HPlogo Using HP 3000 MPE/iX: Fundamental Skills Tutorial: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 The Account Structure

Challenge Test


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  1. Name the four elements of the HP 3000's account structure.

  2. Name four elements of a logon identifier.

  3. What would you type at the system prompt to log on as the user NICK, in the CHARLES account, and the NORA group, also identifying your session as ASTA?

  4. Generally, what is the name of the public domain group in an account?

  5. TRUE or FALSE. All users on the HP 3000 have unlimited access to all of the system commands.

  6. From which group does the system's security allow you to read, change, or save any file, regardless of where you are logged on?

  7. Which MPE/iX command allows you to easily move from group to group in an account?

  8. Which MPE/iX command allows you to change your user password?

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