HPlogo STORE and TurboSTORE/iX Products Manual: 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems

Chapter 11 Restoring Files


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Table of Contents

Preparing to Restore Files
Locate the Necessary File or Files
Checking for Duplicate Filenames
Preparing the Media and the Backup Device
Referencing Files in a RESTORE Command
Restoring from Labeled Tapes
Restoring from Single Devices
Restoring from Multiple Devices (RESTORESET)
Sequential Devices
Parallel Devices
Restoring Files from a Disk File
Specifying the Disk File
Restoring From Multiple Disk Files
Restoring from Parallel Disk Files
Verifying Disk Backups
Restoring Files from Magneto-Optical Disk (MOSET and NAME)
Specifying the Magneto-Optical Device
Specifying the Backup Name
Restoring from a Single Magneto-Optical Device
Restoring from Multiple Devices
Issuing a RESTORE Command
Restoring Different Format Tapes
RESTORE Command Options
Listing Restored Files (SHOW)
Selecting a RESTORE Error Recovery Method (ONERROR)
Restoring Files to the Correct Group, Account, and Creator (CREATE)
Changing a File's GID (GID)
Overwriting or Retaining Disk Files (KEEP, NOKEEP)
Specifying Modification and Last Access Date (OLDDATE, NEWDATE)
Restoring Directory Information (DIRECTORY)
Finding Out What Is on Your Tape (LISTDIR)
Displaying Progress Messages (PROGRESS)
Restoring Files with Certain File Codes (FCRANGE)
Specifying a Maximum Number of Files to Restore (FILES)
Restoring Files to a Specific Device (DEV)
Restoring Files to Specific Volumes (VOL, VOLCLASS, VOLSET)
Specifying HFS Files (TREE, NOTREE)
Restoring Part of a Database (PARTIALDB)
Restoring using a disk directory file (STOREDIRECTORY)
Monitoring RESTORE Command Progress
Responding to Tape Requests
Replying to Tape Requests for a Multiple-Device RESTORE
Mounting Additional Tapes
Using the PROGRESS Option
When RESTORE is Complete

This chapter describes the RESTORE process and options. You RESTORE a file by transferring it from a STORE backup to disk. You might need to RESTORE a single file, for example, when a user accidentally deletes it. You might restore all the files in an account after you have permanently archived the account offline, deleted the files, and a user needs access to the files again. After a major system failure, you might need to RESTORE all of your files from backups.

NOTE: Restoring from sequential devices is supported in all STORE and TurboSTORE products. However, if you want to restore from parallel devices, you must have either TurboSTORE/iX II (B5151AA) or TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup (B5152AA).

This chapter describes step-by-step procedures for restoring files with RESTORE. The sections in this chapter are as follows:

  • Preparing to Restore Files

  • Restoring Different Format Tapes

  • Referencing Files in a RESTORE Command

  • Issuing a RESTORE Command

  • Restoring from Labeled Tapes

  • Restoring from Single Devices

  • Restoring from Multiple Devices (RESTORESET)

  • Restoring Files from a Disk File

  • Restoring Files from Magneto-Optical Disk (MOSET and NAME)

  • RESTORE Command Options

  • Monitoring RESTORE Command Progress

  • When RESTORE is Complete

  • Do not use RESTORE to transfer any of the files originally on your system load tape from LDEV 1 to a system disk other than LDEV 1. These files are contained in the SYS account and can be displayed by entering the SY configurator of the SYSGEN utility and using the SHOW command.

  • Do not purge or put a lockword on these files.

  • Do not use any command other than SYSGEN to manage the files within a configuration group. These configuration files come as a set and individual files may not be moved between groups or systems. Such actions make these system files inaccessible, causing problems either immediately or at a later time.

NOTE: For simplicity, the term tape is used throughout the procedures in this chapter. Substitute the appropriate media and device where applicable.
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