HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL C Application Programming Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 11 Programming with ALLBASE/SQL Functions

Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions


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Date/time functions can be used in the way an expression is used; that is, in a select list to indicate the columns you want in the query result, in a search condition to define the set of rows to be operated on, and to define the value of a column when using the UPDATE command. (See the ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual for in-depth information regarding expressions.)

Whether you use host variables or literal strings to specify the parameters of the date/time functions depends on the elements of your application and on how you are using the functions. This section focuses on the use of host variables.

You can use host variables to specify input or output format specifications. Use them as well to hold data input to and any resulting data output from the date/time functions. (Host variables cannot be used to indicate column names.)

Host variables for format specifications must be defined in your application to be compatible with ALLBASE/SQL CHAR or VARCHAR data types. The exception is the ADD_MONTHS function which requires an INTEGER compatible host variable.

As for host variables containing input and output data, define them to be CHAR or VARCHAR compatible with one exception. The TO_INTEGER function requires an INTEGER compatible host variable for its output.

Reference the chapter on defining host variables for additional information about defining a host variable to be compatible with a specific ALLBASE/SQL data type. Note that the declarations relate to the default format specification for each date/time data type. Your declaration must reflect the length of the format you are using.

Table 11-2 “Host Variable Data Type Compatibility for Date/Time Functions ” shows host variable data type compatibility for date/time functions.

Table 11-2 Host Variable Data Type Compatibility for Date/Time Functions

Date/Time FunctionInput Format SpecificationOutput Format SpecificationInput DataOutput Data



[1] Applies only when used in a select list.


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