HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL C Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in C

Looking at an Embedded SQL Source Program


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In every ALLBASE/SQL C program, you embed SQL commands in the declaration part and the procedure part of your program to carry out specific tasks. The program listing shown in Figure 1-7 illustrates where in a program you can embed SQL commands to accomplish these tasks:


Declare the SQL Communications Area (sqlca).

The sqlca is an ALLBASE/SQL data structure that contains current information about a program's DBE session. Every ALLBASE/SQL C program must contain an sqlca declaration in the global declaration section. Use the following command:


Declare host variables.

All host variables used in a program must be declared in a declaration part. You can put more than one such declaration section in a program, but all host variables must be declared between the BEGIN and END DECLARE SECTION commands.


Display error and warning messages from the ALLBASE/SQL message catalog.

You can display messages for any errors encountered in execution as shown in the SQLStatusCheck function. Complete details about error and message handling are presented in Chapter 4.


Start a DBE session.

In most application programs, you embed the CONNECT command to start a DBE session. This command must be executed before you can access the DBEnvironment


Check the status of SQL command execution.

Your program should check for the success or failure of execution of each SQL command, as shown in the example program.


Terminate the DBE session.

You use the RELEASE command or the RELEASE option of the COMMIT WORK command to end a DBE session.

7 and 8

Define transactions.

You define transactions in a program to control concurrency and consistency in your database access. The transaction is bounded by the BEGIN WORK and COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK commands. When a COMMIT WORK is successfully executed, all operations performed by the transaction it ends are permanently committed to the DBEnvironment


Define or manipulate data in the DBEnvironment.

Nearly all programs access data in one or more databases. The SELECT command shown in the example program retrieves the row from PurchDB.Parts that contains a part number matching the value in the host variable named in the WHERE clause. Note, indicator variables such as SalesPriceInd are discussed in Chapter 3, and data manipulation is presented fully in Chapters 5 through 8.

Figure 1-6 Runtime Dialog of Program cex2

Program to SELECT specified rows from the Parts Table - cex2

Event List:



 SELECT specified row from Parts Table

  until user enters a '/'


 RELEASE from PartsDBE

Connect to PartsDBE

Enter Part Number within Parts Table or '/' to STOP> 1243-P-01

Begin Work

SELECT PartNumber, PartName, SalesPrice

Row not found!

Commit Work

Enter Part Number within Parts Table or "/" to STOP> 1323-D-01

Begin Work

SELECT PartNumber, PartName, SalesPrice

Part Number:  1323-D-01

Part Name:    Floppy Diskette Drive

Sales Price:    200.00

Commit Work

Enter Part Number within Parts Table or "/" to STOP> /

Release PartsDBE

Figure 1-7 Program cex2: Using Simple SELECT

/* Program cex2 */

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

/* This program illustrates the use of SQL's SELECT command to     */

/* retrieve one row or tuple of data at a time.                    */

/* BEGIN WORK is executed before the SELECT and a COMMIT WORK      */

/* is executed after the SELECT. An indicator variable is also     */

/* used for SalesPrice.                                            */

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

typedef int boolean;

char    response[2];

boolean Abort;

#include <stdio.h>

#define    OK                 0

#define    NotFound         100

#define    MultipleRows  -10002

#define    DeadLock      -14024

#define    FALSE              0

#define    TRUE               1

EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA;   /* SQL Communication Area */           1 

          /* Begin Host Variable Declarations */

    EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION;                              2 

    char       PartNumber[17];

    char       PartName[31];

    double     SalesPrice;

    sqlind     SalesPriceInd;

    char       SQLMessage[133];

    EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;                                2 

          /* End Host Variable Declarations */

int SQLStatusCheck()  /* Function to Display Error Messages */


Abort = FALSE;

if (sqlca.sqlcode < DeadLock)

   Abort = TRUE;

do {

  EXEC SQL SQLEXPLAIN :SQLMessage;                               3 



  } while (sqlca.sqlcode != 0);

if (Abort) {




}  /* End SQLStatusCheck Function */

boolean ConnectDBE()  /* Function to Connect to PartsDBE             */


boolean ConnectDBE;

ConnectDBE = TRUE;

printf("\n connect to PartsDBE");


if (sqlca.sqlcode != OK) {

  ConnectDBE = FALSE;

  SQLStatusCheck();                                              5 

  }  /* End if */

return (ConnectDBE);

}  /* End of ConnectDBE Function */

int ReleaseDBE()   /* Function to Release PartsDBE             */



printf("\n Release PartsDBE");

printf ("\n);

EXEC SQL RELEASE;                                                6 

if (sqlca.sqlcode != OK) SQLStatusCheck();

}  /* End ReleaseDBE Function */

boolean BeginTransaction()    /* Function to Begin Work */


boolean BeginTransaction;

BeginTransaction = TRUE;


printf("\n Begin Work");

EXEC SQL BEGIN WORK;                                             7 

if (sqlca.sqlcode != OK) {

  BeginTransaction = FALSE;

  SQLStatusCheck();                                              5 


  }  /* End if */

return (BeginTransaction);

}  /* End BeginTransaction Function */

int EndTransaction()  /* Function to Commit Work */



printf("\n Commit Work");

EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK;                                            8 

if (sqlca.sqlcode != OK) SQLStatusCheck();                       5 

}  /* End EndTransaction Function */

int DisplayRow()   /* Function to Display Parts Table Rows */



  printf("\n Part Number:   %s\n",   PartNumber);

  printf(" Part Name:     %s\n",   PartName);

  if (SalesPriceInd < 0) {

    printf(" Sales Price:   is NULL \n");



    printf(" Sales Price: %10.2f\n", SalesPrice);

}  /* End of DisplayRow */

int Select()    /* Function to Query Parts Table */


do {


  printf("\n Enter Part Number within Parts Table or '/' to STOP > ");


  if (PartNumber[0] != '/') {


    printf("\n SELECT PartNumber, PartName, SalesPrice");

    EXEC SQL SELECT PartNumber, PartName, SalesPrice             9 

              INTO :PartNumber,


                   :SalesPrice :SalesPriceInd

              FROM  PurchDB.Parts

             WHERE  PartNumber = :PartNumber;

    if ((sqlca.sqlwarn[0] == 'W') || (sqlca.sqlwarn[0] == 'w')) {

      printf("\n SQL WARNING has occurred. The following row");

      printf("\n    of data may not be valid!");


    if (sqlca.sqlcode == OK) {



    else if (sqlca.sqlcode == NotFound) {

      printf("\n Row not found!");


    else if (sqlca.sqlcode == MultipleRows) {

      printf("\n WARNING: More than one row qualifies!");


    else {

      SQLStatusCheck();                                          5 




}   /* End do */

while (PartNumber[0] != '/');

}/* End of Select Function */

main()          /* Beginning of program */


printf("\n Program to SELECT specified rows from");

printf("\n  the Parts Table - cex2");


printf("\n Event List:");

printf("\n  CONNECT TO PartsDBE");

printf("\n  BEGIN WORK");

printf("\n  SELECT the specified row from the Parts Table");

printf("\n    until the user enters a '/'");

printf("\n  COMMIT WORK");

printf("\n  RELEASE from PartsDBE");


if (ConnectDBE())  {





  printf("\n Error: Cannot Connect to PartsDBE!\n");

}  /* End of Program */
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