing the HP Business BASIC/XL program to be compiled. Formal file designator is BBCIN.


Actual file designator of the object file to which the object code is written. This file is stored in binary form and has a file code of 1461 or NMOBJ. If your program uses GLOBAL COPTION RLFILE then this file is a binary file with a file code of 1033 or NMRL. Its formal file designator is BBCOBJ. If the objectfile parameter is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file $OLDPASS.

If you specify objectfile, the compiler stores the object file in a permanent file of the correct size and type, and with the name you specified.

For an NMOBJ file, if a file of the same name already exists, the object code overwrites that file.

For an NMRL file, if GLOBAL COPTION RLINIT is used, then the relocatable library file is overwritten. If GLOBAL COPTION RLINIT is not used, then the new object code is added but previously written information remains.

If the compiler issues an error message telling you that a new or existing object file is too small, build the object file with a larger size and recompile to it.

You may use the MPE/iX SAVE command to store $OLDPASS as a permanent file under another name.


The name of the file to which the compiler writes the program listing. This can be any ASCII file. The formal file designator is BBCLIST. If you do not specify listfile, the default is $STDLIST. $STDLIST is usually the terminal in a session or the printer in a batch job.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BBCIN, BBCOBJ, and BBCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BBXLCOMP command compiles a source program stored in a BASIC SAVE file generated by the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter. The compiled program executes significantly faster than the corresponding interpreted version.

Create a BASIC SAVE program source file from within the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter by entering the program and using the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter >SAVE filename command. Compile the source program in filename with the BBXLCOMP command, then link with the MPE/iX LINK command, and execute the program with the MPE/iX RUN command.

NOTE: This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the HPPATH variable to null (SETVAR ""), the command file is not executed, and the command fails.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile the HP Business BASIC/XL source program in the file MYPROG into the NMOBJ file named OBJECT, enter:


If you do not specify an NMOBJ file, the BBXLCOMP command compiles your program, storing the object code in the default file $OLDPASS.


The above example runs the HP Business BASIC/XL compiler using the contents of MYPROG as the BASIC SAVE formatted source file. $OLDPASS is the default object file (NMOBJ) and $STDLIST is the default output listing.

If you now want to run your program, enter the LINK and RUN commands:


This links the NMOBJ file and runs the program.

Related Information




HP Business BASIC/XL Migration Guide
HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual


Compiles, links, and executes an HP Business BASIC/XL program. HP Business BASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. (Native Mode)


  BBXLGO textfile [,[listfile] ] [;XL=xllist]

NOTE: This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line Syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.



Actual file designator of the BASIC SAVE file (file code = 1247 or BSVXL) containing the HP Business BASIC/XL program to be compiled. Formal file designator is BBCIN.


Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BBCLIST. Default is $STDLIST.


A quoted list of the executable libraries which is searched when resolving external procedure references when the program is loaded.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BBCIN and BBCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. Refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

This command compiles a BASIC SAVE file created by the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter. The compiled program executes significantly faster than the corresponding interpreted version.

A BASIC SAVE program file is created from within the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter by using the HP Business BASIC/XL >SAVE filename command. The program then can be compiled, linked, and executed with the BBXLGO command.

NOTE: This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the HPPATH variable to null (SETVAR ""), the command file is not executed, and the command fails.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile, link, and execute the HP Business BASIC/XL program MYPROG and direct the listing to the disk file LISTFL, enter:


Related Information




HP Business BASIC/XL Migration Guide
HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual


Compiles and links an HP Business BASIC/XL program. HP Business BASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. (Native Mode)


  BBXLLK textfile [,[progfile] [,listfile] ]

NOTE: This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line Syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.



Actual file designator of the BASIC SAVE file (filecode 1247 or BSVXL) containing the HP Business BASIC/XL program to be compiled. Formal file designator is BBCIN.


Actual file designator of the object file to which the Link Editor writes the linked program. If you do not specify progfile, the default is $NEWPASS, which is closed as $OLDPASS.


Actual file designator of the file on which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BBCLIST. If you do not specify listfile, the default is $STDLIST.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (BBCIN and BBCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.

Operation Notes

The BBXLLK command compiles and links a source program stored in a BASIC SAVE file generated by the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter. If the progfile parameter is omitted, the linked program is written to the systemcdefined temporary file $OLDPASS. To save the linked program in a file other than $OLDPASS, specify the file name on the BBXLLK command line.

Create a BASIC SAVE program file from within the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter, by using the HP Business BASIC/XL >SAVE filename command. The program may be compiled and linked with the BBXLLK command and executed with the MPE/iX RUN command.

NOTE: This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the HPPATH variable to null (SETVAR ""), the command file is not executed, and the command fails.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile and link a source program stored in the HP Business BASIC/XL BASIC SAVE file named MYSCR to the program file named MYPROG, and send the listing to the standard list device, enter:


Related Information




HP Business BASIC/XL Migration Guide
HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual


Suspends an executing job. (Native Mode)





A job number.

Operation Notes

The operator can use the BREAKJOB command to suspend any executing job, including spooled and streamed jobs. A job using a critical system resource is not suspended until it releases the resource.

When you issue the BREAKJOB command for a job that controls a nonshareable device, a console message is displayed listing the device(s) that the job controls. (As many as ten devices may be listed.) You may then decide whether the job should be allowed to run until it releases the device(s), or whether it should be aborted.

All commands that normally affect executing jobs, such as ABORTJOB, operate on suspended jobs. The SHOWJOB command, which lists all jobs, displays SUSP for those in the suspended state. To list suspended jobs only, enter SHOWJOB SUSP.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It is executable only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command, or if JOBSECURITY is set to LOW.


To suspend job number 68, enter:


To display suspended jobs, enter:

  #68   SUSP     105  LP  WED. 7:56AM TEST,USER.ACCT

Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Creates and immediately allocates a new empty file on disk.


  BUILD filereferencer
    [;REC=[recsize][,[blockfactor][,[{F U V B}][,{BINARY | ASCII}]]]]
    [;{ CCTL | NOCCTL }]
    [ ;TEMP] [ ;DEV= [ dsdevice#  dsdevice#device [ device] ] ]
    [ ;CODE=filecode]
    [ ;DISC=[ [numrec] [,[numextents] [,initialloc]]]]
    [;{RIO | NORIO | MSG | CIR | STD | KSAMXL | SPOOL | KSAM64}]
    [ ;ULABEL=numlabels] [ ;KEY={ ^filereference keyinfo } ]
    [ ;FIRSTREC=recnum] [ ;REUSE ;NOREUSE ]
    [ ;langid={ langid langname } ]
    [ { ;DEFBLK ;OPTMBLK }]



Actual name of the file to be created. The filereference can be either in MPE of HFS Syntax.

MPE Syntax

If the filereference does not begin with a dot or a slash, it is parsed according to the MPE Syntax and has the following format:


MPE names must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. If acctname is specified, you must have create directory (CD) access to the target group in the account. The default groupname and acctname are the logon group and account.

HFS Syntax

If the filereference begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), it is parsed according to the HFS Syntax. In this case the filereference can consist of 1 to 253 characters for relative pathnames (for example, ./253chars), and 254 characters for absolute names (for example, /254chars).

The following Syntax rules apply:

  • File names are not upshifted.

  • File names can be up to 254 characters in length for absolute pathnames, and 253 characters for relative pathnames.

  • File names can begin with, and contain, any of the following characters:

    • a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, .

  • File names can contain (but not begin with ) a dash (-).

File names are of the form


where the path/filename combination may have a maximum of 255 characters.


Record size. A positive number indicates words, while a negative number indicates bytes for new files only. For fixed length files, this is the logical record size. For undefined length files, this is the maximum record size. For variable length files, this is the maximum logical record size if blockfactor is 1. If not, this is used to calculate the maximum logical record size and physical record size. For byte-stream files, recsize is 1 byte.

Records always begin on word boundaries. Therefore, the record size is rounded up to the nearest word boundary for block size calculations. For a binary file or a variable length ASCII file, odd byte lengths are rounded up and the extra byte is available for data.

However, if an odd byte length record size is specified for a fixed length or undefined length record file, the extra byte is not available for data. Default is the configured physical record width of the associated device. If you do not use the DEV= parameter, the default is DISC with 1023 records.

For example, a fixed length ASCII file with a record size specified as 11 bytes has only 11 bytes available for data in each logical record. However, to determine actual block size, 12 bytes is used for the record size (block size = 12 bytes multiplied by the blockfactor). If the file is specified as a binary file, the 11 bytes are rounded up to 12 bytes (6 words), all of which are available for each logical record.


The number of logical records per physical block in a new file. The default is calculated by dividing the specified recsize into the configured block size; this value is rounded downward to an integer that is never less than 1. For variable length record files, blockfactor and recsize are used to calculate the maximum logical and physical record size. The blockfactor is then set to 1. For files containing undefined length records, the blockfactor is ignored. The maximum size of blockfactor is 255.

For byte-stream files, blockfactor is set to 1.

F, U, V or B

Defines the length of the records of the file. A file may contain fixed length records (F), undefined length records (U), variable length records (V) or byte-stream format (B). For disk files, the default is F.


Indicates the type of records the file contains. BINARY indicates binary coded records and is the default. ASCII indicates ASCII coded records.


Indicates whether or not carriage control characters are supplied along with data written to an ASCII file. CCTL indicates carriage control characters accompany the data; NOCCTL indicates carriage control characters are not specified. The default is NOCCTL.


Indicates that the file is created as a temporary file and is saved in the job/session temporary file domain when closed. The default is that a permanent file is created.


The device class name or logical device number used to open a communications link to a remote computer that contains the source file. The default is the local system, or the computer on which the transfer request originates. A # symbol is a delimiter between the file name of the remote computer and the remote device file name.


Either the devclass or ldev on which the file is to reside. A device class name (devclass), such as DISC consists of up to eight alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character. The DEV= parameter does not accept device names, volume classes, or volume names. When you specify devclass, the file is allocated to any available device in that class. If you are opening a file destined for a mountable volume, you must specify a device class that includes the drives upon which the home volume set is mounted. The file is then allocated to any of the home volume set's volumes that fall within that device class.

The logical device number (ldev) consists of a one to three number specifying a particular device. Default is the device class name DISC.


A code indicating a specially formatted file. This code is recorded in the file label and is available to processes accessing the file through the FFILEINFO or FGETINFO intrinsic. Although any user can specify a positive integer ranging from 0 to 32,767 or a mnemonic name for this parameter, certain reserved integers and mnemonics have particular system defined meanings.

Default is the unreserved file code of 0.

Using 1090 (LOG) as your designated file code may not yield the number of records you specify in the DISC= parameter. Most files use the number of records specified in the DISC= parameter as the maximum limit; user logging uses this specified number as a minimum.


The maximum number of logical records in a new file. The maximum for fixed length and undefined length records is 2,147,483,647. The default is 1023.


Maximum number of disk extents. You may specify a value of -1, or any number from 1 to 32. Default is 8.


Number of extents to be initially allocated to the file at the time that it is opened. If you specify -1 for this parameter, the default value is used.


RIO creates a relative I/O file, which is a special file access method primarily used by COBOLII programs. You can, however, access these files from programs written in any language. Specifying RIO implicitly changes the record length parameter to F, or fixed length record. The default, NORIO, creates a nonrelative I/O file.

RIO and NORIO specifications affect only the physical characteristics of the file. If NOBUF is specified in the FILE command, the file is not accessed in RIO mode; otherwise, RIO access is used with RIO files. Special operations on RIO files, such as replicating an RIO file, set NOBUF access. Refer to the Accessing Files Programmer's Guide for a discussion of relative I/O.


Defines the type of file.

The default is STD (standard MPE/iX disk file). You do not need to specify STD; in fact, if you do specify it, you will see the error message The STD keyword is not appropriate in the context of a BUILD command. (CIERR 216).

A MSG (message file) allows communication between any set of processes in a first in, first out (FIFO) manner. Records are read from the start of the file and are logically deleted and/or are appended to the end of the file.

CIR (circular file) acts as a normal sequential file until full. When full, the first physical block is deleted when the next record is written, and remaining blocks are logically shifted to the front of the file. A circular file cannot be simultaneously accessed by readers and writers.

KSAMXL specifies a native mode KSAM file (KSAM XL file).

SPOOL specifies an unlinked output spool file. The default outpri on the spool file is 8; the default number of copies is 1. The unlinked output spool file must be created on a disk device. Specify the target printer device at SPOOLF...;PRINT time; if you do not, an error results.

The characteristics of a file created with the SPOOL keyword are:

  • variable length records of 1008 bytes each

  • a blocking factor of 1

  • ASCII format

  • permanent file

  • record limit of 1023

  • undefined maximum number of extents with 0 extents initially allocated

KSAM64 specifies a KSAM file that is capable of holding more than 4GB of data. KSAM64 files are compatible in every other way with KSAM XL files. All options that apply to KSAM XL files also apply to KSAM64 files.

These characteristics override any other characteristics, such as binary format, which may be specified.


The number of user label records to be created for the new file. Up to 255 labels can be specified. This parameter applies to any type of file.

^filereference or keyinfo

filereference is a file containing key information. This parameter only applies to new KSAM files; it is required for new KSAM files. The caret (^) indicates that the contents of the file will be used.

keyinfo has the following format:


One key specification (keytype, keylocation, keysize [,DUP|RDUP] must be included for each key in the KSAM file. The first occurrence of the key specification describes the primary key; each subsequent key specification describes an alternate key. There may be up to 15 alternate key specifications in addition to the primary key description.


KSAM key type, specified as BYTE, INTEGER, REAL, IEEEREAL, NUMERIC, PACKED, OR *PACKED. Specify the whole word or only the first letter; valid abbreviations are B, I, R, E, N, P, and *. If more than one letter is specified, the word must be spelled correctly.


Location of the first byte of the key within the data record counting from the first byte in the record. The first byte in the data record is always numbered 1. Only one key can start at the same location. This parameter applies only to KSAM files.


Length of the KSAM key in bytes. The length depends on keytype as follows:

  BYTE       1 to 255 bytes
  INTEGER    1 to 255 bytes
  REAL       1 to 255 bytes
  IEEEREAL   4, 8, or 16 bytes
  NUMERIC    1 to 28 bytes
  PACKED     1 to 14 bytes (odd number of digits)
  *PACKED    2 to 14 bytes (even number of digits)

This parameter is required for all key types.


These two options apply only to KSAM files. The DUP option allows you to specify that duplicate key values are permitted. If DUP is not specified, records with duplicate key values are rejected and an error message is issued when such records are written to the file. When the DUP option is used, each new duplicate key is inserted at the end of the duplicate key chain. This maintains the chronological order of the duplicate keys.

The RDUP option specifies that duplicate keys are allowed and to be inserted randomly in the duplicate key chain. This method makes insertion of such keys faster, but does not maintain the chronological order of the duplicate key chain. The default is that duplicate keys are not allowed.


Determines whether record numbers in the new KSAM file are to start with zero or one. If the integer 1 is specified, records are numbered beginning with 1; otherwise, they start with 0. The only acceptable values for recnum are 1 and 0. This option can only be used for new KSAM files.


The REUSE option forces KSAM files to reuse deleted record space. The REUSE option forces RDUP to be set to TRUE for all keys.

If the NOREUSE option is used, deleted record space is not reused. If the DUP option is specified for a key, duplicate records are placed chronologically at the tail end of the file. The default is NOREUSE.


An integer number indicating the native language of the KSAM file to be built. The default is 0, or NATIVE-3000. The language must be currently configured on the system. See the Native Language documentation for more information.


The name indicating the native language for the KSAM file to be built. The default language is NATIVE-3000. The language must be currently configured on the system. See the Native Language documentation for more information.


These two options apply only to KSAM files. DEFBLK specifies that the data block size will be the default data block size of 4096 bytes. OPTMBLK specifies that the OS will select the optional data block size based on the record size. The default is DEFBLK.

NOTE: The file system uses the values specified on the BUILD command line to compute other characteristics of the file. Therefore, the values (or default values) may be valid within their respective fields, but may cause overflow errors in the computation of internally needed file specifications.

Operation Notes

This command builds a new file on disk. If it is an ASCII file, the initially allocated file space is initialized to blanks. If it is a binary file, the file space is initialized to zeros.

Unless the TEMP parameter is specified, the file is saved in the permanent file domain. To create a permanent file, you must have save file (SF) capability and SAVE access in the group to which the new file belongs. You can only build a file belonging to your logon account.

If specified, the DEV= parameter must be consistent with the group to which the new file belongs. If the group's home volume set is not mounted, BUILD implicitly generates a volume set reservation request. If the volume is not recognized by the system, the command fails. Refer to Volume Management Reference Manual.

The default characteristics of a file created with the BUILD command are: fixed length records of 128 words each, a blocking factor of 1, binary formatted, permanent file, a record limit of 1023, and a maximum of 8 extents with 0 extent initially allocated. This is equivalent to entering:

  BUILD filename;REC=128,1,F,BINARY;DEV=DISC;DISC=1023,8,


This command may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in break mode. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


The following example creates a permanent disk file named WORKFILE, which can reside on any disk. WORKFILE has fixed length records of 80 bytes each. The records are blocked 3 records per block (which is the blockfactor), and are written in ASCII code. The file has a maximum capacity of 2000 records divided into 10 extents with 2 extents initially allocated.


The following example uses the CODE= parameter to create a logging file called NEWDATA:


Related Information




MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual
Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual


Ends an interactive session. (Native Mode)





Operation Notes

This command terminates a session and displays the CPU-time used (in seconds), connect-time (in minutes), and the date and time, as follows:

  CPU=48. CONNECT=35. FRI, MAY 4, 1987, 10:56 PM

If you enter the HELLO command without logging off your current session, MPE/iX terminates your current session and immediately initiates a new one. If you are logged on to the computer with a telephone connection, and you hang up before terminating your session, MPE/iX issues a BYE command automatically.

If you enter the BYE command before initiating a session on the system, no system message is displayed.


This command may be issued from a session. It may not be used from a job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


To terminate a session, enter:


Related Information





Chapter 3 Command List I

Chapter 4 Command List II