HPlogo ALLBASE/NET User's Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Setting Up ALLBASE/NET

Examples of Setting Up ALLBASE/NET


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The following Figure shows a profile in the AliasDB and NETUsers files. Both the client and server are HP-UX systems.

Note that the NETUtil commands have varying user restrictions. Refer to the chapter "NETUtil Reference" for complete information.

Figure 2-1 Sample Profiles in AliasDB and NETUsers Files

[Sample Profiles in AliasDB and NETUsers Files]

To create the sample AliasDB file on the client and add the information shown, you would do the following:

  1. Invoke NETUtil on the client.

  2. Type ADD ALIAS at the NETUtil prompt. Then reply to the prompts.

      Alias Name: InventoryDB
      Database Server Type: ALLBASE/SQL
      DBEnvironment Name on Server: /mnt/mfg/inventorydb
      Server Node Name: serversystem
      Machine Type: hp9000 s800
      Datacomm Type: arpa
      Profile added.

    The ADD ALIAS command creates the AliasDB file and adds your alias profile to it.

  3. Type SHOW ALIAS to check the alias profile in the AliasDB file:

      Alias Name: InventoryDB
      Alias Name: InventoryDB
      Database Server Type: ALLBASE/SQL
      DBEnvironment Name on Server: /mnt/mfg/inventorydb
      Server Node Name: serversystem
      Machine Type: HP9000 S800
      Datacomm Type: ARPA

Similarly, to create the above NETUsers file on the server and add the information shown in Figure 2-1 “Sample Profiles in AliasDB and NETUsers Files” , you would do the following:

  1. Invoke NETUtil on the server.

  2. Type ADD USER at the NETUtil prompt. Then reply to the prompts with the necessary data for your user profile:

      Client Node Name: clientsystem
      Client Login Name: glen
      Server Login Name: glen
      Profile added.

    The ADD USER command creates the NETUsers file (if necessary) and adds a user profile to it.

  3. Type SHOW USER to check the user profile in the NETUsers file:

      Client Node Name: clientsystem
      Client Login Name: glen
      Client Node Name: clientsystem
      Client Login Name: glen
      Server Login Name: glen
  4. Add the server login name to the /etc/passwd file on the server:

      $ vi /etc/passwd
      root:SuIeof1mj31A4:0:1:Root at horse:/:/bin/sh
      bicca:25Fnph4JsBXng:5:1:Leigh Bicca 49u,77033:/mnt/admin/bicca:/bin/csh

    Remember to put an asterisk (*) in the password field so that another user named glen cannot use the remote login (rlogin) to access files on the server.