HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Maintenance

Cleaning Up After Abnormal Termination


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In the event of abnormal termination, a DBEnvironment may be left with DBEFiles open or with locks still in place for specific pages. ALLBASE/SQL provides a monitor process that regularly checks for abnormal termination and cleans up in such cases. If you have trouble re-connecting to a DBEnvironment, wait a few seconds for the monitor to do its work, then try again. The monitor process starts automatically the first time a user connects to a DBEnvironment. Whenever cleanup occurs, messages describing the actions taken by the monitor are sent to the console.

When a multiuser DBCore session terminates abnormally, ALLBASE/SQL creates a file in the /tmp directory containing information about the error condition. This file can be useful when support engineers debug the problem.

The file is named


where xxxxxx is a unique name chosen by the system. This file can be displayed with utilities such as more, printed on a line printer, or removed with the rm command.

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