HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Introduction

Getting Acquainted with the IMAGE/SQL Utility


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The following example shows how to use the IMAGE/SQL utility to attach a TurboIMAGE/XL database to a DBEnvironment.

Invoking the IMAGE/SQL Utility

To initiate an IMAGE/SQL utility session, log on to a group and account containing a TurboIMAGE/XL database and a DBEnvironment. Then at the MPE/iX system prompt, type RUN IMAGESQL.PUB.SYS. For example:



   HP36385B B.G0.03    IMAGE/SQL Utility    FRI, DEC 16, 1994, 11:30 AM



The DISPLAY OPTIONS command displays information about your IMAGE/SQL utility session:


   Current base        :

   Current SQLDBE      :

   Echo                : ON

   Command Logging     : ON

   Current Log File    : ATCLOG.SERED.ATC


Notice that the headings "Current base:" and "Current SQLDBE:" have no information displayed at this time.

Attaching to a DBEnvironment

Three IMAGE/SQL commands are needed to attach a TurboIMAGE/XL database to the DBEnvironment:


identifies the TurboIMAGE/XL database to be attached to a DBEnvironment. To issue this command you must be the DBC or supply the TurboIMAGE/XL database maintenance word.


identifies the DBEnvironment to which the TurboIMAGE/XL database will be attached. To issue this command you must be the DBECreator or supply the DBEnvironment maintenance word.


performs the attach. To issue this command you must be a DBA of the DBEnvironment.

In the following example, the SALES database and the PartsDBE DBEnvironment are identified with two SET commands.




After the SET commands are issued, the DISPLAY OPTIONS command displays this information:


   Current base        : SALES.SERED.ATC


   Echo                : ON

   Command Logging     : ON

   Current Log File    : ATCLOG.SERED.ATC

   ***Database is not attached.


The ATTACH command can now be used to attach SALES to PartsDBE. Note that messages issued at attach time inform you if mapping is taking place.


   Split 1 compound source field(s) (ATCWARN 32063).

   Mapped 15 source table/source field name(s) (ATCWARN 32062).

   Mapped 1 incompatible/imprecise source type(s) (ATCWARN 32061).


Selecting TurboIMAGE/XL Data from Mapped Tables

The attached TurboIMAGE/XL database is now a part of the DBEnvironment and can be queried with SQL SELECT statements by the DBC. (Other users must be explicitly added by the DBC. Refer to Chapter 2, "Using the IMAGE/SQL Utility," for more details.)

In the example below, the ALLBASE/SQL utility, ISQL, is used to connect to PartsDBE. A SELECT statement is then used to display the data in the mapped table SALES.VENDOR.


   isql=>CONNECT to 'PartsDBE';

   isql=>SELECT * from sales.vendor;

   select * from sales.vendor;


   VENDOR          |STREET              |CITY        |STATE|ZIP


   Celtic Graphics |105 19th Ave.       |Seattle     |WA   |98115

   Trident 3D      |55 Homestead Road   |Cupertino   |CA   |95014

   Ablrn Tech.     |90 Marina Way       |Berkeley    |CA   |94708

   Space Ent.      |110 Homestead Ave.  |Cupertino   |CA   |95014

   Cutler Micro    |9442 E. 57th Ave.   |Seattle     |WA   |98115

   Seminational Co.|5000 Marina Way     |San Diego   |CA   |92093

   .                .                    .            .     .

   .                .                    .            .     .

   .                .                    .            .     .

The multi-connect feature enables you to simultaneously connect to more than one DBEnvironment or connect to the same DBEnvironment more than once. This chapter has shown you how easy it is to get started using IMAGE/SQL. Once the database is attached, you may need to complete several additional IMAGE/SQL utility tasks. Chapter 2, "Using the IMAGE/SQL Utility," describes typical IMAGE/SQL utility tasks and shows you how to perform them.

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