HPlogo MPE/iX Developer's Kit Reference Manual Volume I: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4  POSIX/iX Library Function Descriptions



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Save the current environment and signal mask.


   #include <setjmp.h>

   int sigsetjmp (sigjmp_buf env, int savemask);



Returns the current environment for later use in a call to siglongjmp(). If savemask is set to a non-zero value, the current signal mask is also returned in env. The type sigjmp_buf (defined in <setjmp.h>) defines an array of unsigned integers. For this reason, the env argument does not require an & operator.


If a non-zero value is passed in savemask, the current signal mask is returned in env. If zero is passed, the current signal mask is not saved.


A call to setsetjmp() creates an entry point in a program that can be accessed via siglongjmp(). The sigsetjmp() macro saves the current environment of the calling process in env. If savemask is set to a non-zero value, the current signal mask is also saved in env. A subsequent call to siglongjmp() requires that the env variable be passed to restore the environment.

If a zero value is returned, the return is from sigsetjmp() itself and not a return as a result of a call to siglongjmp().

If a nonzero value is returned, the return is a result of a call to siglongjmp(). After siglongjmp() is completed, the program executes as if the call to sigsetjmp() had returned a second time. In this case, sigsetjmp() returns either the non-zero value passed in the val argument of siglongjmp() or 1 if zero was passed in val.

Return Values


Successful completion of a call to sigsetjmp().


Successful completion of a call to siglongjmp(). The value is that of the val parameter passed to siglongjmp(), or 1 if a zero was passed in the val parameter.

See Also

siglongjmp(), POSIX 1003.1 (Section 8.3.1)

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