HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 8 System Catalog



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The SYSTEM.PROCEDUREDEF view displays information about procedure definitions, including the text of the procedure itself. The procedure text is stored in a series of segments of up to 64 bytes, starting with the initial BEGIN and ending with the final semicolon. The procedure definition does not include parameter definitions, which are stored separately in SYSTEM.PARAMETER.

SYSTEM.PROCEDUREDEF is initially empty, and it is updated whenever ALLBASE/SQL processes a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, a DROP PROCEDURE statement, or a TRANSFER OWNERSHIP statement on a procedure.

When the procedure is dropped, the rows making up the byte string of the procedure definition are deleted. If a TRANSFER OWNERSHIP is done on the procedure, the owner field in this table is updated with the name of the new owner.

Table 8-25 System.ProcedureDef

Column NameTypeLengthDescription
NAMECHAR20Name of the procedure
OWNERCHAR20Owner of the procedure
QUALIFIERCHAR20Owner name to be used to qualify any unqualified objects referenced in the procedure definition
SEGNUMINTEGER4Segment number
SEGLENINTEGER4Length of segment in bytes (up to 64)
DEFINESTRINGCHAR64Procedure definition byte string segment





   NAME                |OWNER               |QUALIFIER           |SEGNUM


   REPORTMONITOR       |PURCHDB             |PURCHDB             |     1

   REPORTMONITOR       |PURCHDB             |PURCHDB             |     2



   First 2 rows have been selected.

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> r






   |    55| begin insert into PurchDB.ReportMonitor values (:Type,

   |    45| CURRENT_DATETIME, USER, :Name, :Owner); end;



   First 2 rows have been selected.

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> r
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