HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 IMAGE/SQL Utility Commands



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Displays the current data type mapping information for a specified TurboIMAGE/XL database.


DI[SPLAY] MAP [FOR TurboDB [,MAINT=TurboMaintWord] ] [MappedTable [.MappedCol]] [,...]



is the name of the TurboIMAGE/XL database whose data type mapping information you want to display. This name can be a fully qualified group and account name. If this parameter is omitted, the name of the database defined in the most recent SET TURBODB command is used.


is the maintenance word for the TurboIMAGE/XL database. This parameter can be omitted if you are the database creator (DBC).


is the name of a mapped table whose data type mapping information you want to display. If this parameter is omitted, information about all mapped tables is displayed.


is the name of a specific mapped column in the table whose data type mapping information you want to display. If this parameter is omitted, information about all columns in the table is displayed.


  • SET SQLDBE issued.

  • SET TURBODB issued or TurboIMAGE/XL database (and maintenance word, if not DBC) specified as part of the command.

  • DBA authority.

  • Database attached.


Use the DISPLAY MAP command to display name and data type mapping information for a TurboIMAGE/XL database attached to an SQL DBEnvironment. Information is displayed about the DBEnvironment named in the most recent SET SQLDBE command.

If the database is attached to more than one DBEnvironment, issue additional SET SQLDBE commands to see the data type mapping for each DBEnvironment to which it is attached.

In the display generated by this command:

  • An I in the NOTES section next to a particular mapping indicates that the default data type mapping is inexact or imprecise.

  • An S in the NOTES section next to a particular mapping indicates that the mapped column has been split. This occurs by default when the source field is a compound data item. The SPLIT command may also have been used to explicitly split a mapped column into smaller mapped columns. In this case, a U also appears in the NOTES section.

  • A U in the NOTES section next to a particular mapping indicates that the default data type mapping has been updated with the UPDATE TYPE command.

Refer to the SPLIT and UPDATE TYPE commands for information about how to select alternative data type mapping.


In the following example, mapping information for the mapped table INVENTORY is displayed. The compound source field OTHER-VENDORS has been split into three mapped columns: OTHER_VENDORS_1, OTHER_VENDORS_2, and OTHER_VENDORS_3. Note that the source data set name, in this case INVENTORY, is shown in parentheses after the name of the mapped table.



 DBEnvironment    : PARTSDBE.SERED.ATC

 Owner Name       : SALES


    TABLE         FIELD              COLUMN        TYPE       TYPE    NOTES

 ------------ ---------------- ------------------ ------- ----------- -----


              STOCK#           STOCK#             U8      CHAR(8)

              ONHANDQTY        ONHANDQTY          J2      INTEGER

              SUPPLIER         SUPPLIER           X16     CHAR(16)

              OTHER-VENDORS    OTHER_VENDORS_1    X16     CHAR(16)    S

              OTHER-VENDORS    OTHER_VENDORS_2    X16     CHAR(16)    S

              OTHER-VENDORS    OTHER_VENDORS_3    X16     CHAR(16)    S

              UNIT-COST        UNIT_COST          P8      DECIMAL(7,0)

              LASTSHIPDATE     LASTSHIPDATE       X6      CHAR(6)

              BINNUM           BINNUM             Z2      DECIMAL(2,0)

              PART-INFO        PART_INFO          X60     CHAR(60)


   S: Source field has been split

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