HPlogo Using HP 3000 MPE/iX: Fundamental Skills Tutorial: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Communicating with Your Computer

Challenge Test


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Challenge your current computer skills by taking the following Challenge Test. Use your test results to select those lessons that you should study and those that you might skip.

  1. Name the command that initiates a session on the computer.

  2. Name the command that ends a session with the computer.

  3. Identify the two ways of "working" with the HP 3000 computer.

  4. Which command displays the current date and time to your terminal screen?

  5. Which command displays information about your session on your terminal screen?

  6. Which HP 3000 command allows you to list to your terminal screen all jobs and sessions currently running on the computer?

  7. Which command allows you to recall an earlier command for error correction?

  8. What is the command line history stack?

  9. Which command allows you to transmit a terminal screen message to another user on the system?

  10. Name two resources from which you can get more information about HP 3000 commands.

  11. What would you type at the system prompt to access the MPE/iX online Help facility?

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