HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Advanced Application Programming Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 12 Corrections to the BCDToString Example Program Routine

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The replacement pages for program cex10a in chapter 8 of the "ALLBASE/SQL C Application Programming Guide" appear on the next three pages. The first of the three contains only the unchanged comments for the routine.

Figure 12-1 Program cex10a: Dynamic Commands of Unknown Format

   /* DataBuffer is the buffer containing retrieved data as a result */

   /* of a dynamic SELECT. */

   char     DataBuffer[MaxDataBuff];

   boolean  Abort;

   struct SQLVarChar {

     int      Length;

     char     VarCharCol[MaxColSize];


   main()    /* Beginning of Program */


   printf("\nC program illustrating dynamic command processing -- cex10a");


   printf("\nEvent List:");

   printf("\n  CONNECT TO PartsDBE");

   printf("\n  Prompt for any SQL command");

   printf("\n  BEGIN WORK");

   printf("\n  PREPARE");

   printf("\n  DESCRIBE");

   printf("\n  If command is a non-query command, EXECUTE it");

   printf("\n  Otherwise execute the following:");

   printf("\n  DECLARE CURSOR");

   printf("\n  OPEN Cursor");

   printf("\n  FETCH a row");

   printf("\n  CLOSE Cursor");

   printf("\n  COMMIT WORK");

   printf("\n  Repeat the above ten steps");

   printf("\n  RELEASE PartsDBE\n");

   if (ConnectDBE()) {                                                 4 

       Describe();                                                    23 





       printf("\nError: Cannot Connect to PartsDBE");


   }   /* End of Main Program */

   /* Function BCDToString converts a binary field in the "DataBuffer" */

   /* buffer to its ASCII representation.  Input parameters are */

   /* the Length, Precision and Scale.  The input decimal field is passed */

   /* via "DataBuffer" and the output String is passed via "result".  */

   int BCDToString(DataBuffer, Length, Precision, Scale, Result0)      2 

   char  DataBuffer[];

   short Length, Precision, Scale;

   char  Result0[];


   #define  hexd        '0123456789ABCDEF'

   #define  ASCIIZero   '0'

   #define  PlusSign    12

   #define  MinusSign   13

   #define  UnSigned    14

   #define  btod(d,i)   ((i&1)?((d[i/2])&0xf):((d[i/2]>>4)&0xf))

     int       i;

     int       DecimalPlace;

     int       PutPos=0;

     int       DataEnd;

     int       DataStart;

     boolean   done;

     char      space[MaxStr];

     char      *Result;

     Result = space;

     DataEnd = (Length*2) - 2;

     DataStart = (DataEnd - Precision) + 1;

     for (i = 0; i < MaxStr; i) Result[i] = '\0';

        DecimalPlace = (Precision-Scale) - 1;

   /* convert decimal to character String */

     if (DecimalPlace == 0) Result[PutPos] = '.';

     /* convert each Nibble into a character */

     for (i = DataStart; i <= DataEnd; i) {

       Result[PutPos] = ASCIIZero + btod(DataBuffer,i);

       if (PutPos == DecimalPlace) Result[PutPos] = '.';



     i    = 0;

     done = FALSE;

     while (i<strlen(Result) && Result[i]=='0') ++Result;

     if (Result[0] == '\0')

        Result[0] = '0';

     else {

        /* place a zero at the left of the decimal point */

        if (Result[0] == '.') StrInsert('0', Result);

        /* insert sign */

        switch (btod(DataBuffer,(DataEnd + 1))) { 

            case PlusSign:  StrInsert(' ', Result);


            case MinusSign: StrInsert('-', Result);


            default:        break;

            } /* End switch */

         } /* End else */

     strcpy(Result0, Result);

   } /* End BCDToString */

   int getline(linebuff)  /*Function to get a line of characters  */

   char linebuff[80];


   while (strlen(gets(linebuff)) ==0);

   }  /* End of function to get a line of characters  */

   int SQLStatusCheck()  /* Function to Display Error Messages */      3 


   Abort = FALSE;

   if (sqlca.sqlcode < DeadLock) Abort = TRUE;

   do {




   } while (sqlca.sqlcode != 0);

   if (Abort) {


     DynamicCommand[0] = '/';

     DynamicCommand[1] = '\0';


   }  /* End SQLStatusCheck Function */

   int ConnectDBE()  /* Function to Connect to PartsDBE */

   {                                                                   4 

   boolean Connect;

   printf("\nConnect to PartsDBE");

   EXEC SQL CONNECT TO 'PartsDBE';                                    37 

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