HPlogo Command Interpreter Access and Variables Programmer's Guide: Series HP 3000 Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Accessing the Command Interpreter

Parameter Handling


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The rules for the user command header (PARM line and OPTIONs) have been relaxed, command files can now be variable record width files (UDCs still cannot), and a new parameter type, ANYPARM, supports syntax-free user commands.

The reserved words PARM, ANYPARM and OPTION begin statements which constitute the user command header. For UDCs only, parameters may be defined in the same line as the UDC name, with additional parameters described in subsequent PARM or ANYPARM lines. Parameter and option lines may be interspersed. There is a limit of 255 parameters per user command. If ANYPARM is specified it must be the last parameter definition statement, meaning that PARM cannot follow an ANYPARM declaration. The user command header is terminated by the first non-PARM, non-ANYPARM, non-OPTION record. For example:

OPTION logon PARM flag=" doitPARM p1, p2=hi PARM p3=there OPTION nohelp doitOPTION list PARM p1 PARM p2="what's up, doc?" ANYPARM p3=what's up, doc?


ANYPARM causes all normal delimiters to be ignored. That is,the meaning and delimiters are now considered part of the parameter's value. This definition forces ANYPARM to be the last parameter declared, since the equal sign (=), comma (,), semicolon (;), quotes ("), etc. are treated as part of the ANYPARM parameter's value.

A benefit of ANYPARM can be seen in the following example:

MYTELL user, word1=",w2=",w3=",w4=",w5=",w6=",w7=",w8=",w9=",w10="

tell !user; !hpdatef (!hptimef) — !word1 !w2 !w3 !w4 !w5 !w6 !w7 !w8 !w9 !w10


:mytell zinta.ui This will work; however, we may need some better examples?

FROM/S505 JEFF.UI/MON, OCT 30, 1989 ( 3:11 PM) — This will work however we...
NOTE: A longer message requires quoting, and the ";" and "," are lost since they are delimiters.

Then with the use of ANYPARM.


ANYPARM message=<no message>

tell !user; !hpdatef (!hptimef)— !message


:mytell mikep.uis Will woff;tr,i,d;lev 0,1;mr sp sp-40;mr pc r2 work??

FROM/S505 JEFF.UI/MON, OCT 30, 1989 ( 3:11 PM) — Will woff;tr,i,d;lev 0,1;...

The first example is limited to 10 words, unless quoting is used. The ANYPARM version does not require the user to quote or count parameters, and all normal delimiters are ignored, and thus treated as data.

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