HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Using the IMAGE/SQL Utility

Task 1: Configuring a DBEnvironment


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This task describes how to configure a DBEnvironment so you can access your TurboIMAGE/XL database(s) with ALLBASE/SQL. This is an optional task because the SET SQLDBE command can also create the DBEnvironment using defaults when the DBEnvironment does not exist.

Instead of using the commands as shown in the examples, you can use the IMAGE/SQL utility to create your DBEnvironment. When you run the IMAGE/SQL utility, it prompts you to create the DBEnvironment. You should still read through this section to see important information such as setting TIMEOUT values.

Getting Ready

  • When all of the TurboIMAGE/XL databases to be attached to the DBEnvironment are created by the same user in one group and account, it is convenient to configure the DBEnvironment in this group and account.

    If this is not the case, several other issues should be considered. The following considerations apply if the TurboIMAGE/XL database to be attached exists in a different group and/or account than the DBEnvironment:

    • IMAGE/SQL supports standard MPE/iX security rules. Make sure correct user, group, and account capabilities are in place when you plan to access a TurboIMAGE/XL database from a DBEnvironment in a different account than the database.

    • Make sure maintenance words exist for the DBEnvironment and all TurboIMAGE/XL databases because IMAGE/SQL utility administrators often need to specify DBEnvironment and TurboIMAGE/XL maintenance words if they are not the creator.

    • Be sure to grant DBA authority to everyone who will be performing IMAGE/SQL utility tasks because IMAGE/SQL utility administrators need DBA authority to perform most IMAGE/SQL utility tasks.

  • Make sure the TurboIMAGE/XL database and the DBEnvironment have the same native language support (NLS) defined for them.

  • When a DBEnvironment is configured, two files are created: DBEFILE0 and DBELOG1. IMAGE/SQL requires that these files be larger than the ALLBASE/SQL defaults. Make sure these files are large enough to accommodate IMAGE/SQL, but the maximum is 5000 pages for DBEFILE0 and 10000 pages for DBELOG1. In the example below, a file size of 500 pages is used for each of these files, but you may need to adjust these sizes depending on the size and number of TurboIMAGE/XL databases you plan to attach.

Performing the Task

  • Log on in the same group and account as the TurboIMAGE/XL database(s) and run ISQL to enter the statements interactively. At the ISQL prompt, enter the START DBE NEW statement. For example, to configure a DBEnvironment named PartsDBE, enter the following:

       isql=> START DBE 'PartsDBE' MULTI NEW
       > DBEFILE0 DBEFILE DBEFILE0DBEFile0Definition
       > WITH PAGES = 500,   .         .    
       > NAME = 'PartsF0',   .         .    
       > LOG DBEFILE DBELOG1DBELog0Definition
       > WITH PAGES = 500,   .         .    
       > NAME = 'PartsLog';   .         .    
       isql=> EXIT;

    If you forget the semicolon, ISQL prompts you with a right-angle bracket (>). At this prompt, enter a semicolon and ISQL will execute the statement. If you wish to terminate the command, enter //. The MULTI parameter is necessary if you plan on a multiuser IMAGE/SQL environment.

    The above command can also be done by the IMAGE/SQL utility. The difference is that IMAGE/SQL utility automatically creates the DBEnvironment with a DBEFILE0 size of 5000 pages, log file size of 10000 pages, and other ALLBASE/SQL defaults.

  • To avoid deadlock situations when there are more than two connections, you should either set the MAXIMUM TIMEOUT and DEFAULT TIMEOUT options with the START DBE NEW statement or change them with the SQLUtil ALTDBE command. The ALTDBE command updates the parameters required for DBEnvironment startup. The SQLUtil utility prompts you for necessary information. Enter a carriage return to retain an old value.

       DBEnvironment Name: PartsDBE
       Maintenance Word:  MaintWd
       Maximum Timeout (opt): 10  SECONDS
       Default Timeout (opt): 5 SECONDS
       Authorize Once per Session (opt): ON
       Alter DBEnvironment Startup Parameters (y/n)? YES
       DBEnvironment startup parameters altered.
  • To set a maintenance word for the newly configured DBEnvironment, use the SETDBEMAINT command of SQLUtil, as in the following example:

       DBEnvironment Name: PartsDBE
       Current Maintenance Word:  Carriage Return
       New Maintenance Word:  usr
       Retype New Maintenance Word:  usr
  • Once you have configured the DBEnvironment, set a maintenance word for it, and set the timeout time, you are ready to attach TurboIMAGE/XL databases to it. This is explained in Task 2.

Task Reference

  • No information is given here about considerations that may be necessary when configuring a DBEnvironment that contains ALLBASE/SQL databases. Consult the ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide for more guidance in this area.

  • The following summaries of SQL statements will get you started. You can use ISQL to invoke these statements interactively.

    • The SQL START DBE NEW statement has the following syntax:

      START DBE 'DBEnvironmentName' [MULTI] NEW [ DUAL LOG BUFFER = (DataBuffPages,LogBuffPages) LANG = LanguageName TRANSACTION = MaxTransactions MAXIMUM TIMEOUT = { TimeoutValue [ SECONDS MINUTES ] NONE } DEFAULT TIMEOUT = { TimeoutValue [ SECONDS MINUTES ] MAXIMUM } DBEFile0Definition DBELogDefinition ] |,...|

      Refer to the example discussed earlier in this section for details of the syntax for DBEFile0Definition and DBELogDefinition.

    • When you issue the START DBE statement, a fileset named IMAGESQL is created. You can add up to 3000 pages to this fileset.

      These are the maximum pages for a DBEnvironment created by IMAGE/SQL as of version B.G2:

      Log pages

      10000 pages


      5000 pages

      SQL tables in fileset named IMAGESQL

      3000 pages

    • The SQL GRANT statement has the following syntax for granting DBA authority:

      GRANT { CONNECT DBA RESOURCE } TO { DBEUserID GroupName ClassName } [,...]

  • Use SQLUtil to set a DBEnvironment maintenance word. First access SQLUtil, then use the SQLUtil SETDBEMAINT command to set a maintenance word. The syntax for this command is as follows:

       DBEnvironment Name:  DBEnvironmentName
       Current Maintenance Word:  OldMaintenanceWord
       New Maintenance Word:  NewMaintenanceWord
       Retype New Maintenance Word:  NewMaintenanceWord

    When no current maintenance word exists, enter a carriage return at the "Current Maintenance Word:" prompt.

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