HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL C Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems



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ALLBASE/SQL is a relational database management system for use on the HP 3000 Series 900 computer. ALLBASE/SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language you use to define and maintain data in an ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment. This manual presents the techniques of embedding ALLBASE/SQL within C language source code.

This manual is intended as a learning tool and a reference guide for C programmers. It presumes the reader has a working knowledge of C, the MPE/iX operating system, and ALLBASE/SQL relational database concepts.

MPE/iX, Multiprogramming Executive with Integrated POSIX, is the latest in a series of forward-compatible operating systems for the HP 3000 line of computers. In HP documentation and in talking with HP 3000 users, you will encounter references to MPE XL, the direct predecessor of MPE/iX. MPE/iX is a superset of MPE XL. All programs written for MPE XL will run without change under MPE/iX. You can continue to use MPE XL system documentation, although it may not refer to features added to the operating system to support POSIX (for example, hierarchical directories).

This manual contains both basic and in-depth information about embedding ALLBASE/SQL. Code examples are based, for the most part, on the sample database, PartsDBE, which accompanies ALLBASE/SQL. Refer to Appendix C in the ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual for information about the structure of PartsDBE and for listings of the sample database.

  • Chapter 1, "Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in C," is an introduction to ALLBASE/SQL programming which includes information on developing, using, and maintaining programs on the MPE XL operating system.

  • Chapter 2, "Using the Preprocessor," explains the ALLBASE/SQL preprocessor and how to invoke it.

  • Chapter 3, "Host Variables," describes how to define and use variables to transfer data between your C program and an ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment.

  • Chapter 4, "Runtime Status Checking and the sqlca," defines ways to monitor and handle successful and unsuccessful SQL command execution.

Chapters 5 through 11 address the various ways to manipulate data in an ALLBASE/SQL C program.

  • Chapter 5, "Simple Data Manipulation," explains how to operate on one row at a time.

  • Chapter 6, "Processing with Cursors," shows how to process a multiple row query result one row at a time.

  • Chapter 7, "BULK Table Processing," examines the processing of multiple rows at a time.

  • Chapter 8, "Using Dynamic Operations," describes the use of ALLBASE/SQL commands that are preprocessed at runtime.

  • Chapter 9, "Programming with Constraints," compares the use of statement level integrity and row level integrity and discusses the use of integrity constraints.

  • Chapter 10, "Programming with LONG Columns," discusses the LONG BINARY and LONG VARBINARY data types.

  • Chapter 11, "Programming with ALLBASE/SQL Functions," describes the formatting functions to be used with date/time data types.

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