HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions



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Returns system information (for example, PIDs and UFIDs) to be used as input keys by other AIFs to access more detailed information.


                    REC         I32         A            A

AIFSYSWIDEGET (overall_status, aif_area, return_array1, return_array2,

                    I32          I32A          @64A

               num_entries, itemnum_array, item_array,

                    RECA           REC      I32

               itemstatus_array, search_key, user_id,





record by reference (required)

Returns the overall status of the call. A zero indicates a successful call. A negative value indicates an error in the overall call, not specific to any particular item. A positive value indicates the last element in itemstatus_array, signaling an error condition. Refer to appendix A for meanings of status values.

Record type: status_type (Refer to appendix B.)


32-bit signed integer by value (required)

Passes a value indicating the information area (for example, process information or file information) for which system wide information is desired. Values indicating the desired information area are specified in Table 3-37 “AIFSYSWIDEGET Parameter Information”.


array by reference (optional)

Returns system information keys (for example, PIDs and UFIDs). The keys can also be used by other AIFs to access more detailed information associated with the key. The size and type of key is dependent on the information area specified in aif_area. The size and type of keys are specified in Table 3-37 “AIFSYSWIDEGET Parameter Information”. If a nil address (the default value) is passed, no keys are returned.

Make the array large enough to hold the largest number of keys that you expect to receive.

Array type: (Refer to Table 3-37 “AIFSYSWIDEGET Parameter Information”.)

Default: nil


array by reference (optional)

Returns system information keys (for example, PIDs, UFIDs). The keys can also be used by other AIFs to access more detailed information associated with the key. The size and type of a key is dependent on the information area specified in aif_area. The size and type of keys are specified in Table 3-37 “AIFSYSWIDEGET Parameter Information”. If a nil address (the default value) is passed, no keys are returned.

Make the array large enough to hold the largest number of keys that you expect to receive.

Array type: (Refer to Table 3-37 “AIFSYSWIDEGET Parameter Information”.)

Default: nil


32-bit signed integer by reference (required)

On input, the number of entries is the number of elements in return_array1 or return_array2. On output, num_entries represents the number of elements returned in return_array1, return_array2, or the buffer pointed to by buffer_ptr. If return_array1, return_array2, and buffer_ptr were nil pointers, the returned value would be the number of instances meeting the specified item criteria.

Note that num_entries is only used on input when return_array1 or return_array2 are specified, but it is used on output when either return_array1, return_array2, or buffer_ptr are specified.


32-bit signed integer array by reference (optional)

An array of integers where each element is an item number indicating the class of selection criteria located in the corresponding element in item_array. Valid items depend upon the information area specified in aif_area. For example, if information is desired about processes, then the criteria may be process-state, capabilities, and so on. If n criteria are specified, element n+1 must be a zero to indicate the end of the element list.

Refer to the AIFSYSWIDEGET Criteria Item Description tables for descriptions of item numbers and their corresponding items.

Default: nil


64-bit address array by reference (optional)

An array where each element is a 64-bit address pointing to a data structure containing the specific value of the criteria item specified in itemnum_array.

Refer to the AIFSYSWIDEGET Criteria Item Description tables for descriptions of item numbers and their corresponding items.

Array type: globalanyptr

Default: nil


record array by reference (optional)

An array where each element returns the status about each of the selection criteria located in the corresponding element in item_array. For example, an error condition is returned if a criteria value in the corresponding element in item_array is incorrect, or if the criteria is no longer supported. (Refer to appendix A for status descriptions.)

Array type: status_type (Refer to appendix B.)

Default: nil


record by reference (optional)

In the event that return_array1 and return_array2 are not large enough to contain all the returned values of the specified criteria, a search key is returned. On a subsequent call to AIFSYSWIDEGET, the search key eliminates duplicating values that have already been returned. No search key is returned for spool files.

The initialization value of search_key is determined by the information area specified in aif_area prior to the first call to AIFSYSWIDEGET. The appropriate initialization values are specified in Table 3-37 “AIFSYSWIDEGET Parameter Information”.

Record type: search_key_type (Refer to appendix B.)

Default: nil


32-bit signed integer by value (optional)

The user ID assigned to a vendor at the time of purchase of the Architected Interface Facility: Operating System product. If it is not passed, the caller must have previously called AIFACCESSON.

Default: 0


64-bit address by reference (optional)

A long pointer to a buffer which is sufficient to hold the items requested. The size of this buffer (in bytes) must be specified in the first four bytes of the buffer. On return from AIFSYSWIDEGET, these four bytes will contain the actual number of bytes returned.

See the buffer_type declaration in appendix B for a suggestion on one way to define this buffer when retrieving a list of HFS pathnames.

Operation Notes

The following information is specified in Table 3-37 “AIFSYSWIDEGET Parameter Information”:

  • A value corresponding to each specified information area to be passed in the aif_area parameter.

  • The data type required to be passed in return_array1 and/or return_array2 that corresponds to the information area specified in the aif_area parameter.

  • The data type and initialization value to be passed in the search_key parameter. The search_key for ascii strings must be initialized to blanks.

Table 3-37 AIFSYSWIDEGET Parameter Information

Area\ValueArea\Namereturn_array1 Typereturn_array2 Typesearch_key Type Initial Value
1000Job/session informationJob/session key (jskey_type)Job/session number (jsnum_type)(I32) 0
2000Process informationPID (longint_type)None(I32) 0
5000File informationMPE Files (item 5001) UFIDs (UFID_type) MPE Files (item 5001) File name (filename_type) MPE Files (item 5001) Filename (filename_type) Blanks
  MPE and HFS Files (item 5036) Path identifier (path_identifier)MPE and HFS Files (item 5036) Buffer Information (buffer_info_type)MPE and HFS Files (item 5036) Pathname (max_pathname_type) Blanks  
6000Accounting informationNoneDirectory name (directory_name_type)directory_name_type Blanks  
8000Spool file informationSpool file address (@64)Spool file number (spf_id_type)Not applicable  
13000DeviceLDEV Number (I32)Device Key (ufid_type)(I32) 0  
13500Device ClassDevice Class Name (C16)Device Class Key (I32)(I32) 0  
14000Console Reply informationReply request ID (I32)None(I32) 0  
19000Workgroup informationWorkgroup Names (CA256)Nonekey_wg_type (0)  


Refer to appendix B for descriptions of the indicated data types.

If a criteria item is of type integer, a range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array, and passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value the upper limit (<=).

Criteria items that have range capability are noted in the tables of AIFSYSWIDEGET criteria item descriptions.

Device Class Area The "Device Key" (item 13500) is the UFID of the selected device file. The "Device Class Key" (item 13000) is the class index to the Device Class Table. This is a faster key to access device class information than the Device Class Name.

File Area If you specify both item 5001 (MPE file name) and item 5036 (HFS pathname), item 5036 will be used when selecting files.

Item 5036, Return array 1 (Path Identifier)

If you are interested only in MPE files, the UFID key is the faster key to access file information using the AIFFILEGGET/PUT AIFs. If you are interested in all files including both MPE syntax and HFS syntax files, the path identifier is the faster key to access file information. The path identifier contains the file UFID, link ID, and parent UFID. These items provide the necessary information to the HFS directory services to provide fast access.

Note that throughout the file related AIFs, UFID keys and UFID items are still valid for HFS syntax as well as MPE syntax files since a UFID is still unique for every file on the system. However, the UFID alone is not enough information to identify a unique filename for an HFS syntax file since the filename is no longer kept in the file label and since multiple file links will be supported in the future.

Item 5036, Return array 2 (Buffer Information)

Return array 2 is defined as an array of entries where each entry contains the following:

  • Buffer offset - Buffer_ptr relative offset to pathname.

  • Pathname length - Length of the pathname. The length does not include the NULL terminator.

The information in this return array can be used to index directly into the buffer of pathnames if you wish to perform binary searches for example. It can also be used in conjunction with a Pascal STRMOVE to easily retrieve a pathname from the buffer.

The following diagram illustrates this:



        0       4  5   6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


        |length| / F  N  A  M  E  \0| /  D  I  R  /  N  A  M  E \0|


       \\                  etc.                                   //

        |                                                         |


Return Array 2


        | offset = 4  |

     1  |. . . . . . .|

        | length = 6  |


        | offset = 11 |

     2  |. . . . . . .|

        | length = 9  |





NOTE: Although chaining (that is, calling AIFSYSWIDEGET multiple times passing it a search key) is supported for item 5036, it is not recommended for best performance results. It will be much faster to retrieve as many files as possible with fewer calls to AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Operation Notes - HFS Pathname Syntax

AIFSYSWIDEGET will accept a generic pathname using the same wildcarding as the LISTFILE command. See the description of the LISTFILE command in the MPE/iX Reference Supplement (32650-90353) for more information.

Below are some of the rules defining the syntax of an HFS pathname.

  • Directory names end in a slash (/). This includes MPE accounts, MPE groups, and HFS directories.

  • A filename can have a maximum of 255 characters.

  • If the fileset begins with a slash (/), then the pathname is assumed to be an absolute pathname.

  • If the fileset begins with a ./, then the pathname is assumed to be a relative pathname.

Operation Notes - HFS Directory Security

With the new AIFSYSWIDEGET HFS file item, you must have the appropriate security access rights to traverse (TD - traverse directory) and read (RD - read directory) directories protected by an ACD. This is because the lower level directory traversal routines enforce security checking. This will enable you to provide your own LISTF type of application and take advantage of the system security checking without having to implement your own security routines.

System managers are always granted all access to files and hierarchical directories protected by ACDs. If your process does not already have System Manager (SM) capability, you can easily retrieve SM capability for the process by calling AIFPROCPUT with item 2095 to alter user capabilities.

See the description of the ALTSEC command in the MPE/iX Reference Supplement (32650-90353) and Controlling System Activity (32650-90155) for more information on file ACDs and system security.

Operation Notes - Handling Directory Traversal Errors

Starting in release 5.0, users have more flexibility in handling errors detected during directory traversal (valid only with HFS traversal). A new item, 5050, has been added to allow users to ignore non-fatal directory errors which will not prevent them from continuing traversal. When a non-fatal error is detected and this item is true, the directory traversal will continue without reporting any error to the user, and the file for which an error was detected will not be returned to the user's buffer.

If the user does not wish to ignore the error, then an error will be returned to the user, and the file for which the error was detected will be returned in the SEARCH KEY parameter. The user's buffer and return arrays would also contain all the files up until the point where the error was detected. The user can then handle the error if they wish, and then call AIFSYSWIDEGET again with the SEARCH KEY to continue the directory traversal starting with the NEXT file.

Some examples of non-fatal errors are bad UFIDs and lack of the appropriate security access rights (for example, no TD access).

NOTE: Some errors (for example, bad UFID) will now only be detected if you pass in criteria such as record type or file type which requires AIFSYSWIDEGET to retrieve the file label pointer and look in the file label for a matching criteria. This is like doing a LISTFILE as compared to a LISTFILE,-3 (for example, LISTFILE,-3 will report an error when there is a bad UFID, but LISTFILE will not). This change will improve performance since there is no need to go to the file label in all cases.

Programming Examples

Following are programming examples for AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Example One - Job Numbers

Following is an example of a call to AIFSYSWIDEGET to obtain a list of job numbers of all jobs on the system that are suspended.



  aif_area,         = [ 1000 {Job/Sessions} ]


  return_array2,    = [ array of integer [1..n] ]

  num_entries,      = [ number of elements n ]

  itemnum_array,    = [ [1]=1002 {JOBSTATE},[2]=0 {TERMINATOR}]

  item_array,       = [ [1] = 4 {SUSPENDED} ]


  ,                   { no search key }

  user_id      );

Example Two - PIDs of CI processes

Following is an example of a call to AIFSYSWIDEGET to obtain a list of PIDs of all CI processes. A search key is returned if there are more PIDs than the number of elements in the return_array1.



  aif_area,         = [ 2000 {PROCESS} ]

  return_array1,    = [ array of longint_type [1..n] ]


  num_entries,      = [ number of elements n ]

  itemnum_array,    = [ [1]=2151 {Process Type},[2]=0 {TERMINATOR} ]

  item_array,       = [ [1] = 2 {MAIN} ]


  search_key,       = [ initialize before first call ]

  user_id      );

Example Three - Number of output spool files

Following is an example of a call to AIFSYSWIDEGET to obtain the number of output spool files with priority greater than 7.



  aif_area,         = [ 8000 {SPOOL FILES} ]



  num_entries,      = [ 0 ]

  itemnum_array,    = [ [1] = 8502 {Output Priority}, [2]=8502, [3]=0 ]

  item_array,       = [ [1] = 8, [2] = 14 ]


  ,                 { no search key }

  user_id           );

Example Four - List of accounts with SM capability

Following is an example of a call to AIFSYSWIDEGET to obtain a list of all accounts with SM capability:



   aif_area,         = [ 6000 {ACCOUNTING} ]


   return_array2,    = [ array of directory name types [1..n] ]

   num_entries,      = [ number of elements n ]

   itemnum_array,    = [ [1]=6203 {Account Capabilities}, [2] =0]

   item_array,       = [ [1] = an integer with bit16 enabled ]


   ,                 { no search key }

   user_id          );

Example Five - Configured devices for a device class

Following is an example of a call to AIFSYSWIDEGET to obtain a list of configured devices for a device class.



   aif_area,         = [ 13000 {DEVICE} ]

   return_array1,    = [ array of integer {list of LDEV numbers} ]


   num_array_entries, = [ number of elements in return_array ]

   itemnum_array,    = [ [1] = 13002 {device class} ] 

   item_array,       = [ [1] = TERM ]



   user_id     );

Example Six - Configured devices for a range of LDEV numbers

Following is an example of a call to AIFSYSWIDEGET to obtain a list of configured devices for a range of LDEV numbers.



           aif_area,          = [ 13000 {DEVICE} ]

           return_array1,     = [ array of integer {list of LDEV numbers} ]


           num_array_entries, = [ number of elements in return_array ]

           itemnum_array,     = [ [1] = 13002, [2] = 13001  {a range of

                                                            LDEV numbers} ]

           item_array,        = [ [1] = 1, [2] = 20 {from LDEV #1 to #20} ]


           ,                    {no search key}

           user_id     );

Example Seven - Configured devices on the system

Following is an example of a call to AIFSYSWIDEGET to obtain a list of configured devices on the system.



           aif_area,          = [ 13000 {DEVICE} ]

           return_array1,     = [ character array {list of device classes} ]

           ,                    { do not want list of device keys }

           num_array_entries, = [ number of elements in return_array ]

           ,                    { no itennum }

           ,                    { no item_array }  

           ,                    { no item_status_array }

           search_key,          { initialize to zero or blanks before the 1st


           user_id     );

Example Eight - Device classes for a LDEV number

Following is an example of a call to AIFSYSWIDEGET to obtain a list of device classes for a LDEV number.



           aif_area,          = [ 13000 {DEVICE} ]

           return_array1,     = [ array of integer {list of LDEV numbers} ]

           return_array2,     = [ array of integer {the corresponding fast 

                                                    device keys}]

           num_array_entries, = [ number of elements in return_array ]

           itemnum_array,     = [ [1] = 13501, [2] = 0 {LDEV} ]

           item_array,        = [ [1] = 6 {LDEV 6} ]


           ,                    {no search key}

           user_id     );
NOTE: For more programming examples of AIFSYSWIDEGET refer to Appendix C.
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