HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual > Chapter 4 Command Definitions



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NM and CM callable.

Returns language-dependent information. The type of information that can be obtained includes:

  • Calendar format

  • Date and time format

  • Currency

  • Collating

  • Translation

  • Character set


             I16V    *      I16   U16A




16-bit signed integer by value (required)

Contains the item to be returned.


type of variable depends on itemnum (required)

Returns information requested or the language name or number requested. Table 4-25 “NLINFO Itemnum/Item Values” lists the defined itemnums, data types (mnemonics), and a description of the information returned to item.


16-bit signed integer by reference (required)

Contains the language ID number, for the information requested, except for NLINFO itemnums 22 and 24. For NLINFO itemnum= 22, the language ID number is returned in langnum; for NLINFO itemnum= 24, the character set ID number is returned in langnum.


16-bit unsigned integer array (required)

Returns two elements: the first element is the error number; the second element is reserved and always returns 0. The possible error number values are:

1*NLS not installed
2*Specified language not configured
3*Specified character set not configured
4No national table present
5*NLS internal error
6*NLS internal error
7-9Reserved for the operating system
10Itemnum out of range

* Do not apply to calls with a langnum equal to 0 (NATIVE3000/XL).

Table 4-25 NLINFO Itemnum/Item Values

ItemnumMnemonicItem Description

Returns the calendar format in an 18 byte array. The 18 bytes of the string for this definition are interpreted as the format description for that language. The following descriptors are valid:


1 byte day abbreviation


2 byte day abbreviation


3 byte day abbreviation


1 byte month abbreviation


2 byte month abbreviation


3 byte month abbreviation


4 byte month abbreviation


Numeric month of the year


Numeric day of the month


Numeric year of the century


Numeric year


National year


National year that can include a before-period symbol


1-8 of these are replaced by an equal amount of bytes from the emperor/country name

Valid separators are any special character. For example, a format can be DDD, MMM DD, yyyy. Using this format in NATIVE3000/XL results in FRI, MAY 25, 1984.


Returns the custom date format in a 13 byte array. The 13 bytes of the string for this definition are interpreted as the custom date format description. The following descriptors are valid:


Numeric month of the year


Numeric day of the month


Numeric year of the century


Numeric year


National year


National year that can include a before-period symbol

Valid separators are any special character. For example, a date format can be yy/mm/dd. This format in NATIVE3000/XL results in 81/03/25.


Returns the clock specification in an 8 byte array. This 8 byte string provides the clock format description (template) HHSXXYYZ, where the elements specify the following:


Clock hour specification, either '' or '$'


Separator; valid separators can be any special or alphabetic character, or 0 for no separator between hours and minutes


Symbol for AM


Symbol for PM


Suppresses leading zero (of hours) if blank; prints leading zero if 0

In suppression of leading zero, " " (leading zero suppressed) or 0 (leading zero is printed) are valid. For example, the format "12:AMPM " results in the formatted clock information 9:06 AM; the leading zero is suppressed. If the clock specification were changed to "240 0", the formatted clock information for the same time is: 0906. Note the four blanks used as place holders to ensure the correct placement of the leading-zero suppression character.

4CAReturns the month abbreviation table in a 48 byte array. Each abbreviation is 4 bytes long, using blank padding where necessary to maintain uniform length in all native language abbreviations. For example, the NATIVE3000/XL abbreviations contain 3 bytes plus a blank. The first 4 bytes of the array contain the abbreviation of January. For example, the month abbreviation table is: "JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC "
5CAReturns the month table in a 144 byte array. Each month's name can be up to 12 bytes long. Unused space in the month name is padded with blanks where necessary to equal 12 bytes. The table begins with the language-dependent equivalent in the native language specified for January. For example, the month name table is: "JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH ...DECEMBER"
6CAReturns the day abbreviation table in a 21 byte array. Each abbreviation is 3 bytes long. The table begins with Sunday. For example, the day abbreviation table is: "SUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISAT"
7CAReturns the table containing the day of the week in an 84 byte array. Each day is 12 bytes long (with blank padding as needed). The table starts with Sunday. For example, the day name table is: "SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY ...SATURDAY"
8CAReturns the YES/NO responses in a 12 byte array; the first 6 bytes contain the (upshifted) YES response; the second 6 bytes contain the (upshifted) NO response.
9CAReturns the symbols for decimal separator and thousands indicator in a 2 byte array. The first byte contains the decimal separator, the second byte contains the thousands indicator. The second byte can take a special value of 0. Do not take this value literally as a thousands separator; it signifies the absence of a thousands separator for the language chosen.

Returns the currency signs in a 6 byte array. The first byte represents the short currency symbol (if any) used for business formats; the second byte is a flag indicating whether the currency symbol precedes or succeeds the number and whether the currency symbol is preceded or succeeded by blanks. The last four bytes contain the full currency symbol. The layout of the second byte is:

Bits 0:4

0 - Currency symbol has no blanks preceding or succeeding it.

1 - Currency symbol has a blank preceding it.

2 - Currency symbol has a blank succeeding it.

3 - Currency symbol has blanks preceding and succeeding it.

Bits 4:4

0 - Currency symbol precedes the number.

1 - Currency symbol succeeds the number.

2 - Currency symbol replaces the decimal separator.

11U16AReturns the collating sequence table. A call to NLINFOitemnum=27 determines the length of this array based on the length of the table of the native language specified.

Returns the character set attribute table in a 256-element (256-half word) array. Each character contains the numeric identification of the character type:


Numeric character


Alphabetic lowercase character


Alphabetic uppercase character


Undefined graphic character


Special character


Control code

13CAReturns the ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation table in a 256 byte array.
14CAReturns the EBCDIC-to-ASCII translation table in a 256 byte array.
15CAReturns the upshift table in a 256 byte array.
16CAReturns the downshift table in a 256 byte array.
17U16AReturns the language numbers of all configured languages. The first element of this array contains the number of configured languages. The second element contains the language number of the first configured language. The third element contains the language number of the second configured language, and so forth. (The langnum parameter is disregarded.)
18I16Returns -1 if the specified language is supported (configured) on the system. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
19I16Returns the character set ID number supporting the specified language.
20CAReturns the uppercase name of the character set supporting the specified language in a 16 byte array. If the name contains fewer than 16 bytes, it is padded with blanks.
21CAReturns the uppercase name of the specified language in a 16 byte array. If the name contains fewer than 16 bytes, it is padded with blanks.
22CAPasses a language name or number (in ASCII digits) terminated by a blank. The array can be <= 16 bytes. The associated language ID number is returned to langnum.
23I16Returns -1 if the character set specified is supported (configured) on the system. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
24CAPasses a character set name or number (in ASCII digits) terminated by a blank. The array can be <= 16 bytes. The associated character set ID number is returned to langnum.
25CAReturns the uppercase name of the specified character set in a 16 byte array. The langnum parameter must contain the ID number of the character set. If the name contains fewer than 16 bytes, it is padded with blanks.
26I16Returns the class number of the specified language.
27I16Returns the length (in half words) of the collating sequence table of the specified language (see itemnum= 11).
28I16Returns the length (in half words) of the national-dependent information table. If no national table exists for the specified language, error=4 is returned.
29U16AReturns the national-dependent information table. To determine the size of this array, you must first obtain the length with a call to NLINFOitemnum=28.

A 36 byte array where the long calendar format is returned. It can contain arbitrary text and the following descriptors:


1-3 of these are replaced by an equal number of bytes from the day abbreviation.


1-12 of these are replaced by an equal number of bytes from the day of week.


Numeric day of month.


1-4 of these are replaced by an equal number of bytes from the month abbreviation.


1-12 of these are replaced by an equal number of bytes from the month of year.


Numeric month of year.


Numeric year of century.


National year.


National year that can include a before-period symbol.


1-8 of these are replaced by an equal number of bytes from the emperor/country name.

A literal character (~) can be used to indicate that one of the above special characters are taken literally within a format. For example, a format of WWWWWWWWW, OOOOOOOOO dd, A.~D.yyyy

results in WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, A.D. 1984.

31CAA 16 byte array where the currency name is returned.

An 8 byte array containing information about an alternate set of digits (Arabic only).


Alternative digit separator (integer)

0 - No alternative digits defined

1 - Alternative digits defined


Alternative digit 0


Alternative digit 9


"+" used with alternative digits


"-" used with alternative digits


Decimal separator used with alternative digits


Thousands separator used with alternative digits


A 4 byte array containing information about the direction of the language.


Language direction (integer)

0 - Direction is left-to-right

1 - Direction is right-to-left


The right-to-left space




A logical value that returns the data ordering of the language.


Keyboard order


Left-to-right screen order


Right-to-left screen order


A logical value that returns the language character size.


1 byte characters (8-bits)


2 byte characters (16-bits)

36U16A logical value that returns a true (1), if the language requires suppressing the leading zero or a blank in the date format.


Related Information






Native Language Programmer's Guide (32650-90022)

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