HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 8 System Catalog



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The SYSTEM.SETOPTINFO view displays the access optimization plan of a section as specified by the SETOPT statement. The information is stored in a series of segments of up to 64 bytes. The access plan in SYSTEM.SETOPTINFO is used by the section if the OPTFLAG column of SYSTEM.SECTION is set to 1. SYSTEM.SETOPTINFO is initially empty, and it is updated whenever ALLBASE/SQL processes a SETOPT statement.

Table 8-31 System.Setoptinfo

Column NameTypeLengthDescription
NAMECHAR20Name of the section
OWNERCHAR20Owner of the section

Type of section:


for module section


for procedure section

SEGNUMINTEGER4Segment number
SEGLENINTEGER4Segment length (Up to 64)
SETOPTSTRINGCHAR64SETOPT byte string segment



   SELECT * FROM System.Setoptinfo;



   NAME                |OWNER               |SECTION    |TYPE       |


   CEX9                |PROGM1              |          1|          0|

   CEX9                |PROGM1              |          2|          0|

   CEX9                |PROGM1              |          3|          0|

   CEX9                |PROGM1              |          4|          0|

   CEX9                |PROGM1              |          5|          0|

   CEX9                |PROGM1              |          6|          0|


   First 6 rows have been selected.

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> r




             1|         25|setopt general indexscan;

             1|         25|setopt general indexscan;

             1|         25|setopt general indexscan;

             1|         25|setopt general indexscan;

             1|         25|setopt general indexscan;

             1|         25|setopt general indexscan;



   Number of rows selected is 6

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e
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