HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Using the IMAGE/SQL Utility

Task 15: Selecting TurboIMAGE/XL Data with SQL


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This task explains how IMAGE/SQL users select TurboIMAGE/XL data with SQL.

Getting Ready

To successfully select TurboIMAGE/XL data with IMAGE/SQL, users need to know the following:

  • How to use their available SQL interface. The examples in this manual use ISQL, which also requires familiarity with the SQL SELECT statement.

  • The names of the mapped tables and/or views to which they have access.

  • Which columns map to TurboIMAGE/XL search items, key items (with or without B-Tree indices), and items on which third-party indices exist. Under certain circumstances, using these mapped columns when selecting data can improve performance (see Task Reference).

  • Which data is of type FLOAT. When selecting this data, users should specify a range of values rather than a particular number. This is necessary because some precision is lost when converting to FLOAT. Also, a decimal point must be included in the value for better performance.

Performing the Task

In the example below, a CONNECT statement for PartsDBE is issued from the ISQL prompt. A select statement then retrieves all the data from the view SALES.VENDOR_V13.

   isql=> CONNECT TO 'PartsDBE';


   select * from sales.vendor_v13;


   VENDOR          |STREET                    |CITY        |STATE|ZIP


   Celtic Graphics |105 19th Ave.             |Seattle     |WA   |98115

   Trident 3D      |55 Homestead Road         |Cupertino   |CA   |95014

   Ablrn Tech.     |90 Marina Way             |Berkeley    |CA   |94708

   Space Ent.      |110 Homestead Ave.        |Cupertino   |CA   |95014

   Cutler Micro    |9442 E. 57th Ave.         |Seattle     |WA   |98115

   Seminational Co.|5000 Marina Way           |San Diego   |CA   |92093

    .                 .                         .            .      .

    .                 .                         .            .      .

Users can also join data from more than one view. The query in the following example retrieves data from two views, both with a column containing product numbers. The product number, the quantity, and the name of an alternative vendor is selected when the product number appears in both views.

Specifically, the query selects the following columns:


  • QUANTITY from view SALES.SALES_V14


Note that to eliminate ambiguity, because PRODUCT# exists in both views, the fully qualified column name must always be specified.




select other_vendors_1, quantity, sales.salesv_14.product# from sales.inv..




Ablrn Tech.     |       4 |P4943

Celtic Graphics |       2 |P6644

Celtic Graphics |   10050 |P3523

.                   .        .

.                   .        .

In this example, whenever the product numbers in the two views match, ISQL displays columns PRODUCT#, OTHER_VENDORS_1, and QUANTITY.

Task Reference

  • The structure of the TurboIMAGE/XL database cannot be changed with IMAGE/SQL commands. Therefore, SQL statements that alter the structure of the database are not available to IMAGE/SQL users.

  • When users have access to the entire data entry, they can select data from the table itself. If they do not have access to the entire data entry, they must select data from a view of the table created for them by IMAGE/SQL. Table names are of the form OwnerName.MappedTableName. View names are of the form OwnerName.MappedTableName_VUserClass#.

  • In WHERE clause, specifying columns that map to TurboIMAGE/XL search items, key items (with or without B-Tree indices), or items that have third-party indices will improve performance under the following conditions:

    • The WHERE clause compares a mapped column and a value for equality:

         isql=> SELECT * FROM SALES.SALES_V11
         >      WHERE PRODUCT# = '235'
         > ...

      When a column maps to an item which has a B-Tree or third-party index, an operator, other than equality, can also be used (such as > or >=).

    • The WHERE clause has more than one expression, each containing a different mapped column. These subexpressions are connected with the AND operator.

         isql=> SELECT * FROM SALES.SALES_V11
         >      WHERE (product# = '234')
         >        AND (purchased_date = '032189')
         > ...
    • The WHERE clause has more than one expression, each containing the same mapped column. These subexpressions either use the IN operator or are connected with the OR operator.

         isql=> SELECT * FROM SALES.SALES_V11
         >      WHERE (product# IN ('224', '321'))
         > ...
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