HPlogo Understanding Your System: HP 3000 Series 9X8LX Computer Systems

Chapter 5 Where Does the Information Go?


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A complete answer to "where does the information go?" would take many pages of explanation.

In part, the answer depends on what you are doing and what you want to accomplish. And in part, it depends on the methods by which the computer sends information from one place to another.

If you use HP Easytime/iX, you can point the way and have your information go exactly where you want it to go. HP Easytime/iX allows you to navigate through the computer and arrive where you want to go, without looking at a road map and without stopping too often to ask for directions.

This chapter is devoted to the question of where your information goes inside the computer. In a very real sense, the activities of the operating system, of all of its commands, and of all of the programs you use are the answer. But that answer is written in several million instructions that direct the computer in its interactions with you. That sort of road map for information is complex in the extreme.

Instead, this guide looks at some of the highlights along the way.

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