HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Using the IMAGE/SQL Utility

Task 12: Setting IMAGE/SQL File Equations


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This task describes how to set IMAGE/SQL utility file equations for two files: ATCINFO and ATCLOG.

Performing the Task

Setting a File Equation for ATCINFO

An ATCINFO file equation can only be set before the file is created (before any TurboIMAGE/XL databases are attached to the DBEnvironment). Only the file name can be specified. Other parameters of the FILE command will not be valid at attach time.

For example:



Setting a File Equation for ATCLOG

A file equation for ATCLOG can be issued before beginning an IMAGE/SQL utility session.

For example:



In the above example, when the logging option is on, IMAGE/SQL utility commands are logged to the permanent file SALELOG1.

A file equation for ATCLOG can also be set or reset from within the IMAGE/SQL utility.

For example:



Now when the logging option is on, IMAGE/SQL utility commands are logged to the permanent file SALELOG2.

Task Reference

ATCINFO Reference

  • The ATCINFO file is a permanent privileged file containing mapping information about data set and field names, data types, and user security. Its formal file designator is ATCINFO. The default name of the ATCINFO file is DBEnvironmentNameCR.

  • One ATCINFO file exists for each DBEnvironment. It is created in the same group and account as the DBEnvironment and is considered part of the DBEnvironment.

  • The ATCINFO file equation can only be used to specify a different file name. It cannot be used to override other ATCINFO file characteristics.

ATCLOG Reference

  • ATCLOG is a temporary unnumbered ASCII file to which all IMAGE/SQL utility commands are written when the IMAGE/SQL utility logging is on. If this file does not already exist, it is created. If it already exists as a temporary or permanent file, log file records are appended to it. Its formal file designator is ATCLOG.

  • When an IMAGE/SQL utility session begins, logging is on and the ATCLOG file is created (if it does not already exist) and opened in the user's logon group and account. By default, it is a temporary file named ATCLOG, but you may want to set a file equation for this file.

  • If you want to save the temporary file, either specify SAVE as a part of the FILE command or save the file before ending your current MPE/iX session.

  • The FILE command can be used to override default ATCLOG file attributes, such as size and file domain. However, the log file must remain an unnumbered ASCII file.

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