HPlogo Using HP 3000 MPE/iX: Fundamental Skills Tutorial: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Computer Overview

Challenge Test


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Challenge your current computer skills by taking the following Challenge Test. Use your test results to select those lessons that you should study and those that you skip.

  1. What is hardware?

  2. What are peripherals?

  3. What is software?

  4. What is MPE/iX?

  5. Give the meaning of the abbreviation MPE.

  6. Name three types of programs that can run on the HP 3000.

  7. TRUE/FALSE The terminal keyboard is exactly the same as a standard typewriter keyboard.

  8. What is meant when your terminal is in local mode? How does this differ from remote mode?

  9. Give three ways of troubleshooting a terminal that is not responding.

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