HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 8 System Catalog



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SYSTEM.GROUP contains a row for each user or group that belongs to an authorization group. Each user, whether an individual user or another authorization group, has an entry for each authorization group to which he or she is a member. This view is initially empty, but is updated whenever ALLBASE/SQL processes a CREATE GROUP, ADD TO GROUP, TRANSFER OWNERSHIP (of a group), REMOVE FROM GROUP, or DROP GROUP statement.

SYSTEM.GROUP can be used with SYSTEM.COLAUTH, SYSTEM.MODAUTH, SYSTEM.SPECAUTH, and SYSTEM.TABAUTH to determine authorities granted to authorization groups.

You can use this table to determine all the members of a particular authorization group or how many authorization groups to which a particular user belongs. For example, if you want to know all the users in the Receiving authorization group, enter:

   isql=> SELECT UserId FROM System.Group


Table 8-14 System.Group

Column NameTypeLengthDescription
USERIDCHAR20DBEUserID or authorization group that is a member of the GROUPID
GROUPIDCHAR20Authorization group name
OWNERCHAR20Owner of the authorization group
NMEMBERSINTEGER4Number of members in the authorization group



   SELECT * FROM System.Group;


   USERID              |GROUPID             |OWNER               |NMEMBERS


   PURCHMANAGERS       |PURCHMANAGERS       |JOHN                |          3

   MARGY               |PURCHMANAGERS       |JOHN                |          0

   RON                 |PURCHMANAGERS       |JOHN                |          0

   SHARON              |PURCHMANAGERS       |JOHN                |          0

   PURCHDBMAINT        |PURCHDBMAINT        |JOHN                |          4

   ANNIE               |PURCHDBMAINT        |JOHN                |          0

   DOUG                |PURCHDBMAINT        |JOHN                |          0

   DAVID               |PURCHDBMAINT        |JOHN                |          0

   PURCHASING          |PURCHASING          |JOHN                |          5

   AJ                  |PURCHASING          |JOHN                |          0

   JORGE               |PURCHASING          |JOHN                |          0

   RAGAA               |PURCHASING          |JOHN                |          0

   GREG                |PURCHASING          |JOHN                |          0

   KAREN               |PURCHASING          |JOHN                |          0

   RECEIVING           |RECEIVING           |JOHN                |          4

   AL                  |RECEIVING           |JOHN                |          0


   First 16 rows have been selected

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e
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