HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 IMAGE/SQL Utility Commands



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Detaches a TurboIMAGE/XL database from a DBEnvironment.



Command Prerequisites

  • SET SQLDBE issued.

  • SET TURBODB issued.

  • DBA authority.

  • Database attached.


Use the DETACH command to detach a TurboIMAGE/XL database from a DBEnvironment. Obtain exclusive access to the DBEnvironment before using the DETACH command. Use the ISQL SELECT command to find out if it is being accessed. (See the ATTACH command for an example of SELECT.)

SET TURBODB and SET SQLDBE commands must be issued before the detach can take place. The database named in the most recent SET TURBODB is detached from the DBEnvironment named in the most recent SET SQLDBE command.

You must detach the database before performing any restructuring tasks and reattach (using the ATTACH command) when the restructuring is complete. You do not need to detach the database when changing the capacity of data sets.

When a database is detached, all mapping information about it is removed from the ATCINFO file (DBEnvironmentNameCR). If it is the only database attached to the DBEnvironment, the ATCINFO file itself is purged. If the TurboIMAGE/XL database is no longer attached to any DBEnvironment, the DBNameTC file is also purged.

In addition, all mapped table definitions are removed from the DBEnvironment system catalog. All IMAGE/SQL views and user-created views based on IMAGE/SQL tables and index definitions are dropped. Note that DBUTIL can be used to purge and detach a database that is attached to a DBEnvironment.

DETACH only affects the DBEnvironment named in the SET SQLDBE statement. Information about tables and indices is removed from the specified DBEnvironment.


In this example, SALES is detached from PartsDBE. When this occurs, all mapping information about SALES is removed from the ATCINFO file. If SALES is the only database attached to PartsDBE, the ATCINFO file itself is purged. If SALES is no longer attached to any DBEnvironment, the SALESTC file is also purged.




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