HPlogo STORE and TurboSTORE/iX Products Manual: 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems > Chapter 10 Backing Up the System Configuration

Running SYSGEN


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To run the SYSGEN utility, enter the following:

   :SYSGEN basegroup,newgroup,inputfile,outputfile

All of the parameters are optional.

The basegroup parameter is the group in the account SYS that contains the configuration data you use or alter. The default is CONFIG.SYS (or the group specified at system startup). If you specify a group that does not exist, an error occurs. You can change the base group within SYSGEN using the BASEGROUP command. Refer to System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual (32650-90042) for additional information.

The newgroup parameter is the group to which you will store your data. If you do not specify this parameter, SYSGEN stores the changes to the base group. If the group you specify already exists, SYSGEN asks you whether you actually want the configuration data written to that group. To override newgroup, specify an alternate group with the SYSGEN KEEP command.

The inputfile parameter is the actual file designator of the file for command input. The formal file designator is SYSGIN. The default is $STDIN. Use a file equation to change the command input file.

The outputfile is the actual file designator of the file for output requests. The formal file designator is SYSGOUT. The default is $STDLIST. Use a file equation to redirect output.

For example, to change input to a command input file and redirect output to the line printer, enter:




When you run SYSGEN, you receive a list of SYSGEN first-level commands:

Figure 10-1 SYSGEN First-Level Command Listing

SYSGEN version E.00.00 : catalog version E.00.00

FRI, JAN 7, 1994, 5:57 PM

Copyright 1987 Hewlett-Packard Co. All Rights Reserved

         **warning** no NMCONFIG file in this configuration.

         **warning** NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS is now the NMCONFIG file

         ** First level command **

          io               log (lo)         misc (mi)      spa (sp)

	  sysfile (sy)

          basegroup (ba)   keep (ke)       permyes (pe)    show (sh)

          backup (ta)

          clear (cl)(c)    exit (ex)(e)    help (he)(h)    oclose (oc)


NOTE: The warnings refer to the network manager configuration file, which configures remote devices and terminals on the system. SYSGEN is concerned with the devices actually interfaced to the system.
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