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This glossary defines terms found in the Fundamental Skills and Advanced Skills courses. Terms that appear only in the Advanced Skills course are identified by the notation (AS) following the definition.


A procedure that terminates a program or session if an irrecoverable error, mistake, or malfunction occurs, or if the system manager requests termination.

access codes

Access codes are assigned by the system manager to accounts. Access codes are assigned by the account manager to groups and users. Access codes regulate who has the ability to read, write, append, lock, save, or execute a given file.


An account is a collection of users and groups. Each account on the system has a unique name. A user must specify a valid account to access the system.

account librarian capability

AL capability: Assigned by the account manager to one or more users within an account. An account librarian is allowed special file access modes to maintain specified files within the account.

account manager capability

AM capability: Assigned by the system manager to one user within each account who is then responsible for establishing users and groups.

account structure

The account structure provides organization, security, and billing for the system. It is used to allocate use of system resources such as central processor time, online connect time, and file space. The account is the principal billing entity for the use of system resources.


To join all or part of one existing file to the end of another existing file.

application program

An application program is a set of computer instructions that executes a specific set of tasks. Applications include spreadsheets, word processing, graphics, database management, and data communication programs.


American Standard Code for Information Interchange: ASCII is the standard method of representing character data (seven data bits plus one that can be used for parity). This method was established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to achieve compatibility between data devices during an exchange of information. (AS)


Attributes enable the computer to determine what functions it will or will not allow a user, group, or account to perform. They include file access codes and special capabilities. They enable the computer to determine what functions it will or will not allow a user, group, or account to perform.


A technique of referencing a previously defined file. Backreferencing uses an asterisk (*) before a formal file designator to indicate it that has been previously defined with the FILE command. (AS)


A process that duplicates computer data to offline media such as magnetic tape. Backups protect data if a system problem occurs.

batch processing

A method of submitting a job for processing. A job, which is submitted as a single entity, can consist of multiple commands such as program compilation and execution, file manipulation, or utility functions. Once submitted, no further interaction between the user and the job is necessary.


A method of representing numbers, alphabetic characters, and symbols in digital computers. Binary is a base two number system that uses only two digits, 0's and 1's, to express numeric quantities. (AS)


A data type with a value that is either TRUE or FALSE (binary 1 or 0). (AS)


A combination of eight consecutive bits treated as a unit. A byte represents one letter or number. The size of memory and disk storage is measured in bytes. (AS)


A method for determining what commands account members are allowed to execute. Capabilities are assigned to accounts, groups, and users to provide system security and access to the operating system. Account capabilities are assigned by the system manager when the account is created. The account manager then assigns capabilities to groups and users within the account.

carriage-control characters (CCTL)

Carriage control characters determine such things as double spacing, vertical line spacing, and page ejects.


A system file containing information such as a listing of user-defined commands. A UDC file is cataloged with the SETCATALOG command, and the information is added to the system file COMMAND.PUB.SYS. (AS)

central processing unit

CPU: A part of a computer system that interprets and executes instructions and contains all or part of internal storage.


See command interpreter.


A system-reserved word that directs the operating system, subsystem, or utility program to perform a specific operation.

command file

A file a user creates to execute multiple MPE commands (except DO and REDO). To execute commands or UDCs referenced with the command file, enter the command file name at the system prompt.

command interpreter

CI: An MPE/iX program that reads command lines entered at the standard input device; interprets them; determines if they are valid, and if so, executes them.

command line history stack

See history stack.


The ability of one computer system to access or "talk" to other computer systems by way of telecommunication devices.


The process of changing a program written in a source language (for example, BASIC, C, FORTRAN) into a machine language routine that the computer can understand. The compiled routine is then ready to be loaded into storage and run.


A device that accepts information, processes it, and produces an output. A computer usually contains memory, a control unit, arithmetic and logical manipulators, and a means for input and output.


The way in which a computer and peripheral devices are programmed to interact with each other.


A terminal, usually designated logical device 20, given unique status by the operating system. The operator uses the console to monitor and manage jobs, sessions and resources, respond to requests, and communicate with other user terminals. It is used to boot the system and receive system loader error messages, system error messages, and system status messages.

continuation character

An ampersand (&) character entered as the last character of a command line. A continuation character tells the command interpreter that the command is longer than one line and is continuing onto a second or subsequent lines. (AS)


A character, such as a flashing rectangle or blinking underline character, on a terminal screen. The cursor marks the position where text or data can be entered, modified, or deleted.


A collection of logically related data files, and structural information about the data.


A predefined value or condition that is assumed, and used, by the operating system if no other value or condition is specified.


A special character used to mark the end of a string of characters. Common delimiters are the semicolon (;), equal sign (=), Return, or the comma (,).


Dereferencing substitutes the value of a variable in place of the variable name. See also explicit dereferencing and implicit dereferencing. (AS)


See peripheral.

device file

A file associated with a nonshareable device (a spoolfileh). Input and output spoolfiles are identified by a number in the DFID (device file identification) column of the SHOWIN and SHOWOUT command displays. A device file may also refer to any nondisk device, such as $STDIN and $STDLIST, the default input and output device files for a terminal. (AS)


A system table defining where groups, users, accounts, and files are located. A directory may also contain information such as file size, creation date, modification dates, creator, or security information. (AS)

disk drive

A peripheral device that reads information from and writes information to the disk.


To display on the terminal screen data being typed on the keyboard. If echo is turned off, the computer receives the data but nothing appears on the screen. (AS)


A word processing application used to prepare, modify, or delete text and program files. EDIT/3000 is the text editor used with MPE/iX.

environment file

A compiled disk file containing all the specifications for a printed page of data. These specifications, which are not a part of the data, may include the page size, character fonts, and forms to be used in conjunction with the laser printer. (AS)

error listing

A report generated by the system describing the step-by step processing of the job. (AS)

error message

A system message describing errors that occurred during either an interactive session or batch job. The messages appear on the standard list device, which is usually a terminal for a session, or a line printer for a job.


When a command is entered, the computer carries out the instructions or performs the routine indicated.

explicit dereferencing

When the command interpreter encounters an exclamation point immediately before a variable name, it substitutes the value for the variable name. Explicit dereferencing may be used in any MPE/iX command. See also implicit dereferencing. (AS)


A statement consisting of variables, constants, and operators. (AS)


An HP 3000 subsystem that allows the user to copy, append, translate data from one type to another (for example, ASCII to EBCDIC), verify, and compare files. The subsystem is activated with the MPE/iX FCOPY command. (AS)


A group of related records that represent either ASCII text (text files) or binary data (such as executable code).

file equation

A method of equating a file name to a device or another file. The MPE/iX FILE command is used to establish the relationship of the file to the device. Generally used to direct the input or output of a program, job, or session to a particular device by referencing the device class, such as TAPE or LP. (AS)

file name

An MPE/iX file name is a string of up to eight alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be an alphabetic character. The file name is assigned when the file is created or first saved.

formal file designator

An "alias" file name that is used either programmatically or in a file equation to reference a file. The formal file designator is not the file name found in the system file directory. (AS)

fully qualified file name

A complete file description that includes the file name, the group to which the file belongs, and the account to which the group belongs. The fully qualified file name of the LETTER file in the PUB group of the SYS account is expressed as LETTER.PUB.SYS.

function keys

Special keys on the terminal keyboard that are labeled sequentially, F1, F2, F3 ... and correspond to the windows that appear at the bottom of the terminal screen. Function keys are used to perform various activities.


A group is part of an account and is used to organize the account's files. All files must be assigned to a group; and within an account, each group has a unique name. Groups are the smallest entity for which use of system resources is reported. A PUB group is designated for each account when it is created. Additional groups are created within the account, as needed, by the account manager.

group librarian capability

GL capability: Assigned by the account manager, to a user within an account. A group librarian is allowed special file access modes for the maintenance of certain files within the user's home group.

hard reset

A method to reset the computer or a terminal. A hard reset erases all information in memory. See also soft reset.


All the physical components of the computer including the CPU cabinet, tape drives, disk drives, terminals, and other peripherals.


The first page printed when output is directed to a line printer. It contains the session name (if designated), session number, logon identification, day of the week, date, and time. It corresponds to the trailer printed as the last page of the output.

Help facility

An online utility providing information on all MPE/iX commands. Information can be accessed by topic areas or by task.


A method of representing a single character with a combination of four bits. Hexadecimal also describes the base 16 number system, in which the first ten digits are 0 through 9, and the last six are A through F. A number written in base 16 is preceded by a dollar sign ($). For example, $F3 is the hexadecimal representation for the decimal number 243. (AS)

history stack

The history stack is a CI table that contains, by default, the 20 most recent commands entered at the system prompt during a session. The history stack is used with the REDO and DO commands. To display the commands in the history stack use the LISTREDO command.

home group

A home group may be assigned to each user. If no other group is specified with the HELLO or JOB command, users are logged on to their home group by default. If no home group is assigned, the user must always specify a group when logging on. The account manager assigns the home group when a user's name is first defined.

HP Desk

HP Desk is Hewlett-Packard's electronic mail product.

IF-THEN-ELSE statement

A statement used to determine what action occurs. When the IF condition is true, the THEN action is performed. When the IF condition is false the ELSE action is performed. (AS)

implicit dereferencing

A way of substituting the value of a variable in place of the variable name. Implicit dereferencing may be used with the CALC, IF, SETVAR, and WHILE commands. See also explicit dereferencing. (AS)

input priority

A number in the range of 1 (lowest priority) to 14 (highest priority) assigned to input jobs. The input priority can be assigned by the system (default is 8) or by the user. Jobs with an input priority less than or equal to the system jobfence (default 7) are deferred. (AS)


A data type that is either a positive or negative whole number, or zero. (AS)

integer value

A sequence of digits preceded by a +, -, $, or % sign. When neither a + nor - sign is provided, a positive number is assumed. A $ indicates a hexadecimal integer, and a % indicates an octal integer. (AS)


An interactive session allows users to enter commands and data at the terminal and receive an immediate response. Sessions are useful for data entry and retrieval, text editing, or program development when direct dialog with the computer is preferred.


A job is a method of submitting multiple operating system and utility commands for processing with a single command. Once submitted, the job executes independently of the user's session. Jobs are used to compile source programs, modify files, or perform other functions that do not require user interaction. See also batch processing and stream.


A limit established to manage jobs. If a job has an input priority higher than the jobfence it executes. If it has an input priority less than or equal to the jobfence, it does not execute. (AS)

job file

A job file is used to define a job to the system. It must start with a JOB command and end with an EOJ command. (AS)

job limit

A limit set to manage jobs. The system manager or operator can restrict system usage by limiting the number of jobs allowed to run on the system. If the LIMIT command is used to set the job limit to 0 (zero), no additional jobs can log on to the system.

job listing

See listing.

job number

A system assigned identification number given to each job when it is submitted for processing.


A keyboard is attached to a terminal and used to input data to communicate with the system.


A word assigned a specific meaning by the operating system, a subsystem, computer language, or utility.

K file

A recovery file created by EDIT/3000, with a name in the form K#######, where the first three characters (ddd) show the Julian day, and the next four (hhmm) show the time in hours and minutes when work began on the files. A new K file is created every time that a new editor file is created or an existing file is loaded for editing. If a system problem occurs, the data in the new or loaded file is saved to the K file for recovery purposes.

laser printer

A hardware device used for system output. A laser printer prints output one page at a time.

LDEV number

See logical device number.

line editor

A line editor requires you to press Return to end one line of text and to begin another. EDIT/3000 is an example of a line editor.

line printer

A hardware device used for system output. A line printer prints output one line at a time.


To merge a compiled file and its libraries to create an executable file that allows a program to run.


A listing is the output of a job usually in the form of a printed document.

local mode

A standalone method of terminal operation. A terminal is operating in local mode when it is not connected to the computer. See also remote mode.


A word used as a security device on files. A lockword can be assigned to a file when it is created or renamed, and must be supplied to regain access to the file. The word may be from one to eight alphanumeric characters long and must begin with an alphabetic character. (AS)

logical device number

An LDEV number is assigned to all peripherals of a computer system and is used for identification purposes.

log off

A method of terminating a session. To log off MPE/iX, enter the BYE or EXIT command.

log on

A method of initiating a session. To log on to MPE/iX, enter the HELLO command and a valid user and account name, plus a group name if necessary, and any required passwords.

log on identity

A security device used to verify users to the system. A log on identity includes a valid user name and account name in the form user.account.

log on prompt

A system prompt (MPE XL) that indicates that the computer is ready to initiate a session. See also prompt.

magnetic tape

A data storage device used to duplicate online data to offline media. The duplicated data may also be copied from the tape back to disk. MPE/iX supports the use of magnetic tape in reel form.


Multiprogramming Executive with Integrated POSIX: The operating system for the 900 Series HP 3000 computers. MPE/iX manages all system resources and coordinates the execution of all programs running on the system.


Mutliprogramming Executive with Extended Large Addressing: the operating system that preceded MPE/iX. All programs written for MPE XL will run without change under MPE/iX.


A system-defined file. $NEWPASS is used as temporary storage for processes such as compilation. Only one $NEWPASS file may exist during a single job or session. $NEWPASS is the name temporarily assigned to any file referenced by $OLDPASS. (AS)

nonshareable device capability

ND capability: Assigned to accounts and users allowing account members to own nonshareable devices such as unspooled tape drives, line printers, serial disks, and volumes.


A system-defined file. $NULL is a nonexistent file that is treated as an empty file. When referenced as an input file by a program, that program receives only an end-of-file indication upon first access. When referenced as an output file, the associated write request is accepted by MPE/iX but no physical output is actually performed. $NULL can be used to discard unneeded output from an executing program. (AS)


Octal is a base eight number system in which digits 0 through 7 are used. One octal digit can be represented by three binary digits. Octal numbers are preceded by a percent sign (%); for example, %775 is the same decimal 509. (AS)


A system-defined file. $OLDPASS is the name of the temporary file last closed as $NEWPASS. (AS)


Data stored in memory that is updated as soon as it changes and is, therefore, constantly current and accessible.

operating system

A software program that enables the computer to run. It contains programs such as basic file and I/O manipulators. All subsystems run upon the operating system.

optional parameter

A parameter that is not required when entering a command. In MPE/iX reference manuals, optional parameters appear within brackets ([ ]). (AS)

outclass priority

A value in the range of 1 to 13 used to determine if a job's error listing will print. If the outclass priority is higher than the system outfence value, the error listing will print.


A number in the range of 1 (lowest priority) to 14 (highest priority) used to control access to the system printer. If a job does not have an output priority higher than the system outfence (default 7), it will not print. (AS)

output priority

A number in the range of 1 (lowest priority) to 13 (highest priority) assigned to an output spoolfile either by the system (a default value) or by a user. The output priority is used by MPE/iX to determine the order in which files are printed. (AS)


A method of erasing and replacing an existing file. If a file is saved under a name that already exists on disk, the new file overwrites the existing file.


A method to limit the amount of data appearing on the terminal screen to one full screen ("page") of information rather than having the data scroll.


A value passed to a procedure, which then uses it in calculations or to determine operations within the procedure.

partly qualified file name

A designation identifying the group in which a file resides. A partly qualified file name may be used to access a file in another group of the account to which you are logged on.


A password is a string of predefined ASCII characters. The system uses the string as a security device to verify the identity of a user, group, or account.


See search path.


Hardware devices that are attached to and controlled by the computer. Peripherals include terminals, disk drives, or printers.

permanent file

A permanent file is stored on disk and has an entry identifying it in the system directory. To delete a file from the system use the PURGE command. (AS)


A hardware device used for system output. There are various types of printers available for use with MPE/iX, including line printers and laser printers.


A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the computer how to perform a specific task.


A person who writes sets of instructions (programs) telling the computer how to perform a specific task. (AS)


A character(s) displayed on the terminal screen indicating that the system is ready for a command. The default MPE/iX prompt is a colon (:). Other subsystems have different prompts. See also log on prompt.

PUB group

The public group of an account. Programs and files available to all account users reside here.


The public group of the system account. Programs and applications available to all users of the system reside here.


A job management technique. Jobs waiting in a line (queue) are usually processed on a first in, first out basis or by priority, if specified. For example, the output produced by a program is generally stored on disk in a queue until a printer becomes available. As each output is printed, the next job in priority is selected and processed.

quiet mode

When a session is running in quiet mode, messages sent from other jobs or sessions are not displayed on the terminal screen. Warning messages from the system console override quiet mode and are displayed on the terminal screen.


A collection of data treated as a unit, residing in a file. (AS)


The ability of a procedure or function to call itself.

redo stack

See history stack.


A second or subsequent execution of a command.

remote mode

A method of terminal operation. A terminal is operating in remote mode when it is transmitting to and receiving data from a remote (or host) computer. See also local mode.

required parameter

A parameter that is required when entering a command. In MPE/iX reference manuals, required parameters appear within braces ({ }). (AS)

RESTORE subsystem

A system utility program allowing the retrieval of user files from SYSGEN or Store tapes and writing them to disk. The RESTORE subsystem is activated with the RESTORE command. (AS)

save file capability

SF capability: Assigned to users and accounts allowing users to save the files they create.


A method of determining when a job will be processed by the computer. Jobs are scheduled using the STREAM command.


A way to roll data up or down on the terminal screen.

search path

The hierarchy by which MPE/iX searches the system for UDCs, commands, programs, and command files. When you enter a command at the system prompt the standard MPE/iX search path is UDCs first, MPE/iX commands second, and file names (including command files and programs) last. (AS)


MPE/iX provisions to protect the system from unauthorized use. The most basic level of security includes organizing files into groups and users into accounts, both of which may be assigned a password. Security also refers to the ability to read, write, append, lock, save, and execute files. Assigned to accounts by the system manager and to groups and users by the account manager.


An interactive way of communicating with a computer. In a session, commands are entered by way of the keyboard, and the computer responds with an action or a message to the terminal's screen. A session is initiated with the HELLO command and is terminated with the BYE command.

session limit

The maximum number of sessions allowed to log on at any given time. This is set with the LIMIT command. (AS)

session name

An optional identification method for a session. A session name is specified when logging on in the form session,user.account.

session number

A system assigned identification number given to each new session as it is logged on to the system.


See function keys.

soft reset

A method of resetting a computer or terminal. A soft reset initializes various terminal functions but does not reset the memory. See also hard reset.


A set of computer instructions. Software programs are concerned with the operation of a computer and provide it with instructions on how to perform specific operations.


An MPE/iX utility program. The SORT program allows you to sort data alphabetically or numerically. The MERGE program allows you to combine previously sorted data into a new file.

source code

A file(s) containing the instructions of a program. It must be compiled into machine-readable data (object code) and linked before it can be executed by the computer. (AS)


A file on a storage device (usually a disk drive) that is either spooled from an input device or spooled to an output device. Spoolfiles may be in any of the following states: either OPEN, ACTIVE, READY, CREATE, PRINT, DEFER, SPSAVE, PROBLM``, ``DELPND, or XFER. These states describe different stages of the spooling process depending upon whether the file is an input or an output spoolfile. (AS)


A method of managing jobs. Multiple users can send output to a nonshareable device, such as a tape or line printer, and their output is directed to spoolfiles on disk. The output is printed on a priority basis as the printer becomes available. Users can proceed with other processing activities without waiting for the printer.


See local mode.


A system-defined file name. $STDIN refers to the standard input device used to initiate a session or job; usually a terminal or tape drive. (AS)


A system-defined file name. $STDLIST indicates the standard job or session listing file corresponding to the particular input device being used. The listing device is usually a printer for batch jobs and a terminal for sessions. (AS)

STORE subsystem

An HP 3000 subsystem used to save files to magnetic tape. The STORE subystem is executed by using the STORE command. (AS)


A method of running a batch job. A batch job is initiated from a session or a job by using the STREAM command. Once a job is streamed, it executes as a separate process without any further user input or supervision.

string value

A sequence of characters surrounded by quotation marks. (AS)


A command performed under another command. For example, the EDIT/3000 MODIFY command enables you to use the D (delete), I (insert), and R (replace) subcommands.


A system supported utility or program. MPE/iX subsystems include FCOPY, SORT-MERGE/XL, and EDIT/3000.


A set of rules defining the structure of a language, instruction, or command.

SYS account

A special account on the 900 Series HP 3000 that is included with the system when it is first installed. It contains all of the files for system-supported subsystems, utility programs, and compilers.

system console

See console.

system-defined files

Files defined by MPE/iX and made available to all users. They indicate standard input or output devices, special temporary files, and files opened for output that do not perform an actual write operation. (AS)

system-defined variables

Command interpreter variables are used to store system-assigned information. MPE/iX system-defined variables usually begin with the letters "HP". They have a string, integer, or Boolean value. (AS)

system manager capability

SM capability: A user-assigned system manager capability is responsible for installing the computer, creating accounts, and assigning capabilities and resource limits to each account created.

system operator

A user associated with the system console. The system operator monitors the system console and uses it to manage jobs and sessions, store and restore data, and perform system backups.

system processing unit

SPU: The SPU contains all the components of the computer system including the central processing unit. SPU does not refer to the system console or any other peripheral devices. See also central processing unit.

system prompt

See prompt.

tape density

Tape density is measured in bits-per-inch. Hewlett-Packard supported tape densities are 800, 1600, and 6250 bits-per-inch. (AS)

tape drive

A hardware device used to store and restore data from disk to magnetic tape and from magnetic tape back to disk.

temporary file

A file that exists only for the duration of a session or job. There is no entry in the system directory for a temporary file. (AS)


A hardware device consisting of a keyboard and a display screen. It is used for entering data to and receiving data from the computer.


The last page printed when output is directed to a line printer. It contains the session name (if specified), session number, log on identification, day of the week, date, and time. It corresponds to the header printed as the first page of a document.


To cut off or shorten data. If too many characters appear on a line they may not all be recognized by the system or printed as output.


A person logged on to the computer. Each user is identified by a user and account name. A user logs on to a session, and can access files in the logon group.

user command

A user command is a UDC or command file created to execute one or more MPE/iX commands. (AS)

user-defined command

UDC: A file, or portion of a file, containing user-defined commands. A UDC can be used to execute one or more specified MPE/iX commands to perform a specific task. The header (name) of the UDC is defined before the commands are listed and is then used to execute the UDC.

user-defined variable

Used to store user-assigned information. Variables can be used to assign a string value, an integer value, or a Boolean value. (AS)


A utility is a system program that performs specific functions such as copying files, sorting or merging data, memory dump analysis, or monitoring available disk space.


Variables can be system-defined or user-defined. They are specified with the SETVAR command and the values that they contain may be constant or dynamic. Variable names are a string of one or more alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character. (AS)

variable dereferencing

Variable dereferencing refers to the act of substituting the value of a variable in place of the variable name. See also explicit dereferencing and implicit dereferencing. (AS)


A subsystem utility used to display the attributes of an executable file.


Volume Utility: A subsystem that allows for the management of volume sets (disk drives).

Warn message

A message sent from the system console to all users. A WARN message interrupts all sessions on the system, including those running in quiet mode.

welcome message

A message created by the system operator that is displayed each time that a user logs on to the system. It usually contains a greeting and important system information.

WHILE loop

A statement used to determine what action occurs. When the conditions are true, the action is performed repeatedly in a continuous loop. A WHILE statement is terminated with an ENDWHILE statement. (AS)

wildcard character

Wildcard characters are used to replace a character or set of characters. MPE/iX uses the pound sign (#), the at sign (@), and the question mark (?) as wildcard characters. Other subsystems may use different symbols as wildcard characters.


A word consists of 32 bits (4 bytes) of information on the 900 Series HP 3000 (MPE/iX). A word consists of 16 bits (2 bytes) of information on other HP 3000 systems (MPE V). (AS)

word processor

A word processor is a utility program that supports the creation, modification, or deletion of letters, memos, reports, and other written documents.

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