HPlogo Understanding Your System: HP 3000 Series 9X8LX Computer Systems

Chapter 8 Command Files and Jobs


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During a session, the computer accepts only one command line at a time. But over the course of days or weeks or months, you are likely to identify groups of commands that are valuable and change very little. This is especially true if you have the responsibility of managing your computer system.

There is a way to execute this group of commands all at once, instead of having to enter each command one at a time every time. In fact, there is more than one way.

  • One way is to create and use command files.

  • Another way is to create and use job files.

Command files and job files are files that you create using a text editor of some kind, such as EDIT/3000. The only requirements are that the editor that you use must produce ASCII text and that each line of text contain no more than 72 characters. In a sense, each file is a small program that you write, using the commands and parameters that have become familiar and useful to you.

Creating command files or job files is far easier than programming. By the time you find yourself asking "Is there some way to...," you will have almost all of the knowledge that you need to create these files. However, each kind of file obeys its own rules, and each operates a little differently.

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