HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

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This manual explains how to use IMAGE/SQL for relational access to your TurboIMAGE/XL database. You should be familiar with TurboIMAGE/XL and have a general knowledge of relational databases to use this guide effectively. This manual assumes you are familiar with IMAGE/SQL or have read Getting Started with HP IMAGE/SQL.

The terms Turbo CONNECT and ALLBASE/Turbo CONNECT (ATC) are names used for previous versions of IMAGE/SQL. ATC still appears in some error messages and warnings. The former IMAGE/SQL utility, ATCUTIL, is now called IMAGESQL.

The following briefly describes each chapter:

Chapter 1


Introduces some basic IMAGE/SQL concepts and shows you how to begin using IMAGE/SQL.

Chapter 2

Using the IMAGE/SQL Utility

Provides step-by-step directions for several typical administrative tasks.

Chapter 3

Understanding IMAGE/SQL

Provides a discussions of IMAGE/SQL concepts and functionality.

Chapter 4

IMAGE/SQL Utility Commands

Contains detailed information about the IMAGE/SQL utility commands.

Chapter 5


Describes how IMAGE/SQL assigns locks on IMAGE/SQL tables and how IMAGE/SQL handles deadlocks.

Chapter 6

IMAGE/SQL Transactions

Describes IMAGE/SQL transactions, repeatable reads, and IMAGE/SQL aborted transactions.

Appendix A

IMAGE/SQL Error Messages

Contains reference information about error messages.

Appendix B

SALES Database Schema

Contains a listing of the SALES database used throughout the manual.

Appendix C

IMAGE/SQL and Database Utilities

Describes the DBUtil, SQLUtil, and SQLGEN utilities.

Appendix D

SQL Exceptions

Lists SQL statements that have restrictions when used on a TurboIMAGE/XL data set.

Appendix E

SQL Views for Indices

Describes the new views for TurboIMAGE/XL and third-party indices.

Appendix F


Describes the new externally callable procedures used to convert data to and from the internal format of ALLBASE/SQL date/time format. These new procedures are called the Date/Time Application Programming Interface or API.



Gives basic definitions of terms.

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